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May Wrasslin' |OT| May I Fancy You To A Nice Arse Whipping?

The pressure got to you.

Go out there and get squashed by Typhoon as punishment.

PROGRESS Super Strong Style announcements beginning in earnest.

And here’s the plan re #SSS16 announcements: 1 name announced every weekday, this week and next, at 9pm. That takes us up to #Chapter48."

First 4 names (including tonight's):



So two out of the 5 most successful women in the revolution have basic finishers. Another has a modified version of the figure four, another a crossface and the last one a a seated armbar.

Include Naomi and we got a hip attack and a whatever submission.

Not all of them are common moves but they aren't doing Styles Clashes or Diamond Cutters either

How many world title matches/PPV main events in wrestling history have ended with figure fours (Flair), crossfaces (Benoit) and armbars (Del Rio, many Japanese wrestlers)? A lot. How many have ended with a belly-to-belly suplex or a DDT? Zero that I can think of. (I actually looked up the NXT Takeover that Bayley/Banks main event to see how it ended. Funnily enough, Bayley won the last fall with an armbar).

Naomi does a springboard moonsault. You know, the one she injured herself on winning her first title because Bliss didn't get in position on time.


I don't see the problem with arguing about wrestling in a wrestling discussion thread. Better than turning the thread into a discussion about a WWE2K17 e-fed IMO.
How many world title matches/PPV main events in wrestling history have ended with figure fours (Flair), crossfaces (Benoit) and armbars (Del Rio, many Japanese wrestlers)? A lot. How many have ended with a belly-to-belly suplex or a DDT? Zero that I can think of. (I actually looked up the NXT Takeover that Bayley/Banks main event to see how it ended. Funnily enough, Bayley won the last fall with an armbar).

Naomi does a springboard moonsault. You know, the one she injured herself on winning her first title because Bliss didn't get in position on time.

DDT: Raven ECW Championship
Belly to Belly: Shane Douglas ECW Championship (including the very first ECW Championship)

Split-legged. RVD's 2 count signature to hold it to your weird standards.

Lol you're going to blame Bliss?

It's Naomi's job to put her in the right place. Naomi didn’t even check she just dropped her and rushed to do the move. She dropped Bliss incredibly out of position and didn't even make any effort to move her. Bliss had to roll a whole lot because Naomi put her out of position and couldn't get there fully in time because Naomi rushed the move.

But sure blame Bliss...


Congrats Wrasslegaf- from what I can tell it's been at least 8 pages since we bitched about Roman. I hope he takes a few weeks off and gets measured for a suit.

Also I see someone is bringing back AssBiz. I'm sensing gimmick infringement...


telling everyone about how attractive you find them in a thread it's not relevant, with or without accompanying sexy photos is about the line

but she's a wrestler... are we pretending wrestling is not 50%+ based on looks alone?

I agree about the sexy photo that I can understand. But like people post about how hot Jojo is all the time, so I don't get why people get mad when people say Bliss is sexy. She is


but she's a wrestler... are we pretending wrestling is not 50%+ based on looks alone?

I agree about the sexy photo that I can understand. But like people post about how hot Jojo is all the time, so I don't get why people get mad when people say Bliss is sexy. She is

As far as I noticed, people don't get mad when other people say she's hot, what's not cool is saying people only like her because she is hot.


Ok..so maybe more to say.

Part of the Bliss transformation was those shorts. Like for real. The heel powers literally bursted out.

And yeah it's part of the overall package. But looks alone can't do shit. Eva Marie never got over no matter how perfect they tried to make her look. Just awful.
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