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May Wrasslin' |OT| May I Fancy You To A Nice Arse Whipping?


Oh for fuck's sake please no, we need actual competition

Its just a twitter rumor but people will know this weekend when they start the tapings for British wrestling show.

edit: Payback Meltzer ratings:

Enzo and Cass vs. The Club 2

Jericho vs. Owens 3.25

Aries vs. Neville 3.5

Hardys vs. Sheamus/Cesaro 3

Bliss vs. Bayley 3.25

Orton vs. Wyatt House Portion No rating

Rollins vs. Joe 3.5

Wyatt vs. Orton Ring Portion 0.5

Strowman vs. Reigns 3.25

Rollins vs Joe is way too high.

Edit: PPV breaks the at least one 4 star match per PPV streak after Roadblock killed the previous once.


Yup, you can tell WOS is run by TNA.

Funny thing is that the tapings might have been delayed due to negotiations with Impact. Wos were going to use Lashley and Kong.

edit: The tweet:

ITV WOS Wrestling‏Verified account @WOSWrestlingITV May 2

WOS live show dates in May are being rescheduled as a result of contract negotiations. All those who bought tickets will receive a refund.
It's ok TNA will just say it's a good thing because they didn't need those guys in fact those guy were going to ruin the thing anyway, so WOS is breaking away from those guys, a WOSexit if you will


Some interesting notes regarding WWE Network viewing this past week. For the first time I can ever recall, 205 Live didn’t even crack the top 20. The top ten were: 1. Payback; 2. Payback post-game show; 3. Payback pre-game show; 4. Table for 3 with Edge, Christian and Angle; 5. Table for 3 with Nash, Michaels and Styles’; 6. WrestleMania 2017; 7. NXT from 4/26; 8. Ride Along with Swann, Perkins, Gallagher and Kendrick; 9. Ride Along with Miz, Maryse, Bliss and Carmella; 10. An old episode of the Monday Night Wars documentary. Newly released compilation shows on Batista, which were just released on 4/30 to coincide with “Guardians of the Galaxy,” placed 11, 14 and 15. Talking Smack was 13th. 205 Live even finished behind the 4/19 episode of NXT which was 17th

Obviously something needs to be done, and by something I don't mean JBL shitting on and blaming the talent for how their matches are booked and their storylines written.

Or you know, just kill the division and let the guys leave and shine somewhere else


Oh and just as I suspected Noam Dar could have gotten injured on this week's show, he did seem to be in pain for a long part of the match, no confimation yet though


World of Sports does start to look more and more DOA as time passes by though, it doesn't even look the company is convinced about this, the long time between the pilot and their possible debut, the lack of experience, anthem's involvement and their failure to reach a deal. delayed tapings and now talent rumored to be jumping ship before the project even starts.


Probably one of the Extreme Warfare games Adam Ryland made before he went commercial with it and signed on to a publisher. I lost interest with Total Extreme Warfare because it was even more work than EWR which was the last free one.

It was EWR. that name strikes such a huge Bell that hasn't been struck in my head in like 17 years
World of Sports does start to look more and more DOA as time passes by though, it doesn't even look the company is convinced about this, the long time between the pilot and their possible debut, the lack of experience, anthem's involvement and their failure to reach a deal. delayed tapings and now talent rumored to be jumping ship before the project even starts.

As soon as Anthem got involved I figured it was probably dead or at least severely fucked.

See WWE wouldn't seem so appealing to folks if the people trying to run as competition against them weren't fucking morons.


If Rusev keeps tweeting like this he is going to be a face:

Rusev‏Verified account

495$ for a bootleg shoe!!! You must be out of your mind @Lavarbigballer

Rusev‏Verified account

I rather buy the "the never give ups" by @JohnCena
Meltzer also mentioned that Evolve wanted to do a slow build to O'Reilly vs. Riddle, but they had to just rush and do it this month because O'Reilly is going to WWE soon.
What's going to be funny is that Kyle will have to deal with the same thing he had to in storyline in ROH. He's going to come in as a hot acquisition and then Cole will come a few months later and steal his thunder.
Obviously something needs to be done, and by something I don't mean JBL shitting on and blaming the talent for how their matches are booked and their storylines written.

Or you know, just kill the division and let the guys leave and shine somewhere else

I think this has as much to do with Bryan being off Talking Smack than it does with 205 Live.
What did people think of the raw main event this week?

Man that was surprisingly fun as hell. I was worried they would treat miz like a bum jobber in the beginning but he had some good moments too. It was dope

Ideally he gets his IC title back but I'm guessing that aint happening?

The interplay between seth, Finn and miz was great


It was EWR. that name strikes such a huge Bell that hasn't been struck in my head in like 17 years

I dabbled in this a few times but after a while it started to feel like work rather than playing a game.

I shouldn't have gotten into baseball. Now theres 2 games to watch every day. Good lord.

I follow baseball but I'm almost always doing something else while I'm watching a game. Trying to sit through an entire game uninterrupted is like trying to sit through an entire episode of Raw uninterrupted.
I dabbled in this a few times but after a while it started to feel like work rather than playing a game.

I follow baseball but I'm almost always doing something else while I'm watching a game. Trying to sit through an entire game uninterrupted is like trying to sit through an entire episode of Raw uninterrupted.
I've been only watching the 6-9th innings. I don't think I could do a full game uninterrupted.

MC Safety

Why the hell does this thread have so shit a title?

People here fight over who gets to make the next official wrestling thread. And posters call the making of the next official thread before the current month is a week old.

You'd think that competition would inspire someone to, I don't know, at least make a thread title that was comprehensible.

In short, yes, it's an awful, nonsensical thread title. As someone who speaks and writes English, I am personally offended.


Didn't Tito Santana have kids?
We need the lineage of the true master of the figure four to save us all since Steamboat's failed
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