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May Wrasslin' |OT| "Not a good thread. Not a bad thread. But THEE Thread" "


This is her target audience.
It really threw things off. Like, the fun was sucked from the air every time they'd lust for her. Creepy and unnecessary.

This intermission blooows. It was nice not having one at NXT Dallas.



There were like four guys yelling about how hot Eva is. It was disturbing.

She didn't do too bad, though. Good for her.

Aside from how Vince treats his employees and his stories the worst thing about wrestling are those fans.

I was at NXT Brooklyn and a guy sitting 2 rows away from to me wouldn't stop cheering for Benoit.




MC Safety

Ric Flair is banned from the ring for Extreme Rules.

It would be hilarious if he came to the ring wearing glasses.

Less funny would be if he wore a mask and was announced as Ric Flair's cousin Ricardo Flair.

MC Safety

Also, I expect nothing but greatness from the return of Bob Backlund and his mentorship of Darren Young.

The first thing Backlund should do is give Young a new nickname.


Caught up on this past week of Network shows.

The Edge & Christian Show continues to be surprisingly good. Backlund dressed up like a crazy fairy on next week's show looks amazing.

Camp WWE was solid. Definitely got a few laughs from me. Room to improve for sure, but animated shows tend to get better over time anyway once they find their personality.

Table for 3 with Patterson, Steamboat, and Hillbilly Jim was lovely.

red capsule

Older brother just walked out of my room after I beat him in under a minute (cage match) on WM2000

he couldn't handle the Helmsley in-ring mind games I guess

red capsule

Get finisher, up c towards cage and tap A at the top. Shit is ridiculous.

I was stalling near the top of the cage as well so he can get up (and I elbow drop on his head)

But his undertaker wasn't budging at all... it was such an awkward win. Felt kinda bad :(

Hopefully he's okay by tomorrow
I was stalling near the top of the cage as well so he can get up (and I elbow drop on his head)

But his undertaker wasn't budging at all... it was such an awkward win. Felt kinda bad :(

Hopefully he's okay by tomorrow
This makes me sad because Taker is my RTW character. And my shitty partner is mankind. Don't ask why I picked him.
Lex Luger is objectively the MVP of Nitro in its early run. He's always featured and doing something important whereas Macho Man is just there, Hogan is running on fumes with his Hulkamania, and Sting is a goober.

Fave Five Nitro 95

1. Mongo
2. Arn
3. Flair
4. Eddie
5. Taskmaster
What a bizarre storyline EVOLVE's running, with future WWE hopefuls and the WWE themselves as the babyfaces in a feud with WWE cast-offs and TNA stars. EC3's insider baseball promo was ridiculous.

Sounds nuts though TBF. Between that, Marty, and GCS qualifiers, I'm actually going to watch an EVOLVE show, which is something I never thought I'd do.

Does this put to bed the "EVOLVE is only for WWE hopefuls" rumor? I'd hate for Drew to lose his main indy gig
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