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May Wrasslin' |OT| "Not a good thread. Not a bad thread. But THEE Thread" "

Man God

Non-Canon Member

RR likes to rest like big cats.


Great main event match and I really enjoyed most of it... other than Roman taking like 4 finishers, plus a 450 splash, then kicking out. Spear. Over. Ok then.

KO was amazing tonight like always. His commentary was a highlight. Fucking hilarious.

Really happy to hear Enzo is ok.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Great main event match and I really enjoyed most of it... other than Roman taking like 4 finishers, plus a 450 splash, then kicking out. Spear. Over. Ok then.

KO was amazing tonight like always. His commentary was a highlight. Fucking hilarious.

Really happy to hear Enzo is ok.

At least AJ has a super finisher which RR did not kick out of, he merely dodged it.


Owens vs Zayn was the match of the night and Owens in general is solid gold. I'm happy they're trying to make the IC title matter (again) but he really deserves to be fighting for the World title.

Roman vs AJ was good. But I had bad flashbacks to that Dolph Ziggler / John Cena match on Raw where Cena ate 5 finishers and won with a single AA.


Gold Member
The big question I have is whether Enzo meant to slide or if he was supposed to go out the middle like a standard throw out. The way Simon appeared to throw him made it look like he expected Enzo to go through the middle ropes.

That pic KO posted is great and I'm really happy to see that Enzo appears to be ok. I wonder if he's ok to do a promo on Raw or Smackdown next week. Obviously, he's going to be out of the ring for a bit.


Why are they calling it a new era? Because Roman's the champ? Nothing has really changed.
Marketing. Same reason they had Shane "running the show" even though nothing changed behind the scenes (i.e. 50/50 booking, Steph's army of 30 writers, shit commentary courtesy of Vince, superCena booking for Reigns, etc.) If you SAY it's a "new era", you can deliver the same-old, same-old without changing a thing and people will believe it.


At least AJ has a super finisher which RR did not kick out of, he merely dodged it.
You mean the shitty finisher that Jericho's kicked out of like two times?

I'll never understand why they immediately weakened that move the moment he used it in WWE. It was the most protected finisher in wrestling when he came in. Well I guess that title now goes to Roman's spear. You did it Vince.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
finishers haven't meant anything in the wwe in like 5 years i dont know why anyone is bothered by this

shawn and taker killed them. cena buried them
Owens vs Zayn was the match of the night and Owens in general is solid gold. I'm happy they're trying to make the IC title matter (again) but he really deserves to be fighting for the World title.

Roman vs AJ was good. But I had bad flashbacks to that Dolph Ziggler / John Cena match on Raw where Cena ate 5 finishers and won with a single AA.

Eh I'd rather they just lump Cesaro, Zayn, Owens and Miz in the IC fight for a while. None of them realistically have a shot at the world title now and the bookings with those four would be really fun

Alternate between miz and KO commentary too randomly. Zayn killed it in the ring and Owens in and out of it. Loved when he was shitting on byron lmao

Man God

Non-Canon Member
AJ's finisher in WWE is a bit of a disputed one. I actually think the Calf Crusher is the one he's used the most.


Someone's doing a lousy job of screening callers during the LAW tonight. Did the regular guy not want to work an hour later?


Really enjoyed Payback. Every match was great, and the main event was on point. This new era is sounding good.

Camp WWE was funny but it needs more substance. It wants to be South Park, but lacks the one thing that allows for South Park to grab the brass rings constantly. I legit lol'd at a lot of stuff though. Vince and Ric Flair stole the show.



That was fucking awesome.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Reigns became a three time WWE champion in less than a year

that's some WCW booking

I think the funnier part is that he managed to drop the WWEWHC twice and he's still never lost clean even once.
Sami "he stole my debut" Zayn and Roman "2 losses 1 Night" Reigns could not have looked weirder tonight in relation to what their characters are supposed to be.

MC Safety

The ending to the women's championship match was horrible. Beyond that, Charlotte can't do her finishing move if she's even a little bit tired.

And they wasted a Bret Hart appearance.

The GM stuff should have been moved to Raw. Instead, the segment was overlong and killed the mood only slightly less than Enzo's injury.


I think the funnier part is that he managed to drop the WWEWHC twice and he's still never lost clean even once.
Even Cena puts people over clean.
He just wins the next 5 matches to cement the fact that he's the better guy and his opponent is chopped liver.

They don't even dare to chance letting Roman lose clean... despite their BS mantra that "wins and losses mean nothing" which they clearly believe given how they flagrantly ignore stips and book PPV main event rematches before the guys even leave the ring from the last one.
You mean the shitty finisher that Jericho's kicked out of like two times?

I'll never understand why they immediately weakened that move the moment he used it in WWE. It was the most protected finisher in wrestling when he came in. Well I guess that title now goes to Roman's spear. You did it Vince.

Technically he never kicked out of the Phenomenal Forarm
I love that Camp WWE is just an excuse for VInce to swear a bunch.

It's fucking stupid but damn if it wasn't kinda funny.

John Cena being a super square and The undertaker's character were the best.

I'm relieved that most of the voices aren't the wrestlers.


AJ's forearm is like 100x cooler looking than the Superman Punch. You can kind of tell that Kevin Dunn must be infatuated with it considering how many slow motion replays the move gets.


AJ's forearm is like 100x cooler looking than the Superman Punch. You can kind of tell that Kevin Dunn must be infatuated with it considering how many slow motion replays the move gets.

I have to give Dunn credit for all the slow motion AJ stuff because it all looked fantastic. It's too bad he can't just have a gimmick where all his moves are in slow motion.
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