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May Wrasslin' |OT| "Not a good thread. Not a bad thread. But THEE Thread" "


No One Remembers
Glad Enzo only ended up with a concussion, it looked pretty brutal. I mean when they slow it down it doesn't look as bad, but when you think how fast it all actually happened... that whiplash after hitting the rope was scary looking.


They did accomplish making AJ look pretty legit last night. The fact they are extending his program with Reigns is awesome. Props to WWE for pushing a pre-established star like this.

Now that I've slept on it, if anything Reigns suffered in that match. Yet another match with absolutely ridiculous "overcoming the odds" Super Cena type stuff. Reigns can put on great main event matches, it's like the thing he does really well now. Stop putting in this horrible "Roman gotta look strong" shit that does not add anything at all besides making my eyes roll back into my skull.

That finish for the Woman's Championship match...that's my contender for worst finish of the year. Going to be really hard to beat. Holy FUCK that was embarrassing. I had to explain to my girlfriend what was happening and why, even then I let her know it was bad and made no sense.


I actually need to go back and watch KO vs Zayn last night. My WWE Network crapped the fuck out worse than I have ever seen it during that match.....and I was afraid to go out and re-start the stream for fear I'd miss anything.


It seems obvious that we'll see Balor at Extreme Rules now, or at least it feels that way. Tonight is possible I guess.


That finish for the Woman's Championship match...that's my contender for worst finish of the year. Going to be really hard to beat. Holy FUCK that was embarrassing. I had to explain to my girlfriend what was happening and why, even then I let her know it was bad and made no sense.

That was some botchamania shit right there.

I think they skipped some part where Ric paid off the ref or did something because the ref just called the match and straight up turned heel and then exited stage left.

It was the most awkward thing ever.

It was worse than the false call for Taker / Brock.


Wow...someone who could actually make Roman look strong. I see why they are booking them again for Extreme Rules. This feud will make Roman as it makes AJ enter the top card.

I am totally down for Roman vs AJ II. It was a great match last night, and those close pinfalls by AJ were damn exciting. Loved every moment, and I do mean every moment.


That was some botchamania shit right there.

I think they skipped some part where Ric paid off the ref or did something because the ref just called the match and straight up turned heel and then exited stage left.

It was the most awkward thing ever.

It was worse than the false call for Taker / Brock.

Ric didn't need to pay off the ref, he's had Robinson in his pocket since '99! Woooo!


I was genuinely so excited for Balor maybe showing up last night, it'd have been better fuckery than whatever the fuck that McMahon masturbatory stuff was.

This morning however I am sure that Finn is better off in NXT for a long time. Hopefully until they release Gallows/Anderson because the last thing I want is Finn involved with some midcard nothing tag team.

What did you end up skipping, I can't remember

Most ENDVRs, a lot of Chapter 28, it kinda felt like a bit of filler before the packed show that was 29.

Otherwise I've watched everything else more or less. Even the Download stuff (which was fun).


So not worth it
What are you guys on?

The ref was motherfucking Lil' Naitch. Who needs any more explanation about it?




I'm just elated Enzo is fine. It would have been heartbreaking to immediately lose what has been a shot in arm to the tag team division.

Not sure how I feel about how often they replayed the injury right after it happened. I thought it was fake at first because of how much they were showing it.


Ric didn't need to pay off the ref, he's had Robinson in his pocket since '99! Woooo!

What are you guys on?

The ref was motherfucking Lil' Naitch. Who needs any more explanation about it?



If that's what they go with, and they just say you can't trust that ref to have Charlotte's matches, who do they get for the Special Referee at Extreme Rules? I'm not sure if Brett can do it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What are you guys on?

The ref was motherfucking Lil' Naitch. Who needs any more explanation about it?



Exactly. He never LEFT his pocket.

Well, all caught up on PROGRESS now. That er, took me a while. Not sure when I actually started watching, perhaps half a year ago. Great promotion, undoubtedly my favorite indie. Fantastic mix of circuit vets and homegrown talent. Unique atmosphere unless you are of the sensitive disposition when it comes to crowds. Oh and the ondemand service is disgustingly cheap.

Can't wait for SSS16!


Always a great service, even if they have a little ring. Great shows. I need to catch up.

What's weird to me is you guys don't GET why the chants are intolerable but it depends on the product there. The chants feel right at home with PROGRESS but waaaaay out of left field with WWE.


I really hope Cass gets to come out on Monday and be super fucking pissed at the Vaudevillians and just squashes the fuck out of both of them by himself.


If that's what they go with, and they just say you can't trust that ref to have Charlotte's matches, who do they get for the Special Referee at Extreme Rules? I'm not sure if Brett can do it.

If they're gonna rule out Lil Naitch aka the most impartial ref in the game, we'll just have to get the second most impartial



Unfounded claims: But haven't some wrestlers said being at NXT is the better place to be?

Sure, I am sure some people may feel that way. Smaller arenas, maybe a lighter schedule and just the buzz NXT gets.

Doesn't mean that NXT is better than WWE. Other folks might love the bigger arenas, more TV time, etc.


Unfounded claims: But haven't some wrestlers said being at NXT is the better place to be?

Generally smarter booking, probably a lighter schedule, you usually get better crowds than a WWE show. Outside of pay, I think there's plenty of reasons to say NXT is the better place to be.


The event seemed a little too overbooked. Or maybe more stuff happened than usual and made it seem like that? I don't know.

It wasn't bad but I wasn't invested in anything all that much. Even AJ vs Reigns while a good bout I just didn't care about it since I wasn't seeing AJ taking it.

Not a fault of the show itself but my interest is at an all time low right now.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Chris Jericho ‏@IAmJericho 28m28 minutes ago
Thanks @wwe....its been real. See you next time.

guess he's off again


Chris Jericho ‏@IAmJericho 28m28 minutes ago
Thanks @wwe....its been real. See you next time.

guess he's off again

One of the many things I hate about modern Y2J. He comes and goes as he pleases and therefore no one will ever take him seriously as a threat to anyone because he'll just be gone again in the next few months.


Again I love how they pull that f'ing screw job horse shit "It's just like Montreal Maggle!!!"
But with the men's title match "This is not how title matches end in this new era!"
Carney as fuck....


Montreal Screwjob meets Starrcade 97 finish. It was absolutely out of fucking nowhere and HORRENDOUS. It was so cringe inducing that it was hard for me to watch.

I was actually okay with that ending. You could either say Lil Naith is in the Flair's back pocket or just say he went into business for himself because he's a Flair fanboy. It's one of the few times a callback to Montreal really made sense. The only thing I don't like is trotting out Bret Hart to basically have no influence no the match at all.


Again I love how they pull that f'ing screw job horse shit "It's just like Montreal Maggle!!!"
But with the men's title match "This is not how title matches end in this new era!"
Carney as fuck....
It's the New Era.

A New...Generation.


One of the many things I hate about modern Y2J. He comes and goes as he pleases and therefore no one will ever take him seriously as a threat to anyone because he'll just be gone again in the next few months.

So I guess same feelings for Brock? ;)


Fuck it I'll give my full thoughts on the show.

- Overall a very odd, yet enjoyable show. Too much talent in ring for them to fuck up.
- Kalisto/Ryback was fantastic. My #Safe roommate fucking loved Kalisto. The perfect result for bringing him into the fold anyway.
- So happy Enzo isn't paralyzed or worse. Looked absolutely horrific when he went completely ragdoll, glass eyed.
- I think they had a long match and a big angle that had to be scrapped due to the injury - there was so much time left by the time we got to AJ/Reigns and it effected the whole show.
- KO/Sami was great and except for the clean as fuck finish, which made Sami look like a nerd and a cunt for coming back later (you lost clean!!) Kev then saved the feud through his mic work. Dude was on fire. Roommate adored this especially the brawling. Big fan of both guys coming out of it.
- Cesaro/Miz was better than expected. I guess I'm back to begrudgingly liking Cesaro. Roommate loved him, bought into the strength thing so much. He also popped big for Sami fucking Owens up.
- Jericho/Ambrose was fine but I loved the closing stretch. I was genuinely terrified that they would make Dean tap to the Walls. Dean's best outing in yonks, looked like he was somewhat of a threat. Onwards and sideways for him I guess?
- I had to explain the Montreal Screwjob while inebriated, it didn't work. Garbage finish in 2016.
- I hate everything about the McMahons. Everything. The meta-story. The pandering. The staleness. The cop-out. A 20 minute slog with a countout finish. I appreciate they had to stall for time but everyone involved in this angle needs to be fired, this includes Vince. Fuck this angle to its rotten, creatively bankrupt core.
- AJ refuses to have a bad match no matter how much is thrown at him. The pacing was utterly fucked the corrupting tendrils of the eldritch WM2000 storyline that refuses to die. The speed of the match itself was plodding. A few disjointed big spots that both guys executed perfectly saved the whole affair with.
- Roman looks like a god when he's being a cocky prick. I want to see him be beat up so bad by an underdog babyface but respect him for being a badass. Creative has failed this man.
- Who cares what AJ did or did not kick out of. If they are trying to rehab finishers, start with your main dudes biggest move. AJ looked fine. Next month he'll look fine. Then he can spiral down the card into whatever garbage they have concocted for the Ammunition Armada. Godspeed.


That call back to Montreal was so incredibly dumb. Even if it was the first time they call backed to it (it wasn't) it would still be dumb.
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