Chris Jericho ‏@IAmJericho 28m28 minutes ago
Thanks @wwe....its been real. See you next time.
guess he's off again
Chris Jericho ‏@IAmJericho 28m28 minutes ago
Thanks @wwe....its been real. See you next time.
guess he's off again
I was actually okay with that ending. You could either say Lil Naith is in the Flair's back pocket or just say he went into business for himself because he's a Flair fanboy. It's one of the few times a callback to Montreal really made sense. The only thing I don't like is trotting out Bret Hart to basically have no influence no the match at all.
Chris Jericho ‏@IAmJericho 28m28 minutes ago
Thanks @wwe....its been real. See you next time.
guess he's off again
I just felt the ending was missing something....hell, even a nod from Ric to Robinson to do what he did would suffice.
I know he just beat prostate cancer and that can be a bitch, but Brett just looked like a tired old man out there and shouldn't have been there.
Is it odd that I thought Ric was in better health than Brett last night?
So I guess same feelings for Brock?![]()
Brett MICHAELS? That's weird.I just felt the ending was missing something....hell, even a nod from Ric to Robinson to do what he did would suffice.
I know he just beat prostate cancer and that can be a bitch, but Brett just looked like a tired old man out there and shouldn't have been there.
Is it odd that I thought Ric was in better health than Brett last night?
To be fair the match was before Shane/Steph being made in chargeAgain I love how they pull that f'ing screw job horse shit "It's just like Montreal Maggle!!!"
But with the men's title match "This is not how title matches end in this new era!"
Carney as fuck....
So I guess same feelings for Brock?![]()
Brett MICHAELS? That's weird.
But Flair is in better health than Bret Hart.
For me, honestly one of the worst things WWE has done all year. You can't get more tone deaf and miss the mark than that finish.I was actually okay with that ending. You could either say Lil Naith is in the Flair's back pocket or just say he went into business for himself because he's a Flair fanboy. It's one of the few times a callback to Montreal really made sense. The only thing I don't like is trotting out Bret Hart to basically have no influence no the match at all.
For me, honestly one of the worst things WWE has done all year. You can't get more tone deaf and miss the mark than that finish.
I'm glad you're able to craft a background story for why it happened, since they chose not to. I'm usually able to do that as well for other matches and feuds, since current WWE forgets to tell any kind of story most of the time.
Lol you are giving it way too much leeway but ok.It's not that hard to figure out just purely off of what happened on TV. Ref calls for the bell very quickly, the ref immediately runs out of the ring, grabs the belt, and gives it to Charlotte right away. It was a crooked ref situation.
Chris Jericho ‏@IAmJericho 28m28 minutes ago
Thanks @wwe....its been real. See you next time.
guess he's off again
Lol you are giving it way too much leeway but ok.
Even if I agreed that it was clear what was happening, it was bad. It was really bad.
To be fair the match was before Shane/Steph being made in charge
As dumb as it was, I thought it was hilarious. Was joking earlier with friends that Bret shows up, all of a sudden Charlotte puts him in the sharpshooter and Vince rings the bell. Way closer than I ever expected lol
The worst part about that match was very loud "We Want Sasha" chants. They're trying to build a division and have two good wrestlers in the ring, fuck off with that.
Just how predictable was the whole McMahon segment? I think about 75 percent of us here called it that Vince would just tell them to figure it out and both run RAW. I guess that's just par for course.
To be fair the match was before Shane/Steph being made in charge
As dumb as it was, I thought it was hilarious. Was joking earlier with friends that Bret shows up, all of a sudden Charlotte puts him in the sharpshooter and Vince rings the bell. Way closer than I ever expected lol
The worst part about that match was very loud "We Want Sasha" chants. They're trying to build a division and have two good wrestlers in the ring, fuck off with that.
Just how predictable was the whole McMahon segment? I think about 75 percent of us here called it that Vince would just tell them to figure it out and both run RAW. I guess that's just par for course.
I'm just pulling your magic carpet this morning. My friend used to do the same to me. Since Brett Favre was my favourite player, I'd often add an extra 't' to Hart's name.Brock is different. He actually does something when he comes and he leaves at the close of the chapter of whatever story they're telling with him. With Brock it feels less like it's at his convenience and more like it's whenever the company needs him.
With Jericho, it's totally at his convenience and he comes in, jobs to a few up and coming stars and leaves. I was actually shocked to see him win matches this time around.
They literally never do anything with him that means anything in the long run except give some new face a feud for a month or two that will mean nothing later on.
Meh, I typo shit in the mornings.
I'm just pulling your magic carpet this morning. My friend used to do the same to me. Since Brett Favre was my favourite player, I'd often add an extra 't' to Hart's name.
Tomorrow Cole starts spewing the "WE'RE NOW IN WHAT SOME ARE CALLING A NEW ERA OF WWE!" making it sound like the fans came up with it not something they're just pushing themselves.
Focusing on his music career I assume.Chris Jericho ‏@IAmJericho 28m28 minutes ago
Thanks @wwe....its been real. See you next time.
guess he's off again
The CM Punk chants were worse. It's a little pathetic at this point.Yeah, the "We want Sasha" chants bugged me as well since Nattie and Charlotte are also really good in ring workers.
That segment was ruined simply because they just can't let go of the heel authority figure trope.
Let's say I agree on those points.It was a pretty logical escalation of the shit Charlotte will do to keep the title though. She keeps Ric at ringside because she helps him keep the belt. Oh, Nattie brought out Bret Hart to balance out Ric? Well then she takes it one step further and gets a crooked ref on her side in order to keep the belt.
This is heel shit 101.
Also this is one of those stories were you need to follow it in order to see how they got the ref on her side and shit. Not all stories/swerves need to be played out and explained in one night.
You know, I'm still trying to figure out if Corey Hart is in anyway related to those Harts.In my head I often see Brett Hart because his last name is one 't' and I would think they would have two 't''s for Bret.
I really hope Cass gets to come out on Monday and be super fucking pissed at the Vaudevillians and just squashes the fuck out of both of them by himself.
Guys just woke up what year is it?
I was actually okay with that ending. You could either say Lil Naith is in the Flair's back pocket or just say he went into business for himself because he's a Flair fanboy. It's one of the few times a callback to Montreal really made sense. The only thing I don't like is trotting out Bret Hart to basically have no influence no the match at all.
In the end people really want same old shit.Guys just woke up what year is it?
Nah, they pushed it hard last night. New era, new faces. That's going to be the theme going forward.
It's going to make it weird when Cena comes back.
As much as people like to moan about losses, they are in fact pushing Zayn while also making him constantly lose.
In the end people really want same old shit.
WrassleMania 33rd - McMahon-o-Mania: RevengeanceIts wrestlemania 2000 all over again.
we can never escape it.
If it ain't fix it, don't broke it.This is true even outside wrestling.
He should have lost to Owens. I have no problem with that because, if they build it up right, some day when Zayn beats Owens for the WWE title it's going to be the pop to end all pops. Zayn, however Zayn needs to start winning other feuds
Zayn should have absolutely lost that match. Way too early for a pay off. Kayfabe wise, Owens is pretty strong on the main roster too. Zayn is just starting his climb.As much as people like to moan about losses, they are in fact pushing Zayn while also making him constantly lose.
I really like the new era talk. Looking at the current roster, most of the call ups since The Shield have been pretty great. Their booking of Roman is shit, but Owens/Zayn/Styles are putting in great work week after week. Women's wrestling is getting a lot better, even if last night's match was nothing to write home about. Best of all, we'll have crossfit Jesus back soon. I am excited to see him in matches with the three people mentioned above. Someday soon we'll have American Alpha, Revival, and Shinsuke Nakamura in the mix. If only the booking was good, they could have an amazing product instead of an occasionally good one. Hell, even the announce team could be good if they just started leaning on Mauro a bit more. All the pieces are there, they just need to put them together, which looks unlikely.