Do singles matches instead of the tag match. It's the same match from SD.They need to keep the feud going and AJ has a minor injury.
Do singles matches instead of the tag match. It's the same match from SD.
You got me there pumpkin.SD isn't canon.
Haha, you son of a b.He normally doesn't bring up jobbers, no.
I just realized I still haven't seen the main event to Mania this year.
Given how I don't have a Network sub anymore I guess that won't be changing.
I am officially calling it, I am out guys, I made it, they can officially shove their shitty program where the sun won't shine. This feels like a personal victory, like I bodyslammed Andre The Giant in front of a sold out crowd of 140,000 at the Silverdome. Like I beat Hogan in my hometown after going on a 108-0 win streak. Like I just won the tag team titles in a 3-way TLC match at Mania. Fuck yeah and fuck WWE, I got the F out of that shit!
SD isn't canon.
2.75With Warriors Thunder on tonight, lets predict ratings:
Final rating 2.97 too high?
2.5 topsWith Warriors Thunder on tonight, lets predict ratings:
Final rating 2.97 too high?
That was my immediate gut guess.2.5 tops
Next show in my WCW watch should take me over to NJPW World for 96 Battle Formation... but they don't have the full show :/
Really sucks for Emma and Dana as well...and Becky Lynch's mystery tag partner.
SD isn't canon.
I would have put money on it being Paige, who has turned face and got her heat back by rolling up the champ. They don't really have another heel to pair with Dana to fix this though. If I had to guess, Becky's just getting booted off of Extreme Rules (assuming she even had a match.).
*snags Sanji's orange chicken and the shrimp fried rice*Tonight is the night guys!
Who is ready for Raw and Warzone?!
Got my Chinese all proper.
If I need to know the rating, I can just check out the weekly bumped thread of whining and fantasy booking w/r/t ratings
Was there a Scott Norton vs Steiner match?
I've seen nothing sofar to justify why the Road Warriors are so over (I get it, their facepaint/attire). I'm not very familiar with them at all to be honest. Steiners on the other hand? Their matches are the the kind of brutal you'd expect from the Road Warriors gimmick. Hell, their matches look more brutal than those shitty hardcore matches the Nasty Boys and Public Enemy do.
Scott v Scott
Jumping on the Steiners bandwagon, eh? Welcome aboard, brother.
Remember when people used to get together to watch raw and nitro?
One on One match. But thanks for the tag match. Will check it out when I get homeFinlay and Regal are having a parking lot brawl match and it's way better than any parking lot brawl should be.
Apparently they had a dope match on Saturday Night the week before. #AddSaturdayNight
Fun mini feud.
Tag match: Steiners vs. Fire (Norton) & Ice
unless you meant in general
*snags Sanji's orange chicken and the shrimp fried rice*
Please old man
Hands sanji a michelobWho is sf2fanatic?