D-Bry with Shawn Michaels hair + homeless beard = garbage.
Heroman are you making these?
This is how you shoot.
What's great is that Nolan Ryan didn't even get ejected from that game, IIRC. Ventura had to take a massive L.
Sandow's ceiling was low with his character. His best hope was to have a Genius moment with a 3 month feud with Hogan basically.
The re-re-debut of the Colons has to be one of the biggest failures in recent memory. Like Tyler Breeze level but worse somehow because people actually cared when Breeze came out the first time.
So are The Shining Stars heel or face?
people actually cared when Breeze came out the first time.
Kenta Kobashi?Still crazy this happened
...they did?
...they did?
It's the same reason an amazing performer like Colt Cabana never got over in WWE despite trying as hard as he did.
8P: 3.376M
9P: 3.302M
10P: 2.894M
Can't believe Charlotte and Nattie couldn't keep it at 3.3. There goes their ER main event. RIP
First Hour: 3.376 million viewers (3.345 million viewers last week)
Second Hour: 3.302 million viewers (3.356 million viewers last week)
Third Hour: 2.894 million viewers (3.013 million viewers last week)
Breezus will prove all you haters wrong when he gets Disco Inferno as his life coach.
Keep Glenn away. Bring back Earnest Miller.Breezus will prove all you haters wrong when he gets Disco Inferno as his life coach.
Kenta Kobashi?
Breezus will prove all you haters wrong when he gets Disco Inferno as his life coach.
They could announce The Rock wrestling a match on Raw in the main event and third hour would still drop.
They could announce The Rock wrestling a match on Raw in the main event and third hour would still drop.
Yes sir. It's true. There has to be room past his maximum level. It just wasn't sustainable.There was a very good interview with Sandow in Rolling Stone where he acknowleged that he ran the course of his character pretty well throughout his tenure and he didn't have any hard feelings.
That was a crazy period for ROH and to see their big stars with the exception of Nigel make it to WWE and be involved in big stories is even of the best ROH matches and one of Joe's best matches.
They could announce The Rock wrestling a match on Raw in the main event and third hour would still drop.
First Hour: 3.376 million viewers (3.345 million viewers last week)
Second Hour: 3.302 million viewers (3.356 million viewers last week)
Third Hour: 2.894 million viewers (3.013 million viewers last week)
That was a crazy period for ROH and to see their big stars with the exception of Nigel make it to WWE and be involved in big stories is even crazier.
I can't wait for Disco to win the avatar rumble
I can't wait for Disco to win the avatar rumble
I know I wouldn't want to watch that.
If it had been 2005 when wwe were really snatching talent, it would've been a difference but maybe it wasn't meant for it to be? You see how hard it was for DB and CM. Joe looks to be one they truly favour.Nigel should have been in WWE, fucking shitty what happened to him.
WWE uploaded Primo and Epics re-re debut on youtube.
Was the crowd that quiet live?
Here's a 'better in TNA' moment. The only one I can think of
I enjoyed Desmond Wolfe way more in TNA than Nigel in ROH. Way, way more.
The crowd was going nuts in my house for their debut. I see gold in their future.WWE uploaded Primo and Epics re-re debut on youtube.
Was the crowd that quiet live?