Now kiss.
Great value. Gonna be scorching.Got my tickets for all four nights of the Cruiserweight Classic. $62.40 for all four nights is not a bad price at all. Went back to look at tickets again after ordering, and it looks like it may already have sold out.
KO lookin good
Vince wanted to see the boy toy just one more time.I still laugh at how Vince tricked HBK into getting into really great shape for WM32 by telling him Austin was going to show up in his ring gear.
I still laugh at how Vince tricked HBK into getting into really great shape for WM32 by telling him Austin was going to show up in his ring gear.
I still love how Austin won't straight up say he won't wrestle again and even teased the Brock feud.
Then he shows up to mania with a torn rotator cuff and a beer gut.
HBK and Mick got in shape.
It was pretty hairy, I spent a couple of hours going from the bed to the toilet. Then I passed out for like six hours, which was nice.
You've now come across the darkest timeline.Guys. It's all over. Wrestling is dead. Wrestling... is dead.
Announcers are bickering more than ever. You can tell they're all miserable.
Schiavone is overbearing and has given up on WCW, admitting that nWo's way is the right way to win.
WCW is basically positioned as the heel in the story now.
Goldberg hasn't received a rematch or title match since losing at Starrcade under dubious circumstances months ago.
Riki Rachtman.
Konnan "Bow Wow Wow Yippy Yo Yippy Yay Viva La Raza All Day Every Day" videos every time I turn around.
A new set. A new logo. A new era.
It's all over.
If there's anything brother stro was 100% right about is that early 1999 is the worst bit of WCW.
The Nash/Hogan/Torrie(?)/David Flair segments may just be the bottom of the barrel.
Speaking of Alexa Bliss, it's pretty nuts how rich in talent WWE is right now with female wrestlers. Eclipses any other era in WWE several times over.
Just wish Emma didn't get hurt![]()
Also god damn what are they actually saving Sasha for? Bayley's call up? It feels like they are throwing away money but not featuring her on RAW or PPVs. Didn't watch RAW last week, was she on at all?
If there's anything brother stro was 100% right about is that early 1999 is the worst bit of WCW.
Current WWE Fave Five:
1. Kevin -fucking- Owens
2. Nakamura
3. A.J Styles
4. Rusev
5. (can't believe I am typing this) Chris Jericho (SHUT UP AND LISTEN YOU STUPID IDIOTS: DON'T MOCK ME)
If there's anything brother stro was 100% right about is that early 1999 is the worst bit of WCW.
Current WWE Fave Five:
1- Kevin Owens
2- Shinske Nakamura
3- AJ Styles
4- Sasha Banks
5- The Miz
I would say mid-1999 is even worse than early 1999.
At least early '99 had Spring Stampede.
When is KENTA coming back?
Best guess is that Sasha's being saved for the summer when she challenges Charlotte for the belt and likely wins. They don't want to show her losing presumably. Becky in this feud with Emma (now Dana I guess) is more or less losing every week which sucks but is expected since her booking has always been up and down.Speaking of Alexa Bliss, it's pretty nuts how rich in talent WWE is right now with female wrestlers. Eclipses any other era in WWE several times over.
Just wish Emma didn't get hurt![]()
Also god damn what are they actually saving Sasha for? Bayley's call up? It feels like they are throwing away money but not featuring her on RAW or PPVs. Didn't watch RAW last week, was she on at all?
Best guess is that Sasha's being saved for the summer when she challenges Charlotte for the belt and likely wins. They don't want to show her losing presumably. Becky in this feud with Emma (now Dana I guess) is more or less losing every week which sucks but is expected since her booking has always been up and down.
Best guess is that Sasha's being saved for the summer when she challenges Charlotte for the belt and likely wins. They don't want to show her losing presumably. Becky in this feud with Emma (now Dana I guess) is more or less losing every week which sucks but is expected since her booking has always been up and down.
It's beautiful...I feel like I need to go back to my old Ryder avatar in honor of my purchase.
Watch them try to artificially create a thing with Sasha now and ruin it lol.... oh gawd they're totally gonna do that aren't they?
Sasha no. >_<
This is 10000x better than any fucking shit Vince puts on TV today.
Now thats a fucking promo.
Just randomly popping in to say that this version of R Truth should have gotten a title run. Seriously, that was some goddamn fine heeling, and R Truth really knows how to work a crowd. He truly has been one of the most underutilized guys in the WWE roster for a very long time.
Just randomly popping in to say that this version of R Truth should have gotten a title run. Seriously, that was some goddamn fine heeling, and R Truth really knows how to work a crowd. He truly has been one of the most underutilized guys in the WWE roster for a very long time.