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May Wrasslin' |OT| "Not a good thread. Not a bad thread. But THEE Thread" "

Though I had the feeling that the gimmick had sputtered out as well, I don't how I'm going to explain to a 7 year-old girl, who loves him so much she'd imitate his entrance, that Stardust quit. Maybe she won't notice.


Wasn't Stardust Cody's idea in the first place?

All that needs to be said about Cody is that people will forget about him in a month.

Sandow got 2 acts over. Cody had more chances than anyone else and couldn't stick to anything.

Maybe he should have told Vince I'm not jobbing to a 40 year old waste of talent at mania but who knows?

I should be able to pull every talent away from the WWE and there should be a draw factor to them with a competition american promotion or elsewhere.

Is there really any excitement with Cody Rhodes in NOAH, NJPW, or even fucking Chikara?


John Cena doesn't get knocked off TV, or Wrestlemanias. So while John may hate his character, at least he's given an opportunity to do something with it.

I think if Cody has been given an opportunity as Stardust to have longer than 2 minute matches against guys like Crews or Titus over and over, and if given an opportunity to cut promos, he maybe could have made it work as Stardust. But as he says, he was taken off a Wrestlemania match, taken of a RAW match last week, and just treated like nothing worth a damn.

Who's making the stupider decisions right now? DC or WWE?
DC: BvS, Leto's Joker, the Watchmen thing, and Man of Steel.
WWE: Roman Reigns, Sandow/Rhodes, Mania 32, going to ridiculous lengths to bury Ambrose, huge japanese wrestlers being bought to feed to Roman, existence of Usos.

Bury Ambrose? What the hell are you talking about?


I thought it was pretty well established that Cody went the Stardust route and pushed for it because of the New Day's "Let us fail on our terms"?


Meltzer needs to turn heel and be a manager in the indies before he retires the Observer.
Can he manage the Young Bucks? Because that's the only role I see Meltzer having.

Wrestling fans get bizarrely bitter when wrestlers leave the industry. Just look at how wrestling gaf shits on Punk these days.
I think we were all happy for Punk for leaving.
The backlash comes from him exploiting the UFC... and I'm not sure why we should be upset about that exactly.

Feels like there is a changing of the guard going on in WWE right now. Or does it count as one when it's just the low card wrestlers getting replaced?
They're just churning through and burning out talent that would just get used for filler, 50/50 booking and to pad 3-hour RAWs wrestling the same people over and over again.

If you feel there's an actual changing of the guard, you've been drinking too much of the "new era" Kool-Aid... or some equally judgment-impairing substance.


John Cena doesn't get knocked off TV, or Wrestlemanias. So while John may hate his character, at least he's given an opportunity to do something with it.

I think if Cody has been given an opportunity as Stardust to have longer than 2 minute matches against guys like Crews or Titus over and over, and if given an opportunity to cut promos, he maybe could have made it work as Stardust. But as he says, he was taken off a Wrestlemania match, taken of a RAW match last week, and just treated like nothing worth a damn.

He was given a chance.

He had a tag team duo with his brother
He got a singles push after the breakup
He got the brother vs brother setup for the 50th time and got PPV time
He got 157 repackages
He got a ton of minutes on TV that other guys would have killed for
He got to work with some of the best workers on the planet

All of this plus major public sympathy to which he threw aside saying he didn't want to use his fathers death at all.

Then he proceeds to pull out a polkadotted ladder to get a cheap pop using the gimmick that Vince was trying to bury his father with. In a match that frankly 5 others shouldn't have been in.
Dr. Manhattan created the dc universe.

Wait. What?

It looks as if
Manhattan might be responsible for the DCU as it's been for the last few years (N52).

Who's making the stupider decisions right now? DC or WWE?
WWE: Roman Reigns, Sandow/Rhodes, Mania 32, going to ridiculous lengths to bury Ambrose, huge japanese wrestlers being bought to feed to Roman, existence of Usos.

It looks as if
Manhattan might be responsible for the DCU as it's been for the last few years (N52).

I feel like the fact the best that Dr Manhattan could do was to create a shitty version of the DC universe retroactive detracts from my enjoyment the conclusion of his arc in Watchmen.

That Women's division in NXT ain't too hot. Like, what the fuck is Peyton Royce supposed to be?

She's had no time to develop her character. Outside of Nia and Eva nobody have so it doesn't help that neither of them have shown any sign of improvement over the last year yet they're continued to be pushed. They really need Asuka to be heel and Athena to debut as face.
IWC is insistent that Ambrose is being buried despite seeing mic time every night, matches at every PPV and dedicated story lines.

You know you're stretching to praise someone when you're calling a Jericho feud in 2016 not a waste of time

Face it, it was when you used it for Fandango in the same position and for Bray in the same position. Ambrose is no better. If anything, he's more disappointing
Would mark for Jeri-Show reunion.
Man, that Joe/Sami match should have been a 3 stages of hell, at a Takeover, and for the strap. Finn would have been better utilized jobbing to the drifter in the opener.
You know you're stretching to praise someone when you're calling a Jericho feud in 2016 not a waste of time

Face it, it was when you used it for Fandango in the same position and for Bray in the same position. Ambrose is no better. If anything, he's more disappointing

I'm not trying to say the feud with Jericho is worthwhile and useful, but a guy that is being buried isn't given as much as Ambrose has gotten over the last year.

I find Ambrose incredibly boring and one dimensional in the ring, but even with my dislike for him I'd never say he's been buried. Buried is jobbing out to Apollo fucking Crews.


With all the of the new hungry homegrown NXT talent being brought in, it seems like the previous generation of talent has realized that there isn't much place for them in the WWE.

I expect more to come.
I hope Joe beats the living hell out of him so that Joe really comes out looking like a monster.

They should have Joe goad Fin into wrestling without paint then go with a KO/Zayne style beating. That way they get to protect Fin's gimmick as he leaves NXT and make Joe look like the beast he deserves to be.


I find Ambrose incredibly boring and one dimensional in the ring, but even with my dislike for him I'd never say he's been buried. Buried is jobbing out to Apollo fucking Crews.
Fans have a hard time making a distinction between being "buried" and "being stuck in a nothing feud to spin your wheels and fill time with no hope of aspiring to anything greater in the future".

Dean may not be getting buried but he sure as hell is getting stale.

MC Safety

My predictions for Extreme Rules are as follows:

1) Ric Flair comes out wearing glasses.
2) Ric Flair comes out with a mask and is introduced as Ricardo Flair.

That is all.
They should have Joe goad Fin into wrestling without paint then go with a KO/Zayne style beating. That way they get to protect Fin's gimmick as he leaves NXT and make Joe look like the beast he deserves to be.
I was thinking in my head, that's exactly what they will do just so they can protect the damn demon. I'd have them revisit the fued on the main roster where Joe kills the demon.
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