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May Wrasslin' |OT| "Not a good thread. Not a bad thread. But THEE Thread" "

The best wrestler in the world and Hiroshi Tanahashi

Angry and just sad, sad that so much of the joke shit we assume with the useless writers/HHH/Vince etc sounds like it is actual reality.

You thought it was jokes? Or assumed?

When 96% of ex-creative horror stories ultimately ends in or contains at least one of the same 4 basic messages (creative's an insane scramble where you don't get time to sleep let alone think, Vince is insane, HHH is insane, Steph is insane), it's hard to believe there isn't a lot of truth to it. When 100% of them have the happy ending of "at least I'm not there with them anymore", it's even more likely that they're not all lying


What's the general census on the Ambrose/Y2J match? I thought it was the weakest match on the card. The thumbtacks spot was great, but overall, I feel Ambrose hasn't put on a good PPV match since RR against KO.
What's the general census on the Ambrose/Y2J match? I thought it was the weakest match on the card. The thumbtacks spot was great, but overall, I feel Ambrose hasn't put on a good PPV match since RR against KO.

It was way, way too long. And it suffered even more from following the four-way.


What's the general census on the Ambrose/Y2J match? I thought it was the weakest match on the card. The thumbtacks spot was great, but overall, I feel Ambrose hasn't put on a good PPV match since RR against KO.

A lot of people in the thread were bitching about it, but they seemed to have their minds made up before it even began. People on GAF hate Jericho for some reason. And they also hate Ambrose, but I can understand the Ambrose hate.

Match did go on for way to long. And, I'm not a fan of cage matches in general... Especially the cage they use in the WWE. Hard to see the action. That said, I enjoyed it. More so than a ton of other crap that happened during the show. Mainly because it was funny. Jericho was great with his ad libs during the match. And his heel tactics like trying to run out of the cage as soon as the match started, or begging the ref to open it. Can't do much about Ambrose though. He just fucking sucks. Didn't help that the match followed that awesome IC title match. Crowd was spent after that.


The cage actually forced his wacky clothesline to somewhat make sense since he just used the top rope to slingshot himself.


So not worth it
Not 20 seconds into this highlights video Michael Cole says that "AJ Styles falls into the WWE Universe" and I'm reminded as to why I no longer watch this shit. :lol:
Not 20 seconds into this highlights video Michael Cole says that "AJ Styles falls into the WWE Universe" and I'm reminded as to why I no longer watch this shit. :lol:

lol it's some of the most unnatural commentary ever. i don't know why the organization is allergic to the word "fan" but universe is just a clumsy replacement.


I was at the show live. The transition from "dead crowd pooped after the IC title match" (people around me were complaining about how tired they were in between the matches) to "WOKE AS FUCK" when the thumbtacks came out was incredibly surreal and my favorite moment of the night that wasn't in the IC title match (too many moments to count from the IC title match) or Rollins coming back. After that I think my favorite bit was either Big Cass on the preshow or Rusev just freaking destroying Kalisto.

IC title match was the clear match of the night and a MOTW candidate. After that I'd rank them as Asylum>US title match>Roman/Styles>Women's title>tag team title>tornado tag>Ziggler/Corbin. This isn't to say anything bad about any of the matches on the card, even the preshow match was pretty good. I had a lot of fun.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
John Cena mainly fixed that issue last year. He'd be a mega face in a match against Reigns for example.

The only time he gets serious heel reactions anymore are in super smarky locations against indie darlings/Seth Rollins. Which to be fair is most of the mid card.

The people who impressed me the most tonight were Reigns, who has phenomenal chemistry with AJ and should be top heel in the company and Miz, who did some really great selling in that for the ages IC title match. Everyone was great in both of those matches but the real wow performances were from them.

The level to which the Uso hate has expanded did surprise me actually, though not entirely unexpected. Seth coming back one toned with Bret Hart hair was also a nice surprise.

I kinda agree, though I stick by that ranking. RR should be the guy in actuality given the reaction he gets. Miz is doing great work though and I'd be happy as anything if he got back into the main event and Owens is being held down, though he's a solid contender for the Money in the Bank.

MITB is going to be so much better this year. Lots of good choices. AJ. Seth. Owens. Cesaro. Ambrose. Wild cards like Callisto, Big E, Del Rio, Rusev to make the match fun.
Bullshit. We're all gonna be dismayed when Cena or Del Rio get the briefcase.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Say whatever you want about TNA (and it'll almost always be true, the harsher it is), but nobody ever kicked out of 2 Styles Clashes in one match there
Some finishers just aren't protected for whatever reason. The Styles Clash and the AA are both moves that get kicked out of an awful lot. The Brogue Kick and the Big Show Punch are instant KO.


Oh also a fun thing about Extreme Rules in-person: Roman getting literally booed out of the building after it went off the air. People were walking out and still spent effort booing him as they were.

Seriously the boos were deafening. He got a standing boo-vation as he came out and we just never let up on him. I think he got like one brief pop for one of the table spots that was drowned out by "you still suck!" five seconds later.
Oh also a fun thing about Extreme Rules in-person: Roman getting literally booed out of the building after it went off the air. People were walking out and still spent effort booing him as they were.

Seriously the boos were deafening. He got a standing boo-vation as he came out and we just never let up on him. I think he got like one brief pop for one of the table spots that was drowned out by "you still suck!" five seconds later.

I super don't understand what is the WWE's plan with him. I understood Cena, since he still sold merch through the roof and was super popular with a certain demographic.

Reigns on the other hand is reviled by the hard core audience, and doesn't seem particularly liked by the child or casual crowd either. At this stage, what exactly is the point of trying to brute force Roman Reigns when all it does is create huge negativity around your product, with very little benefit? What the hell is the end game?

I know the go to response is that we're all still watching and still subscribed to the Network. However, I don't think that's a good counter argument. Yes, many of us are still giving money to the WWE despite being unhappy. But a happy customer base is likely to give even more and actually recommend the product to others. The WWE seems to be deliberately handicapping its own ability to profit


Just had time to sneak in a look at the main event before work. Of course WWE's stupid fucking app spoiled Rollins return and there's no way of avoiding it because you have to open it on the news tab first to get to the Network ARRGGGHHH

- AJ is a god
- The crucifix sitout powerbomb was amazing and should be adopted as his finisher for smaller guys
- AJ is a god
- The interference spots were very well done
- Dean Ambrose got to kick out of The Spear in a 9 minute WHC title match, moves mean nothing you are watching the wrong promotion if you want them to be
- Roman is the best heel on the planet
- AJ is a god
- The pop for Roman's win was hilariously tiny, a wiffle ball brief high pitched scream that immediately died. Not even full of hatred or anything approaching a Cena level reaction.
- Seff will never be more over than he was tonight, balee dat

Pretty good 4* match. Wonder where AJ goes next, I hope they have something big planned for him.


Dying at people mad at Charlotte for winning using heel tactics. C'mon now. Part of her storyline even was that Natalya was telling her she could beat her without cheating (like at the old Takeover in '14.) Being a heel means being so insecure that you cheat even if you could win legit.


Maybe they've learned to keep Rollins from droning on and on during this run.

I'm hoping they are leaving that up to Steph and Shane for now.

3 to 4 Rollins segments, one of them always being hideously long, was definitely one of the other issues with his reign. It was insufferably boring.
YUS SETH-KUN! Fiiiiinally save us from this shit. >_<

Feel really bad for AJ, he's just gonna be discarded isn't he? Looked like a million bucks out there but still can't hit enough finishers to beat Super Roman, and gets pinned instantly after a spear again.

So pathetic. Styles Clash onto a chair and kicking out is Cena on the concrete tier BS.

I knew Seth (or someone) would have to run in when they decided to end another PPV exactly the same way again.

The Club just look like bafoons, instantly Uso tier jobbers. They've now failed multiple times to help beat Roman, leaving the ring thinking yea job done OWHAHAHHAAAA????? HE KICKED OUT NO WAY!


Still don't understand why aj lost to jericho at WM if he was going to lose to roman twice, that's dumb booking.

> Thinking the booking and/or wins and losses matters


Just enjoy the big arena shows with nice lighting, lots of moves and tall people friend. That's all they are trying to do.
I actually started wondering in the build to this PPV if Vince/WWE regretted ignoring Styles all these years seeing him out there performing as a bonafide superstar. But now that question has been answered I guess. NOPE! lol@talent we didn't 'make'.

I would have enjoyed AJ winning then Seth-kun attacking him instead. :( AJ Styles vs the real champ Seth Rollins. *sigh*


Dying at people mad at Charlotte for winning using heel tactics. C'mon now. Part of her storyline even was that Natalya was telling her she could beat her without cheating (like at the old Takeover in '14.) Being a heel means being so insecure that you cheat even if you could win legit.

Actually oddly enough, and I could totally be reading it wrong but it looks like she was not supposed to know about it and that Ric set it up.
SO they could start having her get a bit mad that she still has that hanging over her head.
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