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May Wrasslin' |OT| "Not a good thread. Not a bad thread. But THEE Thread" "


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You don't say "he strong lost". You say "he lost strong". The loss comes first

People are hot for Seth's return despite his very NOT 50/50 booking.

It's all about the story and who ya love
Man, that first episode of the new David Shoemaker/Ringer wrestling podcast was just not good at all. Needs a loud, boisterous jackass like Rosenberg to balance out nicely. OTOH, Cheap Heat has managed to stay pretty legit post-breakup.

Extreme Rules was great from start to finish, other than the Charlotte/Natalya match, which I skipped over. Roman and AJ both played their parts perfectly in the main event, and Rollins' return was wonderful. Tonight should be fun.
Cena is in it for around ten minutes. Maybe less. That's all you need to see.
I just watched the only scene I think I need to see. It's so sad I know people who say the shit Cena said in the movie theatre lol. But then he resorted to calling the black guy Koko B Ware, Cena isn't about that life. Little Beantown boy.



People are hot for Seth's return despite his very NOT 50/50 booking.

It's all about the story and who ya love

If Seth didn't get injured, had his HHH thing and then bounced around the midcard like say, Ambrose, do you think he'd be still as over? Judging by the trajectory of his character and Ambrose's descent into utter shit he'd be a flippy Honky Tonk man by now.

Being off TV gets you over because everyone forgets the bad and remembers the good and Seth at his best was very very good. Being on TV means you are in danger of just slipping into the landfill for a year or more see: Rusev, Ryback, Cody, Ambrose, Wyatts etc etc. Sure you can be rehabbed quickly because the card is so flat even the briefest flash of being moved to something above garbage suddenly makes you somewhat more appealing but it doesn't change the fact you were being kicked around doing jack for 6 months or more. A few years of this up and down booking and you are one of those guys that "lost their way" that "didn't make chicken salad" that "stopped trying" that "never was good in the first place" or any number of phrases to cover for the suppression of talent.

Oh jesus I'm ranting on the WWE again. I thought watching American indies with 25 people in the audience would cure me of this. I really wish they didn't have such an embarrassment of talent right now.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If Seth didn't get injured, had his HHH thing and then bounced around the midcard like say, Ambrose, do you think he'd be still as over? Judging by the trajectory of his character and Ambrose's descent into utter shit he'd be a flippy Honky Tonk man by now.

Being off TV gets you over because everyone forgets the bad and remembers the good and Seth at his best was very very good. Being on TV means you are in danger of just slipping into the landfill for a year or more see: Rusev, Ryback, Cody, Ambrose, Wyatts etc etc. Sure you can be rehabbed quickly because the card is so flat even the briefest flash of being moved to something above garbage suddenly makes you somewhat more appealing but it doesn't change the fact you were being kicked around doing jack for 6 months or more. A few years of this up and down booking and you are one of those guys that "lost their way" that "didn't make chicken salad" that "stopped trying" that "never was good in the first place" or any number of phrases to cover for the suppression of talent.

Oh jesus I'm ranting on the WWE again. I thought watching American indies with 25 people in the audience would cure me of this.
Well absence makes the heart grow fonder, for sure.
Is no one going to comment on Rollins beautiful attire? The man is truly a God amongst us marks. Probably changed it cause they gave his old color scheme to Roman to see if he gets over by dreasing like Seth.


Well absence makes the heart grow fonder, for sure.

You got that right. I was in a deep depression by the end of Seffer's reign yet here I am wondering "oohhh I wonder if he's getting new music, they didn't play a theme last night..." and "you know, I could just stay up for Raw".

Wrestling huh? Weird thing.

Is no one going to comment on Rollins beautiful attire? The man is truly a God amongst us marks. Probably changed it cause they gave his old color scheme to Roman to see if he gets over by dreasing like Seth.

The shirt isn't in stock till next month on the Eurostore :(

Although the massive text on the back is seriously turning me off it as usual. At least the Balor Club stuff has a small logo on the back instead of "OIM OBSESSED JEHO" or something.


If Seth didn't get injured, had his HHH thing and then bounced around the midcard like say, Ambrose, do you think he'd be still as over? Judging by the trajectory of his character and Ambrose's descent into utter shit he'd be a flippy Honky Tonk man by now.

Being off TV gets you over because everyone forgets the bad and remembers the good and Seth at his best was very very good. Being on TV means you are in danger of just slipping into the landfill for a year or more see: Rusev, Ryback, Cody, Ambrose, Wyatts etc etc. Sure you can be rehabbed quickly because the card is so flat even the briefest flash of being moved to something above garbage suddenly makes you somewhat more appealing but it doesn't change the fact you were being kicked around doing jack for 6 months or more. A few years of this up and down booking and you are one of those guys that "lost their way" that "didn't make chicken salad" that "stopped trying" that "never was good in the first place" or any number of phrases to cover for the suppression of talent.

Oh jesus I'm ranting on the WWE again. I thought watching American indies with 25 people in the audience would cure me of this. I really wish they didn't have such an embarrassment of talent right now.
I don't think they're going to do that to Seth. He's the Orton to Reigns's Cena, only less boring.


This is my argument. He rather pass out than quit. This aspect of storytelling is far more profound than the actual fact of him losing, in and of itself.

Yeah, it's more profound, but wins/losses are peppered throughout every event ever. How often can you have profound storytelling like Bret/Austin? I would say this is apples and oranges, SomewhatSilly.


Im gonna be real salty if Rollins becomes a tweener instead of a straight babyface.

Its like creative cant make up their mind so everyone is just a heel when it benefits them and a babyface when it benefits them, all because of stupid fucking roman.


Im gonna be real salty if Rollins becomes a tweener instead of a straight babyface.

Its like creative cant make up their mind so everyone is just a heel when it benefits them and a babyface when it benefits them, all because of stupid fucking roman.

I think he'll have to be a tweener until they resolve the Triple H/Rollins relationship. I'm expecting him to be a face once we find out The Club are Triple H's new guys and Seth is left out in the cold.
Im gonna be real salty if Rollins becomes a tweener instead of a straight babyface.

Its like creative cant make up their mind so everyone is just a heel when it benefits them and a babyface when it benefits them, all because of stupid fucking roman.

No one is a good guy, no one is a bad guy, everyone wants to be the guy.

Was anyone wondering last night during the match: Someone told AJ to go out there and make Roman look strong?

I find it humorous that the fans hate Roman as much as they hated Cena, yet I know Vince is backstage with an erection the whole time last night. Its just amazing to me. They truly dont care, and think hes getting jealous heat from the fans. So blind man.
Was anyone wondering last night during the match: Someone told AJ to go out there and make Roman look strong?

No, I was thinking "he's killing his back more and going all out because he knows this is his last main event"

He's not going back to the indies when he's done being chewed up here. It's over.


Go watch Wrestlemania 13.

Do you really walk away from the Bret/Stone Cold match contemplating the win/loss? Ultimately, someone has to go down. What sticks, however, will always be HOW it goes down.

Stone cold passed out because he didn't want to quit. He wanted to win. It mattered. Because winning should mean something.

Look, if wins and losses don't matter then it's just moves. If you don't care who wins then you have no investment in the product and the stories.

The more the devaluate wins, stick to 50/50 booking and just try and rewrite history the more people will tune out. It's pretty simple actually. They are simulating a sport after all and in sports wins fucking matter.


Stone cold passed out because he didn't want to quit. He wanted to win. It mattered. Because winning should mean something.

Look, if wins and losses don't matter then it's just moves. If you don't care who wins then you have no investment in the product and the stories.

The more the devaluate wins, stick to 50/50 booking and just try and rewrite history the more people will tune out. It's pretty simple actually. They are simulating a sport after all and in sports wins fucking matter.

They shat all over nearly every single result of their biggest show EVER the night after.

They don't care and its clear that the promotion does not have wins and losses as a foundation for any of their booking. Road Dogg, a writer/producer for Smackdown now admitted as much on Twitter!
Stone cold passed out because he didn't want to quit. He wanted to win. It mattered. Because winning should mean something.

Look, if wins and losses don't matter then it's just moves. If you don't care who wins then you have no investment in the product and the stories.

The more the devaluate wins, stick to 50/50 booking and just try and rewrite history the more people will tune out. It's pretty simple actually. They are simulating a sport after all and in sports wins fucking matter.

My favorite is the people who say both "wins and losses don't matter" and "finishes don't matter"

So they're essentially admitting they're wasting minimum 3 hours a week of their life watching something that doesn't make them happy, that they're not invested in, and that doesn't matter in even the most barest of manners, entertainment-wise or value-wise or even meaning-wise. And financially enabling said privilege to continue.

Reality is more cynical than any human could ever be


They shat all over nearly every single result of their biggest show EVER the night after.

They don't care and its clear that the promotion does not have wins and losses as a foundation for any of their booking. Road Dogg, a writer/producer for Smackdown now admitted as much on Twitter!

I know that they don't care. They are killing their product by doing so. It's ridiculous.

Mania this year was pure example and me being hopeful that they will change that is my own fault I know.


No, I was thinking "he's killing his back more and going all out because he knows this is his last main event"

He's not going back to the indies when he's done being chewed up here. It's over.

Why is everyone saying AJ is done? That was not his last main event. Once Seth gets the belt back, were getting AJ vs Seth.


Fuck, now that I say that out loud, Seth IS going to be a tweener.


Why is everyone saying AJ is done? That was not his last main event. Once Seth gets the belt back, were getting AJ vs Seth.


Fuck, now that I say that out loud, Seth IS going to be a tweener.
lol Seth won't get the back belt.
All these employees being asked to release should tell you all there is something going on. Where theres smoke there fire. WWE needs to look at what they need to do better.


There is no need to project.

Wins in Sports do matter. Wins in a live action cartoon tv show with made up characters don't. Not to me they don't. This is one aspect of the cult of wrestling that I don't understand; seemingly because said cult takes this far too seriously.

What cult? What are you on about?

Have you watched any fiction ever? The outcome of the story matters. In fact, it might be one of the single most important aspects of it. The journey can be great but if the ending falls flat then it's all for nothing.

In wrestling the outcome is the win or the loss. If you book it wrong you ruin the story.

Wrestling is a live action tv show that simulates a sport. You can't simulate something and then saying the most important thing of the real thing doesn't matter.


lol Seth won't get the back belt.

Pretty sure he is gonna have it by Summerslam. Either that, or he wins the MITB again. Although, id rather see KO with the briefcase.

Speaking of MITB, this is one of my favorite PPV's of the year. In my opinion, the briefcase is the 2nd most important "title" on the show. 90% of the time, the person who wins it, goes on to do something big. (as long as your name isnt Damien Sandow)

So... AJ, KO, or Seth. I feel like one of them are gonna get it.


Seth with the briefcase would be lame. He can't top his last run with it.

If Cena is going to overcome the odds and regain the US title then I elect Rusev as the MiTB.

Or they start getting real serious about Big E and hand him it.


Why is everyone saying AJ is done?

Because his role is to put over folks worse than him. Because they 50/50 booked him vs someone so stale that no one knows why he shows up. Because he has more losses than wins since his debut and no wins in the main event to legitimize his claim to be at the top of the card in the eyes of folks too oblivious to anything outside WWE to know his history. Because they have buried his finisher which is one of the most over moves in the industry. Because they are making it seem like even with help and chairs he can't touch WWE main eventers and dies to a single finish where as those folks get to kick out of his at 1.5.

AJ's job is apparently just going to be to give matches that look amazing to folks WWE wants over so that their guys get over. They'll do their best to forget AJ after he does his job and just ride off of the top tier performances he gives in selling to try to get folks to believe in whoever they actually want up there.

He's just here so he's not building up the competition instead IMO. Same as Nakamura. Had those two stayed in NJPW with their new online subscription stuff catching on and them getting pushed as a product on TV I believe they would slowly steal away Vince's thunder as people kept getting repeat incredible performances...and NJPW will likely still do a lot of that even without them given their card and Naito's recent thunder.
It's happened all through my lifetime.

People quit jobs.

4 people bailing in the span of a few weeks (Cody asked for his release, Rhodes asked for his release, Ryback walked out, Swagger drove off pissed last night) is pretty significant for the company. At the very least this is TNA levels of denial, saying "everything's fine, morale is good"
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