Sweeney Tom
Rollins began the decline, and Reigns is kind enough to see it through.
I'm glad they've said no to ever giving Ambrose the ability to finish the job. You have to take a stand somewhere
Rollins began the decline, and Reigns is kind enough to see it through.
10 minute Rollins + Steph + HHH promos to start every show is what killed Rollins' heat.
I wonder if anyone would ever guess my entrant...
If I had to guess:
The Great Muta or Big Van Vader
How many Seth Rollins gifs are we going to get tonight?
I wonder if anyone would ever guess my entrant...
When is the Rumble?
It's 11 for UK/Ireland/Other European folks for the rumble, right?
Monday. 5pm Central, 6pm Eastern, 11pm UK
It'll be up on this channel when it's done: http://youtube.com/user/FlammableDWMF
yup (well, uk ire and like lisbon)
Has an Excel logo competed in the squared circle, Heel? Huh?!An Excel logo?
Sweet, should be available to check it out live then. Thank you for the answer!yup (well, uk ire and like lisbon)
Soldier 76 is the Roman Reigns of Overwatch
Weirdest posts in all of NeoGAF.Just a friendly reminder that this is Bullet Club, and the only places you can see them are New Japan Pro Wrestling and Ring of Honor Wrestling
Who's Bastion?We've established in private that it's Jericho 76 and Daniel Torbjorn.
Rock hard.
If RoboCop is allowed in, why not Clippy? Make the change, FlammableD.
Who's Bastion?
who'd clippy ever beat
Excel is a bigger player than many realize. Pivotal in the demise of WCW, nearly the same for Lucha Underground.
Clippy is in.
Just a friendly reminder that this is Bullet Club, and the only places you can see them are New Japan Pro Wrestling and Ring of Honor Wrestling
I've already made a number of avatars for you all.
The two best members of Bullet Club are in WWE and NXT. The rest are middling cosplayers acting out their NWO/DX fantasies from the 90s.
The Bullet Club is so uninspired and recycled, I fear for when they try to replicate it in WWE.its not an angle worth reviving.
I hope we still get to see them when you lose.
Struggling with TNA though, but I'm sure Excel will catch up with them some day soon.
Only reason the NWO got over was the commentary in 1996 doing a great job.
Ramen was in total Cena mode last night. One move and winning after taking multiple chairshots.
Also he's hitting the air with the superman punch.Like he didn't connect even once. Just like Cena with his knuckle shuffle.
You mean the biggest babyface in wrestling turning heel and joining the Outsiders was a bigger deal than Prince Devitt, Bad Luck Fale, and Karl Anderson?Having a squad of legit big names helped too.
Having a squad of legit big names helped too.
But Tony treated it like it wasn't part of the show.
The club roles and and we have Cole and everyone standing by like its planned. Like now these guys have joined the brand use your hashtags to tell your friends!
Bischoff at leas tried to make it feel real.
Whose side is he on?