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May Wrasslin' |OT| "Not a good thread. Not a bad thread. But THEE Thread" "


Well according to everyone's all time fave Arn Anderson, its all the days off that's the problem. No one is ever in "ring shape." Not enough matches, and they are all too short.

At the same time,the style is much, much different now. It ain't just punches, headlocks, and body slams.

Arn is wrong and dumb and I hate him.

But he may be the best ever.

And I love him.
Having hope for any reason is something no one should have when it comes to the WWE no matter how rich in potential someone might appear on the surface.

There's a monkey's paw type thing. "I wish this person would have a good moment" is the only answer accepted, and each time the middle finger closes and opens again

"This person" = Zack Ryder > Mania win, loses next day, off TV within 2 weeks
= Sasha > Best match of Mania, never healthy again
= Daniel Bryan > Mania moment/title win, Kane feud, major injury after major injury, retired within two years

The worst part is the list can easily go on for 30 more names. I'm not mean and won't let it get that depressing though


You haven't been hear very long if you haven't noticed DM's undying love for Seffer.

It outstrips my own fanaticism for the man.

I like watching with you guys, but sometimes people hate everything. And then I start questioning if I liked it myself. Kinda strange. The hypocrisy is real though. I can't tell you how many "I'm done" posts I've seen, and then the same people are here every raw and ppv lol. Guess I need to stop lurking so much.


Well according to everyone's all time fave Arn Anderson, its all the days off that's the problem. No one is ever in "ring shape." Not enough matches, and they are all too short.

At the same time,the style is much, much different now. It ain't just punches, headlocks, and body slams.
When he made that argument on Table for 3 I face palmed. Modern work rate is way more intense than his day and there's a higher risk of injury with the current movesets being used.

Schedule should be lightened, and the workers need to not worry so much about squeezing in a high spot in every 10 seconds.


Maybe guys would be better off doing what NXT does.
Have a training center base of operations for them to work on matches and shit.

But fuck look at Brock and Taker. You don't need 200 matches to learn how to stay in shape.

Arn just doesn't want to do Cardio. Shit Flair mentioned the only 2 guys he knew that didn't do Cardio that worked long matches was Arn and HHH.


There's a monkey's paw type thing. "I wish this person would have a good moment" is the only answer accepted, and each time the middle finger closes and opens again

"This person" = Zack Ryder > Mania win, loses next day, off TV within 2 weeks
= Sasha > Best match of Mania, never healthy again
= Daniel Bryan > Mania moment/title win, Kane feud, major injury after major injury, retired within two years

The worst part is the list can easily go on for 30 more names. I'm not mean and won't let it get that depressing though



It's a shame when people get put on the shelf with an injury, but if the 2010s give us wrestlers that retire early, I'll take that over the 1990s/2000s giving us half the roster of PPVs being dead at like 45.


Go back to your garabage waifu avatar.

What's wrong with Becky :( Stop being so mean!

I like watching with you guys, but sometimes people hate everything. And then I start questioning if I liked it myself. Kinda strange. The hypocrisy is real though. I can't tell you how many "I'm done" posts I've seen, and then the same people are here every raw and ppv lol. Guess I need to stop lurking so much.

Just dive in. We are a peculiar but welcoming bunch underneath all the carny shit.



He's another one, shit same could be said with Ryback vs CM Punk.

I think Brock is the example of how to stay over today.

You get your win and you are off tv so some bean counter can't go up to Dunn or Vince and say X needs to win again because merchandise.

I mean look at the Night of Champions Cena Lesnar match.

That was all about trying to repair Cena's heat because they had all of his shitty merch in the vendor stands.

I think thats the problem with Cena at the end of the day. Vince doesn't have the courage to have him job despite some of the biggest babyfaces ever losing and going up and down the card. That US title run proved that he is an undeniable talent and he doesn't have to take center stage to be a centerpiece talent.


Small wrestlers are always gonna be fragile.

Speaking of the opposite: where the fuck is Braun Strowman?

off tv and tour since Bray's injury.

I think they gave up on him being a singles guy finally otherwise he would be working matches at house shows.

He's an enforcer who frankly is too big to wrestle a modern style.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
off tv and tour since Bray's injury.

I think they gave up on him being a singles guy finally otherwise he would be working matches at house shows.

He's an enforcer who frankly is too big to wrestle a modern style.

The style that's getting everyone injured, right?

Just want to make sure we're talking about the right style


The style that's getting everyone injured, right?

Just want to make sure we're talking about the right style

Dude I'd love it if guys started working a safer more mat focused style like Gable but frankly the product is too overexposed for that stuff today.

I mean Shane practically attempted sucide to try and get a match over.

Imagine being a talent on the roster who isn't a beefy bitch or has a family connection?

Its why guys like Big E and Bryan do those stupid suicide dives ever fucking night.


Dude I'd love it if guys started working a safer more mat focused style like Gable but frankly the product is too overexposed for that stuff today.

I mean Shane practically attempted sucide to try and get a match over.

Imagine being a talent on the roster who isn't a beefy bitch or has a family connection?

Its why guys like Big E and Bryan do those stupid suicide dives ever fucking night.

Your not wrong but its cool that Hunter is bringing in a load of grapplefuck dudes for the CWC instead of a bunch of flippy floppers.
"Vince’s new position on Reigns was relayed by JBL during RAW commentary when fans were booing Reigns. JBL said, “If you love him or hate him, you’re very passionate about him.”

I knew this is what Vince thinks. Its Cena 2.0 all over again.

Hahah enjoy the next 10 years. As long as Vince is around.I just have no words.


Don't worry, chums. When they finally go with my Vince amnesia angle, they'll roll back the style to make it safe, too. It's money waiting to be made, I tell you.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I wish I could find that gif I made of Muta at Wrestle-1 and then in NJPW where he's hobbling and barely able to get up the turnbuckle to do a moonsault and I just have to look at guys like Ricochet or Will Ospready or whoever and be like, 'you know that's your future, right?' and Muta didn't even do that much high flying.

Instead I found my gif of someone actually 2 sweeting that isn't some ironic carny geek.

just a regular carny


Once dudes started moonsaults off a ladder into 3 tables, they traded that for in ring psychology. So many dudes now are getting hurt because they feel they have to push the envelope more and more to get a pop or draw heat. IMO they just need to learn how to cheapshot punch like el Dandy instead of summersault powerbombs.



Big E keeps doing dives because he's insecure. He should stop doing that dive and just relax and things will work out for him and his team. They'll get pops just by them being themselves.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I can't believe dumbass Beth dragging her by the head/neck there. I hope she got ripped when she got backstage.

Reminiscient of the Gotch/Enzo thing where the uninjured person was trying to go for a finish not knowing at the time how bad the situation was. Not to excuse it of course, I hope Gotch got yelled at for his shit too


Remember when Candice almost got killed in the ring?


If I'm suing the company this is the match I point to as an example.

The should have ended the match right there and stabilized her neck. Instead you have a bunch of wannabee indie wrestlers as ref think they are protecting the business by having the match continue.

Moments like this make me wish commissions were involved nearby willing to stop the match at any moment for the performers safety.

Plus you gave performers who aren't trained or smart enough to know when somebody is injured.


Reminiscient of the Gotch/Enzo thing where the uninjured person was trying to go for a finish not knowing at the time how bad the situation was. Not to excuse it of course, I hope Gotch got yelled at for his shit too

to be fair with that one there is no way Gotch could have noticed. That's where in a real fight a real ref would be paying attention like a hawk to the fighters damage and if he can continue or not.


I could watch stuff like this all day. If there's a good sense of competition or a good story behind a match, that's all I need.

go watch some of the old MSG shows from the 70s on the network.

A guy like Rusev, Cesaro, and Brock would fit in so good back then.

AWA and some of the British champs had the right idea I believe in that guys had to have the ability to shoot in order to be champion.


The cartoon WWF style wasn't what got wrestling popular so much as the focused product and leveraging Mr. T's popularity and transition that into a star like Hogan.

If The Wrestling Network went up and Starrcade not been blackballed by Vince WCW would have been just as popular.

The key to Vince's success and even the UFC is they were abe to establish themselves as the place for a specific content.

People who want to watch something generally associate the brand name with the genre much like Kleenex with tissues.
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