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May Wrasslin' |OT| "Not a good thread. Not a bad thread. But THEE Thread" "


Now...here is my brain booking....
Rollins gets chummy with The Club, they play henchmen for him.
AJ and Reigns do some tag gimmicks maybe with Ambrose against the three.
The club turns on Rollins, introducing their real friend Finn Balor.
We get some crazy match shit at Survivor Series (or before) with Reigns, AJ, and Rollins vs Balor Club.
AJ eventually turning down the line to set up a shield reunion vs AJ and the Club while Balor goes for a title or Balor and the Club while AJ goes for a title.

AJ v. The Club at MITB in a Handicap Match, AJ wins
Next night on Raw, The Club attack AJ from behind during a Match, their boss is brought out
It's FINN BALOR! The Balor Club is born
Balor v. AJ at Battleground


Toni Storm's heading to Japan with STARDOM, real big opportunity for her - I'm certain she'll end up in NXT at some point, she's already really good and touring with STARDOM will only help her improve further.

I enjoyed her in her PROGRESS matches.

I somehow didn't notice she was a a Kiwi though, what is with all these female wrestlers from down under eh?


I did very well with suppressing any big emotional attachment to AJ when he arrived. I knew the reality of the situation, I knew that a guy his size, with his experience was not destined for all that much. The Jericho feud was, in my estimation, a total waste of AJ's first months in the company. But I didn't mind all that much, I just didn't watch.

The Roman feud was great, there is no denying that and not having any sort of skin in the game made the result easier to brush off. AJ gave his body to the company to make Roman feel all that more legitimate which is highly admirable and should be a model for the rest of the performers in the company. But I was never invested in the storyline, I wasn't cheering anybody on. I wouldn't have been marking out if I had gone, whooping and hollering, being part of a raucous crowd. I would have popped for spots sure - that's what the whole business is based around now.

So the one guy I had a remaining real fandom for in the WWE, the guy who I got excited about being on my TV is right back to where he was at the end of last year - a joke champion who dragged the product down with his horrific character. A guy who can't even have a proper fucking staredown with the champion.

Whatever. We all learn, I suppose.
Now you know. And knowing is half the battle. Yo Joe!

(The other half of the battle is not rewarding the WWE your money for crushing your hope. Good luck with that one.
See those folks above me insisting on fantasy booking when you know and I know that the WWE will come up with something worse? They haven't learned.)


Balor is never debuting guys, come on now.

Sure he will, there has been no point yet.
Seth back, Cena back, Orton was, but now seems to be taking longer but you never know.
There would be nothing for him long term for a bit.
After Summerslam is my honest opinion.


Balor is never debuting guys, come on now.



What I've never understood is one of McMahon's fears that Bret would show up on Nitro with the WWF title.

If it was just literally the belt he was worried about, screwjob or no screwjob, could you not just get the belt from him when he came backstage after the match?

I know that wouldn't alleviate the fear of "your champion" showing up on the rival show but him showing up there with your belt seems like an easy fix.
What I've never understood is one of McMahon's fears that Bret would show up on Nitro with the WWF title.

If it was just literally the belt he was worried about, screwjob or no screwjob, could you not just get the belt from him when he came backstage after the match?

I know that wouldn't alleviate the fear of "your champion" showing up on the rival show but him showing up there with your belt seems like an easy fix.

The belt stuff is revisionist history. WWF sued WCW when madusa dropped the belt on nitro. WCW sued WWF when flair bought the title on tv. Judge said no belts unless it's your own


What I've never understood is one of McMahon's fears that Bret would show up on Nitro with the WWF title.

If it was just literally the belt he was worried about, screwjob or no screwjob, could you not just get the belt from him when he came backstage after the match?

I know that wouldn't alleviate the fear of "your champion" showing up on the rival show but him showing up there with your belt seems like an easy fix.

Well they could have easily used a replica belt, the audience would know no better.
But yeah I do not think that was part of it.
Going to combine my Extreme Rules and Raw thoughts having watched both in the last 12 hours:

Styles/Reigns & 4-Way IC match were highlights of the night. Asylum Match & womans match were just terrible,

Woman's match said, glad to see Charolette put up a solid heel promo. Though it definitely wont be the end of Ric on TV; she also almost broke character a few times.

Seth had a killer promo. I loved how it just slowly turned through his time in the ring. Wondering if the backstage bit with Steph means a face turn is coming.

Apollo Crews is not ready for the main roster. He was gassed and looking really bad towards the end of that match.

Anderson/Gallows are just plain old boring. Their look is dumb, the theme is bad and they just look lame as hell. Their in ring work isn't bad but Gallows is sloppy

I'm over Enzo already. It's a bit of the New Day syndrome where things just get shown every night and get boring after a while. They need to keep it more fresh.


So not worth it
Bret really did screw himself. If he weren't such a goddamned mark for himself and willing to drop the belt, the Screwjob wouldn't have happened.

Seriously, it's not hard to imagine McMahon's position in this.

I mean, he's a cunt, but I get his motivations.


I think Luke Gallows is directly responsible for the likes of Ryback, Barrett, Rhodes, potentially Swagger all leaving. They saw a guy who was going nowhere in WWE go to NJPW, not even be that good there but still get over because NJPW is awesome and then get a boatload of money from WWE.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
What actually happened with Styles is that everyone worked themselves into a shoot and got mad AJ Styles is main eventing and getting the biggest storylines on the show because obviously that's a burial.

You marks don't even know the goddamn meaning of the word "burial." I mean, I take it with a grain of salt when someone gets mad over a thing they want to happen not happening immediately but dude is the opposite of buried. He wouldn't be closing the show, even to lose clean, if the purpose was burying him.
Seth saying his knee buckled under the weight of carrying the company when actually it was the weight of hoisting up Kane who actually holds the weight of carrying Monday Night Raw from 1997 to the (almost) present.
Just a minor error there Seff


Shane really didn't want to talk about HHH. Or the specifics of why he left or anything. Really tame interview and Foley was too nice to make him speak more. Oh well.

Raw was okay with a great main event match. Also, did anybody else hear Jericho say "I'm sorry" when he pinned Crews?


Raw was okay with a great main event match. Also, did anybody else hear Jericho say "I'm sorry" when he pinned Crews?
I mean, Crews has absolutely no heat right now so it's no surprise that Jericho won. He needs a change to his character badly. "Hi I'm Apollo Crews and I'm just happy to be here" is not a gimmick.
The belt stuff is revisionist history. WWF sued WCW when madusa dropped the belt on nitro. WCW sued WWF when flair bought the title on tv. Judge said no belts unless it's your own

This would sound like an angle if it wasn't true.

Shane really didn't want to talk about HHH. Or the specifics of why he left or anything. Really tame interview and Foley was too nice to make him speak more. Oh well.

Raw was okay with a great main event match. Also, did anybody else hear Jericho say "I'm sorry" when he pinned Crews?

Was the interview on Stone cold's podcast or Foley's?


Phone saga update: hit the Wal Mart at 6 am, to allow me an early bedtime today. Got an Otterbox, which I don't like the look of so much, but if it keeps that busted glass from falling out, I won't complain too much. $40 as opposed to $600 is okay, too.
Phone saga update: hit the Wal Mart at 6 am, to allow me an early bedtime today. Got an Otterbox, which I don't like the look of so much, but if it keeps that busted glass from falling out, I won't complain too much. $40 as opposed to $600 is okay, too.
You have an iPhone? My fiancée's glass broke on hers when she had one and she just went that route. The case is clunky but it sure hell beat paying 100 bucks to have ot replaced.


Shane really didn't want to talk about HHH. Or the specifics of why he left or anything. Really tame interview and Foley was too nice to make him speak more. Oh well.

Raw was okay with a great main event match. Also, did anybody else hear Jericho say "I'm sorry" when he pinned Crews?

I thought that was Crews saying I'm Sorry because he fucked up the spot

That's strange since Foley walked out and refused to come back until he was talked back into it (money was the solution, who knew!).

Alot of time has passed and it is easier to look back on things from different views instead of as a worker thinking that it could happen to them next.


That's strange since Foley walked out and refused to come back until he was talked back into it (money was the solution, who knew!).

He said he walked out for one day and came back because he breached his contract and could not work anywhere in wrestling for 5 years.
Yep. And it didn't fall far, but it landed face down on tile. My own fault, really.
Hmmm, you'll be able to live for a while. Until you decide you want a new phone. At least you'll be able to get some money out of it.

This is the funniest thing I've ever seen Finn tweet



What actually happened with Styles is that everyone worked themselves into a shoot and got mad AJ Styles is main eventing and getting the biggest storylines on the show because obviously that's a burial.

You marks don't even know the goddamn meaning of the word "burial." I mean, I take it with a grain of salt when someone gets mad over a thing they want to happen not happening immediately but dude is the opposite of buried. He wouldn't be closing the show, even to lose clean, if the purpose was burying him.

These people should have tried being a Sandow fan for the past year. AJ is bloody royalty in comparison.
These people should have tried being a Sandow fan for the past year. AJ is bloody royalty in comparison.

Contrasting two people who will never have another WWE paid main event

"Paid" added in because some of you still think Raw/SD/other meaningless shows main events are main events

The only way Gallows can ever be called a main eventer so I see why they're being that pukingly overgenerous
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