Professor Beef
dat theme song tho.
Glad someone else appreciates this. Straight fire.
dat theme song tho.
Contrasting two people who will never have another WWE paid main event
"Paid" added in because some of you still think Raw/SD/other meaningless shows main events are main events
The only way Gallows can ever be called a main eventer so I see why they're being that pukingly overgenerous
When talking about AJ's losing streak Meltz said "they have big big plans for AJ"
they are going to try to re-re-recreate the DBry Experience. :|
He's about to hold the ic title for a year, huh?When talking about AJ's losing streak Meltz said "they have big big plans for AJ"
they are going to try to re-re-recreate the DBry Experience. :|
I mean, Crews has absolutely no heat right now so it's no surprise that Jericho won. He needs a change to his character badly. "Hi I'm Apollo Crews and I'm just happy to be here" is not a gimmick.
I thought that was Crews saying I'm Sorry because he fucked up the spot
Alot of time has passed and it is easier to look back on things from different views instead of as a worker thinking that it could happen to them next.
And here's the card for tomorrow's show:
Gutted about the Dragon Lee injury. Sad to see
Vince and Hunter are both retards if you clearly thought either one of them were ready. And the fact that Trips not even protesting that is clearly absurd.Remember when Vince was at the Dallas Takeover watching the whole thing
And the people he thought "let's call them up immediately, these guys are going to be big" about...were Corbin and Apollo. And HHH said "sure why not" without protest
And those two bosses are the ones you trust to not fuck up Styles? To not fuck up Nakamura? To not fuck up Finn or Bayley? Hooooooooooooooly shit the war's already lost and every battle has been a blowout. You're already dead
Meltzer just said "wow I think Sheamus ad-libbed that line about how Zayn isn't from this country and Renee didn't know how to react!"
Renee actually said, in response "well I'm from Cana-" before Sheamus cut her off.
Since the next big AJPW show is tomorrow, I watched the Champion Carnival finals between Daisuke Sekimoto and Zeus this morning. The first half of the match can be generously called methodical, but the second half really picks up. Sekimoto's facial expressions are, as usual, terrific, while Zeus has possibly the spot of the year:
And here's the card for tomorrow's show:
AJPW "SUPER POWER SERIES 2016", 25.05.2016
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
- Osamu Nishimura, Ryuji Hijikata & SUSHI vs. Masanobu Fuchi, Atsushi Maruyama & Koji Iwamoto
- Shuji Ishikawa & Ryouji Sai vs. Naoya Nomura & Hikaru Sato
- Kengo Mashimo vs. Jake Lee
- Axe Bombers vs. AJ Rangers: Takao Omori, Isami Kodaka , Yuko Miyamoto & Kazuhiro Tamura vs. AJ Ranger White (Jun Akiyama), AJ Ranger Red (Yohei Nakajima), AJ Ranger Blue (Yuma Aoyagi) & AJ Ranger Green (Shigehiro Irie)
- AJPW World Jr. Heavyweight Title: Atsushi Aoki (c) vs. Masashi Takeda
- Zeus vs. Yuji Okabayashi
- Triple Crown: Kento Miyahara (c) vs. Daisuke Sekimoto
The infusion of BJW talent into the card really makes it pop, and Kengo Mashimo vs. Jake Lee should be a surprising match. The AJ Rangers are a silly fun comedy midcard act:
But those two top matches in Zeus vs. Okabayashi and Miyahara vs. Sekimoto should be really, really good. I hope this gets taped and finds it way to a RealHero PuroDrop.
Reddit comment with almost 100 upvotes.
Remember when Vince was at the Dallas Takeover watching the whole thing
And the people he thought "let's call them up immediately, these guys are going to be big" about...were Corbin and Apollo. And HHH said "sure why not" without protest
And those two bosses are the ones you trust to not fuck up Styles? To not fuck up Nakamura? To not fuck up Finn or Bayley? Hooooooooooooooly shit the war's already lost and every battle has been a blowout. You're already dead
I knew you'd like Zeus Sekimoto. I'm not sure if Okabayashi lariating Hama's ass is a better spot that how Zeus dealt with that enzuigiri but its still a super smart little thing.
So how long do we have to wait to actually see this AJPW show that happens tomorrow? I can't wait to be inevitably spoiled on the results. As you said yourself I can't believe I've gotten so much into AJPW recently, I had totally written them off post Suwama injury and that miserable attendance for Miyahara's title win.
I think with Corbin it was more like "We've invested 4 years in him and we have injuries"
Personally I think NXT should have a hard "release or put on WWE TV" rule after 3 years or 4 years if you've never wrestled before like Corbin.
Maybe even a shorter time.
Sheamus vs "new era" can be really fun. I used to hate on the guy, but he's a good in-ring worker and pulls off the power move style well.
The Wrestle-1 title change has me curious, since I loved Yuji Hino as the champion. But that also betrays my ignorance about KAI.
Data's pessimism about NJPW aside, I'd still rank the Japanese companies in terms of my current interest:
3. Dragon Gate (Dead or Alive 2016 was one of the most accessible Dragon Gate shows I've seen in a while.)
4. Wrestle-1
5. DDT
Sheamus is underrated. He could be a great monster heel.
The Wrestle-1 title change has me curious, since I loved Yuji Hino as the champion. But that also betrays my ignorance about KAI.
'Fraid not buddy boy. The reason there was tension between Steph and Seth in that promo wasn't because "a face turn is coming for Seth". There was tension because STEPHANIE IS NOW A FACE. She's a good guy. We're supposed to love and revere her. She will slap him in the future because he's a heel. She just emasculates a different group of people on the roster now. That's all.Seth had a killer promo. I loved how it just slowly turned through his time in the ring. Wondering if the backstage bit with Steph means a face turn is coming.
You're watching the wrong show if you want "fresh" on a regular basis.I'm over Enzo already. It's a bit of the New Day syndrome where things just get shown every night and get boring after a while. They need to keep it more fresh.
The legacy of Festus. Triple H set a TERRIBLE precedent with that little blunder and it's going to cost him. Don't blame any of those guys for feeling slighted after giving the WWE the best years of their respective careers and then getting jilted like a forgotten prom date for Festus.I think Luke Gallows is directly responsible for the likes of Ryback, Barrett, Rhodes, potentially Swagger all leaving. They saw a guy who was going nowhere in WWE go to NJPW, not even be that good there but still get over because NJPW is awesome and then get a boatload of money from WWE.
The Wrestle-1 title change has me curious, since I loved Yuji Hino as the champion. But that also betrays my ignorance about KAI.
Data's pessimism about NJPW aside, I'd still rank the Japanese companies in terms of my current interest:
3. Dragon Gate (Dead or Alive 2016 was one of the most accessible Dragon Gate shows I've seen in a while.)
4. Wrestle-1
5. DDT
NOAH's Suzuki-gun problem just drags it down, and I'm not getting the spark from its junior division that would normally be there.
Also, can Boots or someone repost that gif of Okabayashi lariating Hama's ass on the top rope?'s baffling how they made him a chicken shit heel when he is that size.
Him wrecking fools is great.
KAI's become kind of a goofy character. Like he hadn't really found his personality until now but even then it's not something that makes him look like a big deal.
I'll track the title change down and give it a shot, but this is disappointing because Hino felt like a champion. He's as beefy as the BJW hosses, he has a "take no shit" attitude in the ring befitting a champion, and he move around the ring well. He felt like Wrestle-1's big deal, so I hope Mutoh knows what he's doing with switching the belt to KAI on Hino's third defense.
The real question is why anyone expected they would do something different.Whats really fucking stupid about keeping Seth heel..
Here we have the babyface that no one wants and gets booed to shit in Roman Reigns.
And now hes gonna go against the heel who everyone loves and will cheer in Seth Rollins.
So basically, everything is opposite of how its supposed to be.
Fantastic booking WWE. How do you do it?!?!?!
That was The New Day's entire gimmick for about 3 months.I mean, Crews has absolutely no heat right now so it's no surprise that Jericho won. He needs a change to his character badly. "Hi I'm Apollo Crews and I'm just happy to be here" is not a gimmick.
Andy Wu is the future
It'll will be equally as interesting to see if this W-1/AJPW show will mean anything in the future or if it will just be a one off. If there is one thing the Japanese scene definitely needs its some consolidation of feds to focus resources.
The real question is why anyone expected they would do something different.
Watched bits and pieces of RAW just for the MiTB qualifiers.
WTF? AJ vs Owens off the bat? That's like Stone Cold vs Lesner at King of the Ring......
Hopefully AJ vs the club feud will turn into a AJ vs Balor feud.
For MITB: Sami Zayn vs. Cesaro vs. Chris Jericho vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Kevin Owens vs. 2 Other Superstars TBD
I want AJ and Balor for the other 2 spots and Owens to be winner of that match.
Owens cashing in at WM.