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May Wrasslin' |OT| "Not a good thread. Not a bad thread. But THEE Thread" "


To me, some of the most encouraging things in the Observer about the split are these things:

This part is kind of weird though:

Wasn't greater autonomy and competitiveness between shows among the reasons for the original brand split? Then Raw started falling off and Vince said "NOT MY SHOW" and took a bunch of stars from SD, spelling doom for the whole enterprise?

There is no evidence that they won't slide back into bad old habits within a few months.

All I need is a live talking heads show commenting on the draft show not produced by the WWE, should be fun.

This was a good guide to this year's AJPW Champion Carnival's best matches: http://fightgameblog.com/2016/05/20...carnival-favorite-matches/?platform=hootsuite

Great guide, I've got a few matches down that I didn't watch because I literally have no idea who some of these guys are.

AJPW on the way up while NOAH is drawing around 210 people to Shinjuku Face. How things change.


I'll just leave this here...

Wasn't greater autonomy and competitiveness between shows among the reasons for the original brand split? Then Raw started falling off and Vince said "NOT MY SHOW" and took a bunch of stars from SD, spelling doom for the whole enterprise?

There is no evidence that they won't slide back into bad old habits within a few months.

All I need is a live talking heads show commenting on the draft show not produced by the WWE, should be fun.

I mean, to be fair (though the comparison isn't exactly equal), everyone assumed the same thing when NXT started getting hot. That VInce would see these guys getting over and want to immediately take it all and raid it. That still hasn't happened really. It's not a direct comp to Smackdown, but it is an example of Vince showing restraint for the betterment of another brand.


I mean, to be fair (though the comparison isn't exactly equal), everyone assumed the same thing when NXT started getting hot. That VInce would see these guys getting over and want to immediately take it all and raid it. That still hasn't happened really. It's not a direct comp to Smackdown, but it is an example of Vince showing restraint for the betterment of another brand.

I'm sorry, the Rollins return has killed my soul. I can never hope again.

NXT is a good precedent that Vince is capable of staying hands off but that is on the Network and is very much a side project thing. I'm still fascinated if Takeover: The End actually means what it could mean.
The idea that AJPW could launch a streaming service in the next few months when it looked like they were on death's door not more than a year ago is surprising.



I have found my new av after Beryln's reign is over.

The idea that AJPW could launch a streaming service in the next few months when it looked like they were on death's door not more than a year ago is surprising.

Will it be standalone or bundled into this STARDOM + unannounced others deal. Wonder how it will all shake it, could be amazing for foreign viewers but NJPW has really struggled to market their own streaming service domestically, I can't see these smaller orgs doing well at all with much less resources to promote and market.

Although according to Chris Charlton, NJPW seemingly doesn't promote World all that much and that's the issue.


I know we did our Indie Posters yesterday but I have the all time winner here....


Is NJPW making money off of NJPW World? I hope they are...

They have missed all their targets for signups so far. I'd say they are worried about it at the very least. They are still doing very well at live events which is the majority of their revenue so no need to panic....yet.
I wonder today, who would be willing to take an electric chair face drop? One of the best moves of all time that wasn't even used much at its peak.
They really missed out on a chance for a little wrestlers movie. In the early 90s they most definitely could've had Hogan be a trainer in this movie with a little league of wrestlers. I mean we did get The mighty ducks.


My goodness. The cringe in Starrcade 97 as Benoit does a promo... is fantastic. (1:06:05)

Schiavone: "Wow."

Dusty: "Well, he laid that out."


Neo Member
Well, the more boos and hate Roman gets, the more TV time he will get. He draws a reaction. That's a big deal. When guys like the Vaudevillians (whom I like) get zero reaction, that's not good. Place erupts with boos when Roman comes out? Great for the product no matter if you like the guy or not.

Anyways, I am becoming a big Roman fan. I am starting to like him more and more - the way he is carrying himself, putting on good matches, etc.

I mean, this is def the narrative that Vince is trying to push which is clearly visible whenever JBL comments on the reactions. But is it really a good thing? Really?

If he was a heel, then yes it would be. But they are trying to make him the face of the company, and it's failing hard. This whole "any reaction is good as long as there's a reaction" crap is just flat out stupid. Having someone close out a huge PPV like a WM while being boo'd out of the building is not a good look, especially because the boo's are due to the fans rejecting the superstar.


I know we did our Indie Posters yesterday but I have the all time winner here....


They have missed all their targets for signups so far. I'd say they are worried about it at the very least. They are still doing very well at live events which is the majority of their revenue so no need to panic....yet.
The day I'm capable of navigating their website without google translate is the day I'll start giving them my money, I hope that day comes asap
That was not a bad tope suicida by Carmella.

But just as I praise her, she hits those absolutely awful lariats on Alexa Bliss and botches whatever she and Bliss were trying to do.

And a Bronco Buster, in 2016.
Worth mentioning that any AJPW streaming service will only include footage from 2012 onwards.

Also, I get that people would prefer an English site for NJPW World, but it honestly isn't that difficult - use the series page to see every show on NJPW World in reverse chronological order; http://njpwworld.com/series want to watch a recent show? Go there. Want to watch a specific match from a specific wrestler or year or building? Use the tag list; http://njpwworld.com/tag/

They have missed all their targets for signups so far. I'd say they are worried about it at the very least. They are still doing very well at live events which is the majority of their revenue so no need to panic....yet.

It's helping them grow internationally, but the majority of Japanese customers are still watching via TV as streaming isn't as big over there, as of yet. But, while they haven't reached their targets, Kidani has said that NJPW World is profitable - it's basically a second revenue stream for footage they're already making money off from their deals with TV Asahi and Samurai.

Will it be standalone or bundled into this STARDOM + unannounced others deal. Wonder how it will all shake it, could be amazing for foreign viewers but NJPW has really struggled to market their own streaming service domestically, I can't see these smaller orgs doing well at all with much less resources to promote and market.

I think all the services will be stand-alone, STARDOM just mentioned that they, WAVE and unnamed men's promotions will be using the same provider as NJPW World, not that they're teaming up or anything.

I would guess that any smaller promotion getting into this is going to follow STARDOM's model and focus their streaming services towards international customers.


Meltz says Cena is going to be a Smackdown Guy. Also they have full plans for the second title
They were always going to keep Cena and Reigns apart. It's just before they announced the return of the brand split we just assumed Cena would be relegated to holding the US title hostage again and that's clearly not the case.

World title program on RAW = Roman's belt or people holding the belt for Roman
World title program on Smackdown = Cena's belt or people holding the belt for Cena

This will make the inevitable "Cena passing of the torch to Roman" program feel all that more substantial because they've been kept apart for so long. Frankly, I hope they split up Owens and Zayn with the draft as well... yet still have them dicking with each other's matches and teasing the feud during network specials. That way when THEY fight again and the rivalry is renewed it'll mean something.

Jamie OD

Worth mentioning that any AJPW streaming service will only include footage from 2012 onwards.

Also, I get that people would prefer an English site for NJPW World, but it honestly isn't that difficult - use the series page to see every show on NJPW World in reverse chronological order; http://njpwworld.com/series want to watch a recent show? Go there. Want to watch a specific match from a specific wrestler or year or building? Use the tag list; http://njpwworld.com/tag/

It's helping them grow internationally, but the majority of Japanese customers are still watching via TV as streaming isn't as big over there, as of yet. But, while they haven't reached their targets, Kidani has said that NJPW World is profitable - it's basically a second revenue stream for footage they're already making money off from their deals with TV Asahi and Samurai.

I think all the services will be stand-alone, STARDOM just mentioned that they, WAVE and unnamed men's promotions will be using the same provider as NJPW World, not that they're teaming up or anything.

I would guess that any smaller promotion getting into this is going to follow STARDOM's model and focus their streaming services towards international customers.

So it's kind of like how a lot of the indies over here use Pivotshare or Vimeo for their services?
So it's kind of like how a lot of the indies over here use Pivotshare or Vimeo for their services?

Yep. I can't recall the name, but NJPW World's hosted by a Japanese company that provides servers for streaming, rather than a central site like pivotshare or vimeo.

Honestly, I kinda just wish Nicovideo would let international customers sign up to the NicoPro channel - so much live shows on there from DDT, STARDOM, BJW, NOAH, etc.


It'll make Brock shooting on Braun Strowman look like the softest work.


Best part of that was seeing Brock unleash moves he doesn't bother with in his scripted main event matches (also known as suplexing his opponent to death until the inevitable ball shot so his opponent can make a comeback and get their offense in).


The night that Stroman died in Vince's eyes

Like he doesn't even try and fight back in the first gif. Very poor hoss instincts, he needs to watch his Shamrock/Vader tapes . I'm glad Vince saw that in him.

Worth mentioning that any AJPW streaming service will only include footage from 2012 onwards.

Also, I get that people would prefer an English site for NJPW World, but it honestly isn't that difficult - use the series page to see every show on NJPW World in reverse chronological order; http://njpwworld.com/series want to watch a recent show? Go there. Want to watch a specific match from a specific wrestler or year or building? Use the tag list; http://njpwworld.com/tag/

It's helping them grow internationally, but the majority of Japanese customers are still watching via TV as streaming isn't as big over there, as of yet. But, while they haven't reached their targets, Kidani has said that NJPW World is profitable - it's basically a second revenue stream for footage they're already making money off from their deals with TV Asahi and Samurai.

I think all the services will be stand-alone, STARDOM just mentioned that they, WAVE and unnamed men's promotions will be using the same provider as NJPW World, not that they're teaming up or anything.

I would guess that any smaller promotion getting into this is going to follow STARDOM's model and focus their streaming services towards international customers.

A lot of the really important old AJPW stuff is out there in the wild (in varying quality of course) so I'm personally not that upset. I just need a place to go so I can stay on top of the recent stuff rather than watching the thread over on Voices of Wrestling, trawling random dodgy blogs or having to sign up for that torrent site.

Good to hear its profitable at least.

*loses to Usos*

Not surprised that Cena will be the main guy on Smackdown. It's for the best because Cena is a better rassler than Reigns and can showcase that on Smackdown.

Making two World titles again would be a mistake though. Just elevate the Intercontinental title as the 2nd belt. Use that as a stepping stone for the WWE World title like it was once before.
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