So I put a case on my phone the other day. Last night/this morning, I'm sitting at work, and I notice that one of the cracks in my screen has turned into a small shattered area. When I get home, I look at it and see little bits of glass between the screen and the screen cover. There's no way this thing will last til October.
My order was still on hold from the other day, and while I had planned to let it simply lapse, I called and verified my information and everything. The girl says that I'll need to agree to the terms and conditions before they ship. She sends the emails and I look at the information, which says to call this number to agree to terms and conditions. I call, and it's automated, but it offers nothing of terms and conditions. I call again just to make sure, and no, nothing.
So I call and get some other lady and explain this to her, and she puts me on hold to try the number herself and she sounded kinda annoyed when she put me on hold, but when she came back she agreed that the option wasn't there. She said maybe I could try again in a couple of hours and then maybe it would work, so I said ok, she apologized for the trouble, and here we are. They already have my money, now it's just a matter of getting the phone from wherever they are, to my house.
My order was still on hold from the other day, and while I had planned to let it simply lapse, I called and verified my information and everything. The girl says that I'll need to agree to the terms and conditions before they ship. She sends the emails and I look at the information, which says to call this number to agree to terms and conditions. I call, and it's automated, but it offers nothing of terms and conditions. I call again just to make sure, and no, nothing.
So I call and get some other lady and explain this to her, and she puts me on hold to try the number herself and she sounded kinda annoyed when she put me on hold, but when she came back she agreed that the option wasn't there. She said maybe I could try again in a couple of hours and then maybe it would work, so I said ok, she apologized for the trouble, and here we are. They already have my money, now it's just a matter of getting the phone from wherever they are, to my house.