Big Show bitch ass fucking chokeslammed the rock through a table. Fucking hater.
King Haku is back! He could win this.
King Haku is back! He could win this.
Big Show bitch ass fucking chokeslammed the rock through a table. Fucking hater.
King Haku is back! He could win this.
Man dude return and we were like wtf? Is he gonna beat up The Rock with Rikishi. Then the next thing we know he's nowhere to be found.LOL. Haku's return was so random. WWF had long destroyed WCW at that point, but they couldn't resist continuing to fuck with them. Meng in WCW was the current WCW Hardcore Champion. They found out he was working without a contract, signed him, and had him return in the '01 Rumble. The WCW Hardcore Title was never seen again. The rumors at the time are that he gave the belt to The Barbarian. No one has any idea what happened to it.
R. I. P Drew Carey
Kane can't use money. He's too ugly.
Oh, Triple H...
And four of these seven are dead.That stable was packed with people.
And four of these seven are dead.
You counting the Undertaker?
Drew will never die. He's part of Vince's Illuminati.Motherfucker Blue, you made my heart stop for a second there.
Oh, Triple H...
Triple H is dead to me. But what a fucking rebel, thinking he looks cool.And four of these seven are dead.
everyones talking about Ricochet vs Ospreay and it was great but Ospreay vs Mandrews from the uk tour was AMAZING
lmao TNA tweeted (now deleted):
and linked to a video of their 4 minute match on Xplosion taped 4 months ago
You know, thinking back on HHH's angles, is there a top guy that had as many shitty angles as he's had?
-Katie Vick
-Stephanie's dog leading into X8 ( and the title)
Those are just off the top of my head.
The Booker T feud
Still probably the worst big feud I've ever seen in a major promotion, and I'll even include TNA there just to show how fucking horrible it was.
Full of racism nonstop
Ridiculous finish (pedigree, 26 seconds before a cover, and not kicked out of)
Just awful all around
You know, thinking back on HHH's angles, is there a top guy that had as many shitty angles as he's had?
-Katie Vick
-Stephanie's dog leading into X8 ( and the title)
Those are just off the top of my head.
Kane destroys Triple H on shitty angles
All the Triple H shit was booked like 'this makes Triple H a badass cool rebel'. it's just that none of it worked. because triple h isnt cool at all.
I'm happy you consider Kane a Kane Eventer. He isn't for a lot of his run unfortunately.
He's as much of a main eventer as Triple H and Jeff Jarrett if that's where the bar is
Roman Reigns = Triple HKane destroys Triple H on shitty angles
All the Triple H shit was booked like 'this makes Triple H a badass cool rebel'. it's just that none of it worked. because triple h isnt cool at all.
Roman Reigns = Triple H
B- being forced into main events.
I'm not Matanza. I'm my own original WWE universe character, Batanza
The spear on Christian is the GOAT.
Oh, Triple H...
People who have beat Taker in World Heavyweight title singles HIAC matches:
Greatest of All Time confirmed
Best List confirmed too
Damn Haku and Kish beat the hell out of Taker, then Taker and Kane get back together. Make up for fucking mind guys.
Last week on SD Taka was missing a tooth, this week on raw he has it back. Godzilla magic eh?
Good thing the end of the tunnel was NXT...
Probably just a chicklet considering his match didn't last long. Vince isn't paying for no damn dental insurance.Good health benefits in that company. Send it my way
Probably just a chicklet considering his match didn't last long. Vince isn't paying for no damn dental insurance.
I mean...
He was doing well in TNA when he started too
Foley probably loosened his teeth out in the back with a pair of pliers just so that he could have them fall out. He's that weird.Your right.Other wise Foley's have a nice day smile wouldn't be so creepy
Listened to the whole StarrCade '97 Lapsed Fan Podcast trying to beat Ornstein and Smough and still didn't beat them.
Probably my favourite Big Show moment.sorry, if i'm ironically getting behind a big guy
it ain't kane
Is tonight the night?