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May Wrasslin' |OT| "Not a good thread. Not a bad thread. But THEE Thread" "


Hey guys,

Did I miss something or is there some sort of 'uproar' over the Ospreay vs. Richochet match? Why?

I haven't seen it, but curious on what you guys are thinking or have heard about it.

An incredibly entertaining match which swapped out the now often useless opening 5 minute struggle with headlocks, headscissors, general grappling for a "I can top that" flip session.

Then got going into a story of Ospreay desperately needing the win but also wanting to prove himself to the more established high flyer. One spot that I didn't like so much was an apron DVD that Ospreay delay sold (he went into a reverse rana straight off it and then they both nearly got counted out).

Check out that whole show if you can, definitely a great variety of match styles and performances.
X-Pac gives credence to a lot of the stuff Vince says that we don't agree with. In ring talent can absolutely over come other shortcomings, but it isn't immune to them.

X-Pac's look... his persona... the sound of his voice... and most of that was just Waltman... that all over came genuine in ring ability to the point where you couldn't root for the guy or even really feign interest in his matches. You know, the one good part of him.

Scotty 2 Hotty was fine in the ring, again if you ignore everything else. Where I put him over X-Pac is that he was actually able to connect with an audience even if it was through terrible dancing and one of the stupidest moves in wrestling. Heath Slater is great because we're supposed to want to see him lose.

But Scotty was a face almost his entire time in the WWE. Which is a shame because Too Much >>> Too Cool.
I remember as a kid when they came back as Too Cool, I'm sitting here confused because I remembered them as Too Much and yes Too Much was better because they had more character than dancing.

The cool thing about the AE era is these guys who had been enhancement talent since 93-94 got a chance to shine(Scott Taylor, Hardy's, etc).

Talk about climbing the ladder.
Road Dogg said the same catch phrase every week for like 3 years. Even Roman can do that. He was Jarrett's roadie, which makes him less than Jarrett, which in the eyes of the general wrasslegaf opinion means he must be extremely low.

Also, X-Pac got fired or released or whatever because Bischoff. He's even said so himself. Wasn't a matter of shitty or not.

Yeah. Bam! Two guys put together because their repackaging hadn't worked in both cases and went nowhere, so put them together and let them say the same thing every single week on and on and on and on. Then you let Rock rip Billy's balls out and kill him forever, and put Road Dogg with K-Kwik. Disasters all around, save the two years or so where Billy was a Smoking Gunn.
I feel really sorry for K-Kwik because he is put with a horrible at the end of his run Road Dogg who is released 3 months later. It doesn't even help what JR told the guy, jusy classless.
I agree completely with Austin's sentiments regarding Sasha Banks, she's wasted in Team BAD and she is one of the best women wrestlers out there right now. Having her drop the stable and go solo again would be great, hell I would say book her to beat Charlotte and have a run as a dominant heel champion like she was in NXT.
Team Bad is dead for her at least. But I figured she would win at Mania then once she got the new title and go full heel. I was fooled though lol.

Nope. He wasn't as good as Umaga, and is only really remembered for one move... but he was over. The whole Rock's cousin storyline would have probably killed anyone given how over Stone Cold was at the time they pulled that nonsense.

But he had a great look and while he wasn't an in ring master, he brought spectacle and had some good offense (again, not talking about the stink face).
I blame wwe for making most remember him for just one move. Fatu was great talent even before Rikishi and he got a chance to show it in the top era. And add to the fact, this was at 430lbs which was 100 more than what he was weighing before.
God, the semi main for that show was an unsanctioned fight between Jack Evans and Teddy Hart

Cannot in good faith criticize modern ROH. It could be, and has been, so much worse

Real talk: This is a terrible "joke" and you should feel bad.

He is Tyler Black and also Seth Rollins, and also he fucked a Nazi. There are no jokes there, only facts

What did he say?
Jim and Prichard said that he couldn't get over as a black male because it was a white men's business. Jr said if he got over, he'd be their Michael Jordan. Road Dogg actually went back and ripped them both apart for saying that to him. Bruce apologised because he came off more harsh than Jim but Ron said he didn't enjoy his first stay with them.
An incredibly entertaining match which swapped out the now often useless opening 5 minute struggle with headlocks, headscissors, general grappling for a "I can top that" flip session.

Then got going into a story of Ospreay desperately needing the win but also wanting to prove himself to the more established high flyer. One spot that I didn't like so much was an apron DVD that Ospreay delay sold (he went into a reverse rana straight off it and then they both nearly got counted out).

Check out that whole show if you can, definitely a great variety of match styles and performances.

And it builds in context from their match at Evolve, which was a showcase exhibition about their athleticism. This time, Ricochet wanted to fend off a challenger for his claim on being the best high flyer in the business (which is why he's King Ricochet, which is greater than any Prince Puma), while Ospreay, as the new hotness, needed to beat Ricochet to make his claim. The opening sequence showed that Ospreay and Ricochet are equal athletically, which lets the rest of the match figure out questions of fighting spirit and endurance.


Zach's son is killing us smalls. I'm still kinda laughing when he asked if wCw was "the one thats dead", that's a feel bad moment.
Hilarious that you remember that. His drive-by comments are consistently amusing.

And re: Sean Waltman, I HATED him as a kid. As 1-2-3 Kid, Syxx, and X-Pac. But in my rewatch I've realized he's pretty solid in the ring.

1-2-3 Kid's storyline with Razor was pretty entertaining. And his RAW match with Bret was great.

Syxx was pretty good in filling an nWo cruiserweight spot. And I kinda liked his look there. He fit in the most there, having other smaller-framed dudes to wrassle.

X-Pac is definitely my least favorite version of the guy, even though he's still a solid enough worker. And even that's kind of ruined by his crappy signature moves (love that spinning heel kick, though).

Anyway, he's always been a bad talker, but there are plenty just as bad. And in WWF he kinda seems to be a product of his Attitude environment, so I'm not gonna hold it against him too much.
Hey guys,

Did I miss something or is there some sort of 'uproar' over the Ospreay vs. Richochet match? Why?

I haven't seen it, but curious on what you guys are thinking or have heard about it.

They did a heavily choreographed flip session. It looked a bit silly at the end but it wasn't that bad, personally I think people are overreacting. The only bit I found silly was the double flip off the ropes at the end of the bit, which went into a double pose.


ECW used to do this kind of thing with a chain wrestling session going into a double jump-to-your-feet-and-put-up-your-dukes, and I didn't really much care for it then either (the face off, I rather liked the chain wrestling).

I guess the idea behind the complaints is that choreographed aerobatics looks faker then choreographed mat wrestling, which it kinda does, but as I said, I didn't think it was that bad. It's the jump up and face offs I don't like that much, they always come off as a bit needy.


Jim and Prichard said that he couldn't get over as a black male because it was a white men's business. Jr said if he got over, he'd be their Michael Jordan. Road Dogg actually went back and ripped them both apart for saying that to him. Bruce apologised because he came off more harsh than Jim but Ron said he didn't enjoy his first stay with them.

I'm surprised to hear JR would say something like that, but maybe I shouldn't be? I still wonder who is going to be the first black world champ, and if they'll ever give a guy a chance at just being a wrestler, and not a rapper who wrestlers or some comedic slant or whatever. Seems way overdue.
Hilarious that you remember that. His drive-by comments are consistently amusing.

And re: Sean Waltman, I HATED him as a kid. As 1-2-3 Kid, Syxx, and X-Pac. But in my rewatch I've realized he's pretty solid in the ring.

1-2-3 Kid's storyline with Razor was pretty entertaining. And his RAW match with Bret was great.

Syxx was pretty good in filling an nWo cruiserweight spot. And I kinda liked his look there. He fit in the most there, having other smaller-framed dudes to wrassle.

X-Pac is definitely my least favorite version of the guy, even though he's still a solid enough worker. And even that's kind of ruined by his crappy signature moves (love that spinning heel kick, though).

Anyway, he's always been a bad talker, but there are plenty just as bad. And in WWF he kinda seems to be a product of his Attitude environment, so I'm not gonna hold it against him too much.
I have that elephant memory but I couldn't tell you what happened on Raw last week.

I remember Bret giving a nod to Sean saying he would be one of the guys to lead the next generation. It's sad that he didn't have as much as he should've but like I said, the neck and the drugs I think were to blame.

I'm surprised to hear JR would say something like that, but maybe I shouldn't be? I still wonder who is going to be the first black world champ, and if they'll ever give a guy a chance at just being a wrestler, and not a rapper who wrestlers or some comedic slant or whatever. Seems way overdue.
Jr, I tread lightly with him because I know his roots. But he says some slick stuff and has moments where you can sense the racism.

I'm almost giving up on having a black champion but I have some faith because Big E is huge and they should eventually capitalize on his popularity and make him that guy. In 2013 Mark could've been that guy especially with that great turn on Cena. Truth could've even been that guy with his heel run. Then we can go back further with Ron Simmons being that guy in the summer of 97 with NOD. They dropped the ball with that.
And it builds in context from their match at Evolve, which was a showcase exhibition about their athleticism. This time, Ricochet wanted to fend off a challenger for his claim on being the best high flyer in the business (which is why he's King Ricochet, which is greater than any Prince Puma), while Ospreay, as the new hotness, needed to beat Ricochet to make his claim. The opening sequence showed that Ospreay and Ricochet are equal athletically, which lets the rest of the match figure out questions of fighting spirit and endurance.

Almost like judging a match by a 10 second gif is a bad thing to do
I have that elephant memory but I couldn't tell you what happened on Raw last week.

I remember Bret giving a nod to Sean saying he would be one of the guys to lead the next generation. It's sad that he didn't have as much as he should've but like I said, the neck and the drugs I think were to blame.

Jr, I tread lightly with him because I know his roots. But he says some slick stuff and has moments where you can sense the racism.

I'm almost giving up on having a black champion but I have some faith because Big E is huge and they should eventually capitalize on his popularity and make him that guy. In 2013 Mark could've been that guy especially with that great turn on Cena. Truth could've even been that guy with his heel run. Then we can go back further with Ron Simmons being that guy in the summer of 97 with NOD. They dropped the ball with that.

I don't think Big E is happening unless he magically doesn't retire with the rest when New Day's broken up. Apollo or Moose are more likely imo (unfortunately because Apollo sucks and I don't want Moose being poached)


I really think Xavier is the guy with the personality they would be okay having out on media tours and whatnot. But I don't know that I've ever seen him wrestle, so I don't know that he'd be the guy to put on some awesome match for a title.
I don't think Big E is happening unless he magically doesn't retire with the rest when New Day's broken up. Apollo or Moose are more likely imo (unfortunately because Apollo sucks and I don't want Moose being poached)

I really think Xavier is the guy with the personality they would be okay having out on media tours and whatnot. But I don't know that I've ever seen him wrestle, so I don't know that he'd be the guy to put on some awesome match for a title.

Big E isn't happening because New Day takes in a lot of cash. Once that gimmick stops doing so, we may see a change. Personally, I don't see that happening for a few years and all three of those guys seem to be happy with their spot considering all they have put in up to this point
I think they should just keep the guys together and have Kofi and X be proud that Big E is the champion. They definitely don't need to break up. Like I've preached if they want to make history have a new day member winning the mitb then saying they would defend it freebird rules would be cool. But that's not going to happen.
Woah is that confirmed or an educated guess?

I wonder if the Wyatt family will still be a thing.

They're almost definitely going to still be a thing, maybe one member abandoned with the draft. Dave basically said there was no chance of him staying face even if he hadn't been hurt, because there really is no heel depth at the top. Seth just came back, Owens is there, and Jericho's there until he's back touring which is inevitable. That's it: 2 long term people. Miz ain't main eventing ever again. It's dire as is, even moreso if he comes back and is still a face.

The finger point spot/tag match was eventually going to lead to him fighting/being fed to Reigns for the belt, and that could still probably happen later this year.


I think my wrasslin hiatus is over after a couple of months, i'm ready to watch RAW tonight and get ready for the brand split


NXT Brooklyn pulled from Ticketmaster




More details about spoiler above

People saying its a serious concussion. Death take me.

They said at the show he collapsed at the end of Day 1, it was severe dehydration and exhaustion. He wasn't on the show at all, but he showed up backstage about halfway through, so I think he'll be ok.

Good day 2, your SSS16 winner is:
Tommy End!
They said at the show he collapsed at the end of Day 1, it was severe dehydration and exhaustion. He wasn't on the show at all, but he showed up backstage about halfway through, so I think he'll be ok.

Good day 2, your SSS16 winner is:
Tommy End!

The delay because of the ring and Haskins' situation really screwed things up big time. And it ended so flat unfortunately. Still a pretty great time with some amazing matches in there.


Cena is winning MiTB isn't he

I think i'm out again

I broke this all down before but it makes some sense

Cena wins MITB, cashes it in for a spot in the match for the New Smackdown Title, wins the Smackdown Title becoming 16x champ and instantly giving the title credibility (as well as finally getting a MITB match victory), and the next week starts the Smackdown Open Challenge as a way to bring up new NXT guys and highlight the people on the Smackdown roster.
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