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May Wrasslin' |OT| Super Strong Style 16 - Thread Edition 2015

I like how Vader's a 'put my hand on your shoulder while i'm talking to you' kind of guy

I had some promoter try to do that to me and steer me towards a pile of chairs once, he got super pissed after I made him remove his hand

Some shit about not being professional, cause you know, grabbing strangers is pro

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I had some promoter try to do that to me and steer me towards a pile of chairs once, he got super pissed after I made him remove his hand

Some shit about not being professional, cause you know, grabbing strangers is pro

I don't see a problem with a simple hand on the shoulder.


I like how Vader's a 'put my hand on your shoulder while i'm talking to you' kind of guy

"Ali and Isparred down in Atlanta when I wss the WCW Champ to much speed. I got my ass kicked both of them!!!!! TWICE"



Look at the reflection of Vader's photo hands. Such a gentle touch.


could never
I'd take advice from Uncle Vader.

I wouldn't want to be disciplined by Uncle Arn though. TMF would break an arm or something.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
When it comes to people talking about Vader, I could listen to shitty ol Cornette talk about him forever. Runs him down so often but in the most pitiful way, it's really enjoyable.

"I tell you what he might look like he's built of 7 feet tall stacked doghouse shit and able to whip your aunt's mississippi-kissed hiney six ways from a duck's tongue, but Leon is the biggest fuckin baby I ever laid my god-forsaken kentucky flavored eyes on"


"I tell you what he might look like he's built of 7 feet tall stacked doghouse shit and able to whip your aunt's mississippi-kissed hiney six ways from a duck's tongue, but Leon is the biggest fuckin baby I ever laid my god-forsaken kentucky flavored eyes on"

Speaking of, it's impossible not to hear Cornette's voice reading this. Got me shakin' like a coonhound tryin' to shit peach pits.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
i'm going to uncle vader's for the weekend. papa orndorff has been drinking again.

that's my fanfiction i'm working on


My favorite counter spot in pro wrestling is the one where a pro wrestler puts his foot against the top turnbuckle to prevent his opponent from smashing his face into it. What is yours?


Reigns could be Stone Cold tier if the WWE allows him to be a butthole like he comes off during interviews.A heel Reigns is whats needed during this slump the WWE is going through because of Bryne being on the shelf :(.
I find it hard to believe whatever he says in his interviews/promos because his voice lacks authority. It always sounds extremely forced and that he's trying too hard to be cool/funny. It's shitty. And always making that one face when he puts in certain enunciation on his words:



My favorite counter spot in pro wrestling is the one where a pro wrestler puts his foot against the top turnbuckle to prevent his opponent from smashing his face into it. What is yours?

Anyone who lands on their feet after a move. See: Cesaro > AA, or Ricochet > anything.

Also, a little LTTP but a top post by Sunny to Xater. I lost 2 1/2 years to a relationship, which are now humorously known as "the wilderness years". Learnt a lot.
I find it hard to believe whatever he says in his interviews/promos because his voice lacks authority. It always sounds extremely forced and that he's trying too hard to be cool/funny. It's shitty. And always making that one face when he puts in certain enunciation on his words:




I dont want to say this in the gaming side, because I will get banned faster than I can hit submit, but why do people still go crazy over Nintendo? I don't get it.

Who is their target audience, and I find it hard for anyone in their late 20's to 30's to find anything they do interesting. Its still seems like a company appealing to a 12 year old.

I dont understand the fan fare.

What I always find amusing is that Nintendo fans largely deny that Nintendo games are for children, then turn around and say things like "Nintendo is a toy company!"


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
Video games are toys.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
My favorite counter spot in pro wrestling is the one where a pro wrestler puts his foot against the top turnbuckle to prevent his opponent from smashing his face into it. What is yours?
The twice failed hip toss then reversal


could never
My favorite counter spot in pro wrestling is the one where a pro wrestler puts his foot against the top turnbuckle to prevent his opponent from smashing his face into it. What is yours?

Backbody drop attempt, kick to chest telegraph counter. It's simple yet looks painful.

The twice failed hip toss then reversal

This is also golden, do you prefer the hiptoss or straight to lariatooo version? the latter is mine, always looks brutal.


My third favorite counter spot is the grab the rope to prevent being sunset flipped, then sit down for a pin attempt.


My favorite counter is turning a submission from the back like a Hell's Gate into a powerbomb. It shows that it was way too damn early to do that move.


I think what I'm gleaming from this is that counter spots are quite possibly the most psychologically effective and realistic spots in pro wrestling. Everything is simple, believable, and practical. Maybe that's why pro wrestling sucks today. Not enough counter spots.
As well as the threadsake tournament, these are happening at SSS16:


Looking forward to both of these, haven't had a chance to see Jinny or Pollyanna yet. It's going to be weird cheering for the Riots, though.

My favorite counter spot in pro wrestling is the one where a pro wrestler puts his foot against the top turnbuckle to prevent his opponent from smashing his face into it. What is yours?

Lucha underground tonight

Aerostar vs. Jack Evans,

Fenix vs. Sexy Star vs. Killshot vs. The Mack vs. Cage vs. King Cuerno vs. Pentagon Jr. in an Ancient Aztec Medallion Match,

Alberto El Patron vs. Hernandez in a submission match to determine the number one contender to the Lucha Underground Championship.
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