So no one from NJPW likes Elgin?
First Naito now Kushida.
Sunflower, you know I think Fin Balor is the best thing going in WWE. In fact, I pay $10/mo to WWE just to watch Fin's sexy little butt. But goddamn, nothing infuriates me more than seeing those manta rays at "Full Sail University' doing his pose.
He's very marketable. Comes with the territory. Hopefully he does a Playgirl spread.
Neville and Balor need a third for their trio team of ab fiends. Maybe a time traveling dave bats from 2004.
I rather like Kevin Owens, but he's way too fat to ever make it in the big leagues.
They've already got the King of Cuts Wade Barrett. UK guys keep their core game strong.
Daniel Bryan got the unwashed look over. Owens might be able to do the same with his weight.
He's just so rotund and slovenly, Sunflower. I get that the "dad bod" is in, but we watch pro wrestling because pro wrestlers are our modern mythology, our modern gods, our contemporary Adonises. Nobody other than Daniel Bryan fans watch pro wrestling because they're like "hey, that guy has my body and my awkwardness!"
Fat guys have a historic place in the business.
Owens is just fat enough to pull it off. It's people likeCM PunkBo Dallas and Chris Hero that can't.
Fat guys have a historic place in the business.
Owens is just fat enough to pull it off. It's people like CM Punk and Chris Hero that can't.
The Mountie's son is huge and jacked. Maybe Vince really has gone blind if he hasn't signed him ye.
The Mountie's son is huge and jacked. Maybe Vince really has gone blind if he hasn't signed him ye.
The Mountie's son is huge and jacked. Maybe Vince really has gone blind if he hasn't signed him ye.
The Mountie's son is huge and jacked. Maybe Vince really has gone blind if he hasn't signed him ye.
Second gen curse is all too real. Most of the recent ones are decent performers too, just with bad gimmicks or bad timing in the WWE.
Cedric Rougeau, if he signs, will probably be the first fourth generation pro wrestler in WWE. People know about his father, and his grandfather (Jacques Rougeau Sr., a Montreal pro wrestling icon), but his great great uncle was Eddy Auger, also a pro wrestler.
The Mountie's son is huge and jacked. Maybe Vince really has gone blind if he hasn't signed him ye.
Good thing he's 4th Gen.
That's gonna be Captain ROH once they mask himRoddy and Tanahashi tore down the house from reports.
Sounds like Mr.ROH is headed to Japan
Nailed it.Kiss cams are real
People are fake
you debut him right by having him winZayn vs Cena from last week deserves to be in the conversation for MOTY. Simply because that is how you debut an NXT name on Raw right.
you debut him right by having him win
I think it really added to the drama.The overdub of Zayn mentioning the injury to Owens....OMG...that was bad.
So this week's NXT it is clearly a small group of fans chanting obnoxious the same group of guys doing the dueling Let's go Sasha Let's go Black Shorts chants while the rest of the crowd visibly laughed and shook their head at them.