The mobile stuff is overplayed. They'll cause a bubble burst and those without any other interests (e.g. Not Konami as they got those other machines) will be fucked.
I mean come on, Sega are planning 46 F2P mobile games in one year. At that rate, most of the developers will be scrapping for a tiny part of the pie as they stick to a favourite game or two. Since consoles are fucked in Japan too, they'll end up becoming mostly irrelevant in video gaming.
EDIT: Plus, with Konami, if MGS V is their last big console game, Ground Zeros has already showed me this will be the greatest fucking bow out in history. Go out on that high, hopefully they license out that engine too as it's damn impressive.
I mean come on, Sega are planning 46 F2P mobile games in one year. At that rate, most of the developers will be scrapping for a tiny part of the pie as they stick to a favourite game or two. Since consoles are fucked in Japan too, they'll end up becoming mostly irrelevant in video gaming.
EDIT: Plus, with Konami, if MGS V is their last big console game, Ground Zeros has already showed me this will be the greatest fucking bow out in history. Go out on that high, hopefully they license out that engine too as it's damn impressive.