bean breath
"Anime user"?
If you use android, Amazon is giving away free games and apps again today including Sorcery 3 (haven't played this one but 1&2 are highly recommended) and Five Nights at Freddy's 3.Well, I'm not sure I can say that it is awesome but it is a surprising market.
I've only touched the minimum stuff really, like Threes and Monument Valley. Amazing stuff and good for a "let me do something while taking a shit" type of deal.
But now that I subscribe to the WWE Network for the low monthly price of $9.99, that is what I do in the bathroom!
Whoah, really? I'll go ahead and download them now. I got Five Nights at Freddy's 1 and 2 due to Amazon's past freebies but I never got to playing any of them.![]()
If you use android, Amazon is giving away free games and apps again today including Sorcery 3 (haven't played this one but 1&2 are highly recommended) and Five Nights at Freddy's 3.
"Anime user"?
FNAF games are good. Don't understand the hate.
I'm kinda disgusted by all of the gamers in this thread. Like I knew we had an anime user or two, but at least they keep their disgusting habits on the DL. It's been two fucking pages of insular video game talk now
Yknow, I think I need to make a gaming-side OT about the Biggest Russo Swerves in Games. What terminology should I use that brings the wrestling world and gaming world together?
Gabe working with Sony on Portal 2 was on some Shane Mcmahon in Nitro shit.
People overreacting for no real reason. They had success in mobile in the past a few years ago, and are currently competitive after dwindling down a little, so they intend on trying to make the most of it like most companies in that market. Same people will be sucking Konami dick within a couple years, I'm sure. It doesn't take much to get people on your side again. A game or two.What's this Konami stuff? I don't venture into gaming side much.
Especially after the "The PS3 is shit" discussion they had. And then nothing came of the Portal 2 stuff! What a weird smoke and mirrors thing. It was like Warrior vs Hogan. "Here's the main event!" and then nothing.
Anime are cartoons, right? Why are they called anime exactly?
Anime are cartoons, right? Why are they called anime exactly?
exCUSE me, ah-nee-may as a description actually implies QUALITY in their animated works of art, cartoons are stupid fucking baby shit and don't come with the PEDIGREE that animé and manga have fostered for hundreds of years
GOD! so frustrating dealing with CASUALS
Im just going to say it. Mobile gaming is a cesspool.
Thats overly harsh, and overly broad, and may offend some hard-working, creative mobile devs out there. But the fact remains that for everyone one of them, there are ten untalented hacks slapping together garbage and throwing it onto the app store. And if someone makes a successful game? That number increases a hundred-fold, and the market will drown in countless shovelware games trying to imitate it.
metal gear
Mobile monetization is no better. There are a few games that manage to find a good balance between free-to-play and microtransactions, or just charge a reasonable up-front price, but theyre few and far between. The fact remains that every mobile game Ive ever played would have been better without items or features hidden behind paywalls. But as the public pursues free relentlessly, thats lead to everyone paying more if they want a not-crap game experience through microtransactions.
The fact that mobile games are hugely profitable is not some testament to their quality. Its just because many have tapped into a primal part of the human brain that becomes addicted to small rewards. So many mobile games are now little more than slightly-more-involved slot machines. Some, like Game of War which literally features a slot machine to dole out items and bonuses, arent even more than that. Its no wonder that gambling-focused Konami, who makes a fortune from Pachinko machines, thinks this is the future.
Anime are cartoons, right? Why are they called anime exactly?
Mobile gaming is awesome.
I understand they're cartoons from Japan, I know that much. Is there a particular reason they're called anime by English speaking people? My understanding was that they call all cartoons anime in Japan, even if they're foreign. As in, that's their word for it. There's been great cartoons, like Batman TAS, Gargoyles, and DBZ, so I'm not trying to hate or anything. I watched cartoons too.
I still catch Disney stuff on occasion.
.Wikipedia said:Anime is an art form, specifically animation, that includes all genres found in cinema, but it can be mistakenly classified as a genre.[8]:7 In Japan, the term anime refers to all forms of animation from around the world.[1][9] English-language dictionaries define anime as a "Japanese-style animated film or television entertainment" or as "a style of animation created in Japan".[2][10]
The etymology of the word anime is disputed. The English term "animation" is written in Japanese katakana as アニメーション (animēshon, pronounced [animeːɕoɴ]),[3] and is アニメ (anime) in its shortened form.[3] Some sources claim that anime derives from the French term for animation, dessin animé,[11][12] but others believe this to be a myth derived from the French popularity of the medium in the late 1970s and 1980s.[3] In English, anime, when used as a common noun, normally functions as a mass noun (for example: "Do you watch anime?", "How much anime have you collected?").[13] Prior to the widespread use of anime, the term Japanimation was prevalent throughout the 1970s and 1980s. In the mid-1980s, the term anime began to supplant Japanimation.[11][14] In general, the term now only appears in period works where it is used to distinguish and identify Japanese animation.[14]
In 1987, Hayao Miyazaki stated that he despised the truncated word "Anime" because to him it represented the desolation of the Japanese animation industry. He equated the desolation with animators lacking motivation and mass-produced, overly expressive products which rely on fixed iconography for facial expressions and protracted and exaggerated action scenes but lack depth and sophistication because they do not attempt to convey emotion or thought.[15]
Enjoy Bayo 3 on your Android tablet or Kindle device, Chamber. That's the only way you're ever going to see it.
In 1987, Hayao Miyazaki stated that he despised the truncated word "Anime" because to him it represented the desolation of the Japanese animation industry. He equated the desolation with animators lacking motivation and mass-produced, overly expressive products which rely on fixed iconography for facial expressions and protracted and exaggerated action scenes but lack depth and sophistication because they do not attempt to convey emotion or thought.[15]
I feel like I can do this, if I put my mind to it. I can be a real life Lei Wulong.
That's enough for me to treat this as real moving forward.
Back in 1963, Japan released its very first domestically made anime. Titled, Astro Boy and based on the manga of the same name, the anime achieved unprecedented popularity and started an animation boom in Japan. Unfortunately, this set the template of how animation was developed in Japan. From the article:
“However, at the time, the real focus of TV was “dramas.” Thanks to the societal perception that ‘anime = shows for kids’ the production costs paid to Mushi Productions was apparently very low. So Osamu Tezuka tried to make up for it by cutting back on production costs and through merchandising of toys. If they still could not make ends meet, he eagerly invested his own wealth that he had made from his manga.”
Basically, Tezuka did a George Lucas and supported his creation through merchandising and his own money. This lay the groundwork for the anime production model: Make an anime a cheaply as possible and make up the loss through tie-in goods and character merch. Because Tezuka was basically the God of manga in Japan, no one questioned his methods and this became the norm.
Interestingly enough, the man viewed as a modern Master of anime, Hayao Miyazaki openly defied the Tezuka model, creating Studio Ghibli, a production studio that hired animators as employees on a fixed salary rather than temps working on commission.
Top 5 mobile games without micro transactions.
Well...I don't know any.
Kairosoft games is the only way I game on the mobile.
1. Knights of the Old Republic
2. Monument Valley
3. The Swapper
4. Minecraft: Pocket Edition
5. Desert Golf
Definitely not a list of the only mobile games I've played
Thanks! Anything worth a damn for a say a 3 year old?
Thanks! Anything worth a damn for a say a 3 year old?
My 2 year old niece is always calling me from my brother's phone. It always catches me off guard even though it's happened so many times.Can't you just get a screen saver? Don't children start thinking at 5 or 6?
My 2 year old niece is always calling me from my brother's phone.
Can't you just get a screen saver? Don't children start thinking at 5 or 6?
Desert Golf
Cut The Rope
You don't find that crazy? I think it's crazy.What does this mean?
No micro transactions?
You're on the right side of history, friend. Can't say the same for the rest of these crusty ass kideo gamers denying their mobile gaming future, as predicted by dream and I many years ago.
Enjoy Bayo 3 on your Android tablet or Kindle device, Chamber. That's the only way you're ever going to see it.
Swipe left for punch, right for kick, and tap with two fingers for climax... the game's also completely on rails.
Cut the Rope has micro transactions... Which is a shame because that's a neat little game. I got my mother hooked on it but I always warn her not to click on anything weird.
You don't find that crazy? I think it's crazy.
She knows how to dial my number from his contacts list.
Cagematch is such a wonderful resource for wrestling data, but it's like youtube...scroll down and read the comments at your own peril;
"Most overrated pro wrestler in the history. Chris Jerichoo is kind of a guy who needs to have an A+ worker in the ring with him to have a good watchable match. His mic skills are also overrated, I mean has this guy really cut any memorable promos? He sure is no Paul Heyman, The Rock or Ric Flair on the mic."
I laffed at Jerichoo. Freight Train vs Jerichoo match, plz.