making better jokes than King Lawler
i don't know if i believe you when botched spot and botchamania are considered the pinnacle of wrestling humor
making better jokes than King Lawler
I sort of feel like Twitter has made commentary obsolete in this day and age of Sports Entertainment. If I need to know what a move is called I have like five nerds on my feed doing exactly that making better jokes than King Lawler. Just give me the crowd noise and I got the good stuff on my smart telephone
i don't know if i believe you when botched spot and botchamania are considered the pinnacle of wrestling humor
I found Lana's replacement
She looks creepy, like an 8 year old in the body of a female bodybuilder
She looks creepy, like an 8 year old in the body of a female bodybuilder
sanada left wrestle-1. even though he was supposed to be the future ace of the company at one point.
now he 's going back to freelancing
God I wish Disney would buy WWE.....imagine the Marvel cross over potential.
According to WCW, Disney hates wrestling and this was BEFORE Attitude Era fucked everything up. No way would they want anything to deal with the WWE if they hated pre-NWO WCW.
But that was pre-Marvel and pre-Star Wars Disney.
I'd pay $15 to see Sanada vs Spider-Man
¡HarlequinPanic!;163966240 said:yes disney should claim even more of the pop culture soup we have just so john cena can shake hands with captain america or some shit what is this a neoxin topic.
She looks creepy, like an 8 year old in the body of a female bodybuilder
She looks creepy, like an 8 year old in the body of a female bodybuilder
Jeff Jarrett fucking sucks
Obviously i am way behind on women wrestlers. Everytime I see a poster I am like OMG, who is that........ I know no one, and I find 9/10 really pretty.
We could have been friends, klonere.
I don't hate Jarrett but I just can't remember anything about him I liked.
The closest I ever came to liking anything about Jarrett was one time on Superstars when Macho Man talked about Double J's entrance attire and said "i'm pretty sure i store my chicken soup in stuff like that"
Always been a Jarrett mark, even during his Triple J days in TNA.
Jeff Jarrett was a poor man's Don Bass.
We could have been friends, klonere.
I assume he gets better in his WCW run cos right now he is a vanilla ass heel with annoying manager and terrible ring gear.
We could have been friends, klonere.
Rollins isn't over, it's the title that's overSo what you're telling me is that the WWE Universe considers Ambrose to be as over as Rollins
Rollins isn't over, it's the title that's over
In any style. I think Sanada is a cool wrassledude. I've enjoyed everything I've seen from him, the TNA stuff was good too.In WWE Style?
I think the most interesting thing about that poll is that even after the racist vote was split three ways Roman still couldn't come up with a plurality of the remainder. Shows you who really holds the power in the WWE audience.