Sibersk Esto
Rollins has not convinced me that the MITB isn't a shit concept that does nothing for anybody besides a one time pop.
Rollins has not convinced me that the MITB is a shit concept that does nothing for anybody besides a one time pop.
Well said.I just wish Rollins wasn't playing the chicken shit heel. I hate when legit good wrestlers are given that gimmick. He would be better served as the cocky "I'm the future and I will prove it by any means necessary" heel. He doesn't need J&J security. He can win matches on his own, believably. Save the chicken shit heel that hides behind a group of stooges gimmick for someone who can't.
Rollins was the guy for MITB this time.
I seriously don't see anyone on the roster that would benefit from it right now though.
Unless they give it to some new NXT guy out the gate.
Rollins has not convinced me that the MITB is a shit concept that does nothing for anybody besides a one time pop.
I just wish Rollins wasn't playing the chicken shit heel. I hate when legit good wrestlers are given that gimmick. He would be better served as the cocky "I'm the future and I will prove it by any means necessary" heel. He doesn't need J&J security. He can win matches on his own, believably. Save the chicken shit heel that hides behind a group of stooges gimmick for someone who can't.
I know it's the most unlikely of things but I'm kind of hoping Brock comes back in the mitb match and wins. Menacing dude dropping by every once in a while to intimidate the champ only to just show up in a suit and chill at the commentators desk.Rollins was the guy for MITB this time.
I seriously don't see anyone on the roster that would benefit from it right now though.
Unless they give it to some new NXT guy out the gate.
Totally agree but I think J&J could still be a great accessory. The issue is him constantly bitching about having to wrestle and being visibly shaken by being forced to defend his title. He could have been a total asshole champ, throwing his new found authority around to fuck with people not squirrel his way out of matches and FEUDING WITH FUCKING KANE IN 2015 ARHIGHNSIDGOHSDPGSDIGOSP;J
MITB winners:
Edge: new years revolution pop, shit first reign, lost to Cena rather quickly and fell down into the midcard
RVD: Cashed it in the "heroic" way in an ECW city against Cena, doesn't count
Mr Kennedy: Got clowned out of it by edge, who was a chicken shit heel
CM Punk: Boring as hell title reign
CM Punk again: used it to turn heel
Jack Swagger: Title reign went nowhere
Kane: it's kane
Miz: Title reign went nowhere, participated in one of the worst WM main events
Daniel Bryan: Used it to turn heel
Del Rio: Killed summer of punk momentum
Ziggler: squandered his biggest pop with an injury
Cena: unsuccessful
Orton: chicken shit heel
Sandow: unsuccessful cash in
Cena: it's cena
Rollins: chicken shit heel
Don't watch morishima's retirement
Hajime Ohara is incredibly charismatic but he wrestles like an indie wrestler from 2007.
Don't watch morishima's retirement
have they made a new Romance of the Three Kingdoms yet?
They have not but I think there is talks about creating a new one. I should go back and play them. Which one tho. I think 9 was the best. Don't recall as it has been a long time.
Too soon?
Cmon man. I like em but they really should change it to "Army Rice Simulator 2016" let's be honest. Lots of rice management...
TNA President Dixie Carter held a meeting at this past weekend's Impact Wrestling tapings and basically told the talents not to believe what they read on wrestling websites about the ratings and viewership being down.
Dixie claimed that there is ratings information that websites aren't aware of that she and TNA are privy to. She claimed that when websites publish TNA ratings data, we're not publishing them with the West Coast numbers included but we post the data that comes from Nielsen and we do include the overall viewership with numbers for the replay. Dixie also pointed out that websites don't report on the +.3 or +.7 DVR numbers as some fans watch throughout the week.
Dixie instructed the roster to pay no mind to ratings reports because the numbers are better than what's actually being released.
So if you work for TNA, you should probably ignore this post too.
Off topic from wrasslin but on my mind since there's an OT thread about it - i'm glad the further away we get from #LedgerHype the more people realize The Dark Knight isn't the crown jewel of comic book movies
I always love how "WWE buys TNA" is one of the highest rated
Off topic from wrasslin but on my mind since there's an OT thread about it - i'm glad the further away we get from #LedgerHype the more people realize The Dark Knight isn't the crown jewel of comic book movies
Have you watched anything else Ledger played in recently though? The guy truly transformed himself for that role. I look at that Joker and I don't see Heath Ledger like you see him in anything else.
I'll give you though, that he did kind of turn a mediocre movie into greatness.
But really though, he is the thing that keeps that movie together.
Winter Soldier is better than TDK.
You know what I mean....I watched A Knight's Tale before it got removed from Netflix recently and while he's not bad in that movie, it re-enforced how good he was as Joker.
Winter Soldier is better than TDK.
fight scene choreography in the last 10 years is nothing but trash
Winter Soldier is better than TDK.
Lets me and you.
You obviously haven't seen Daredevil on Netflix.
You obviously haven't seen Daredevil on Netflix.
You obviously haven't seen Daredevil on Netflix.
Seriously.....great fights.