War of the worlds night 1 up for sale
So how long until we get a new poster in WrassleGAF that ultimately reveals...
I thought Vince promised us he would never get banned again?
Naked dude. One of the other mods was directed to it and gave him a month.Huh. Just noticed that too. Maybe posting on behalf of banned posters? On my phone so not gonna do the research.
Besada? What's up?
Starrcade '83: A Flair for the Gold - B
Starrcade '84: The Million Dollar Challenge - C
WrestleMania - B-
The Wrestling Classic - D+
Starrcade '85: The Gathering - C
WrestleMania 2 - C+
The Big Event - C-
Starrcade '86: The Sky Walkers - C+
WrestleMania III - B-
Starrcade '87: Chi-Town Heat - C+
Survivor Series '87 - C-
Bunkhouse Stampede '88 - C-
Royal Rumble '88 - C-
Clash of the Champions I - B+
WrestleMania IV - C
Clash of the Champions II - C+
The Great American Bash '88 - B
SummerSlam '88 - D
Clash of the Champions III - C-
Survivor Series '88 - D
Clash of the Champions IV - C+
Starrcade '88: True Gritt - B
Royal Rumble '89 - F
Clash of the Champions V - C-
Clash of the Champions VI - B
WrestleMania V - B-
WrestleWar '89 - C
Clash of the Champions VII - C+
The Great American Bash '89 - B+
SummerSlam '89 - C
Clash of the Champions VIII - B-
Halloween Havoc '89 - C+
Clash of the Champions IX - B
Survivor Series '89 - D+
Starrcade '89: Future Shock - C+
Royal Rumble '90 - D+
Clash of the Champions X - B-
WrestleWar '90 - C
WrestleMania VI - B
Capital Combat: The Return of Robocop - B-
Clash of the Champions XI - C
The Great American Bash '90 - B-
SummerSlam '90 - D
Clash of the Champions XII - D
Halloween Havoc '90 - C-
Clash of the Champions XIII - D
Survivor Series '90 - D+
Starrcade '90: Collision Course - B-
Royal Rumble '91 - D+
Clash of the Champions XIV - B-
WrestleWar '91 - C+
WrestleMania VII - D+
SuperBrawl - C-
Clash of the Champions XV - B-
The Great American Bash '91 - F
SummerSlam '91 - C-
Clash of the Champions XVI - C
Halloween Havoc '91 - B-
Clash of the Champions XVII - B-
Survivor Series '91 - D
This Tuesday in Texas - C
Starrcade '91: Battlebowl - C-
Royal Rumble '92 - B-
Clash of the Champions XVIII - B
SuperBrawl II - B+
WrestleMania VIII - B-
WrestleWar '92 - B-
Beach Blast '92 - B+
Clash of the Champions XIX - B
The Great American Bash '92 - C+
SummerSlam '92 - C-
Clash of the Champions XX - B+
Halloween Havoc '92 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXI - C+
Survivor Series '92 - C-
Starrcade '92 - B-
Clash of the Champions XXII - B
Royal Rumble '93 - C
SuperBrawl III - B-
WrestleMania IX - C-
Slamboree '93 - D+
King of the Ring '93 - C+
Clash of the Champions XXIII - C+
Beach Blast '93 - B-
Clash of the Champions XXIV - C+
SummerSlam '93 - D
Fall Brawl '93 - C-
Halloween Havoc '93 - C+
Clash of the Champions XXV - C-
BattleBowl - D
Survivor Series '93 - F
Starrcade '93 - C
Royal Rumble '94 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXVI - B-
SuperBrawl IV - B-
WrestleMania X - B-
Spring Stampede '94 - B
Slamboree '94 - C
King of the Ring '94 - D
Clash of the Champions XXVII - C
Bash at the Beach '94 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXVIII - C+
SummerSlam '94 - C-
Fall Brawl '94 - C-
Halloween Havoc '94 - D+
Clash of the Champions XXIX - D
Survivor Series '94 - F
Starrcade '94 - D
Royal Rumble '95 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXX - D+
SuperBrawl V - D+
Uncensored '95 - F
WrestleMania XI - D+
In Your House 1 - C-
Slamboree '95 - C-
The Great American Bash '95 - D
King of the Ring '95 - F
Bash at the Beach '95 - F
In Your House 2: The Lumberjacks - C
Clash of the Champions XXXI - C
SummerSlam '95 - C+
Fall Brawl '95 - D+
In Your House 3: Triple Header - C+
In Your House 4: Great White North - D+
Halloween Havoc '95 - F
Survivor Series '95 - C+
World War 3 '95 - C
In Your House 5: Seasons Beatings - C-
Starrcade '95 - B-
Royal Rumble '96 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXXII - C
SuperBrawl VI - D+
In Your House 6: Rage in the Cage - C-
Uncensored '96 - D
WrestleMania XII - B-
In Your House 7: Good Friends, Better Enemies - C-
Slamboree '96 - C
In Your House 8: Beware of Dog - B-
The Great American Bash '96 - B
King of the Ring '96 - B-
Bash at the Beach '96 - B
In Your House 9: International Incident - C-
Hog Wild - C
Clash of the Champions XXXIII - C+
SummerSlam '96 - D+
Fall Brawl '96 - B
In Your House 10: Mind Games - C
In Your House 11: Buried Alive - C+
Halloween Havoc '96 - C+
Survivor Series '96 - B-
World War 3 '96 - B-
In Your House 12: It's Time - C
Starrcade '96 - B-
Royal Rumble '97 - D+
In Your House 13: Final Four - C+
WrestleMania 13 - C
Barely Legal '97 - C-
In Your House 14: Revenge of the Taker - C-
In Your House 15: A Cold Day in Hell - C
King of the Ring '97 - D+
In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede - B-
SummerSlam '97 - B
Hardcore Heaven '97 - C
I thought Vince promised us he would never get banned again?
He has terrible tastes in everything, I don't trust a word he says.
Naked dude. One of the other mods was directed to it and gave him a month.
Does anyone like Bill Alfonso's whistle? Like, seriously? X-Pac Heat shouldn't be a thing; it should be Bill Alfonso heat. I can't even think half the time during RVD/Sabu matches. It's crazy that anyone thought it would be a good idea for an extended period of time. In moderation, it would be fine. But it's soooo excessive. My god. And I don't even hate Bill Alfonso. I'm okay with his annoying personality and his spider monkeying all around the ring during matches. But that god dang whistle...
Anyway, here's another quick ECW-related opinion: I actually like Shane Douglas. I like his look. His in-ring work is good enough. His mic work is eeeeeh, fine considering it was the nineties. I just want to come out as a Shane Douglas supporter because I always see Shane Douglas hate.
Back to WWF, thank Jesus. ECW, even though I like some of it, is taxing.
WWE 2015 doing WCW 2000 ratings.
Wow, we were so quick to blame Vita Gaf and it was us. We are the real monsters.
Alfonso RUINS all the RVD matches with his terrible fucking whistle. It makes ECW stuff hard to watch, among other issues.
I like Damien Sandow.
I like Macho Man Randy Savage.
I do not like Macho Mandow. Terrible impersonation, I hope he works on it but other than that I'm not sold.
I do like Axelmania, though. I can't believe I'm a fan of Curtis Axel in 2015.
Naked dude. One of the other mods was directed to it and gave him a month.
Suzuki-gun Produce We are SUZUKI-GUN, 6/9/2015 [Tue] 18:30 @ Korakuen Hall in Tokyo
(1) Naomichi Marufuji [NOAH] vs. Yuji Nagata [NJPW]

(2) Genba Hirayanagi & Hitoshi Kumano vs. Jon Webb & Jack Gamble

(3) Captain NOAH & Captain NJPW vs. Gedo & Zack Sabre Jr.

(4) El Desperado & Taichi vs. Yoshinari Ogawa & Jushin Thunder Liger

(5) Shelton X Benjamin & TAKA Michinoku vs. Takashi Sugiura & Daisuke Harada

(6) NWA World Tag Championship Match: [Champions] Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. [Challengers] Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima

(7) Minoru Suzuki & Takashi Iizuka vs. Maybach Taniguchi & Yoshihiro Takayama
Vince got got and it's already a madhouse in here.
I'm the fucking captain now
I thought the past 2 Raws were really enjoyable. You also missed the HANDSHAKE of Macho Mandow and Axelmania.I haven't watched Raw in a month.
I see ratings have correlated with this.
I thought the past 2 Raws were really enjoyable. You also missed the HANDSHAKE of Macho Mandow and Axelmania.
I can't respect a fake handshake.
The truth is....we never had a captain.
looks like its that Vita High School game thread.
Vita threads are the number one cause of bans in this OT guys, stay safe out there.
Naked dude. One of the other mods was directed to it and gave him a month.
Fuck me, I wasn't even close.¡HarlequinPanic!;164176129 said:Goddamn son its I'm the captain now gtfo
God damn hero vs Tommy End was awesome
Euro friends where can I see more Tommy?
I miss Flair's hair
Flair's hair has always looked shitty bros but it hasn't looked anything close to what it was supposed to look like since the 80s
Don't post naked dudes.....that's a good rule to follow.
It's 2015 and the Wii U still only comes with 32 gb internal memory and no proper account service.
Isn't Xenoblade like 25 gbs?