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May Wrasslin' |OT| Super Strong Style 16 - Thread Edition 2015


So I'm bored enough to watch Payback, but haven't watched Raw since WM. Did Kidd and Cesaro turn by default or is the tag match heel v heel?


So not worth it
Cesaro went back to doing his face moves, like the giant swing spot with Kidd, a while ago. I don't think anyone backstage noticed.
I really want Sheamus at some point to have a ridiculous fake tan and not acknowledge that something is different. It can be his comedy phase when he's near the end of his time.


Thinking back on it, that was a pretty decent PPV.

I missed Ziggler v Sheamus when it originally aired but caught it on the replay, and that was a good match helped by Ziggler's blood mask at the end. Good start.

New Day v Cesaro/Kidd was great. Who would've thought New Day would end up being as entertaining as they are? That post-match promo with the milk toast was hilarious. "We're too big!"

Cena/Rusev was predictable, and the constant "Do you want to quit?" was really annoying. But "I quit" matches in general are usually lame. I've never seen someone legitimately quit, though I'm sure it's happened. There were some fun parts to the match, though. Rusev getting thrown into the pyro setup was hilarious. Could've been worse.

Bray v Ryback was the worst match of the night, IMO, in large part because the setup for these two was incredibly lazy. I guess I'm glad Bray finally got a win (what is he 1-4 now in 2015?) but it's clear they have no real plan for him. And that's a shame, because the guy can actually put on a good show. He was legitimately awesome in the Royal Rumble.

And finally, the Fatal 4 Way delivered in every way but the ending. And that's really a shame, because that was a piss poor ending. Even the pedigree itself was executed terribly. It was great seeing Ambrose fighting for the title. I hope he'll get more opportunities going forward.

Last night I would've given the show a 5/10, but looking back, I think it was a 7/10 at least.


So not worth it
Since thinking of Sheamus in Japan this morning, all I want is Sheamus vs. Ishii.

Or maybe a shoot fight between Sheamus and Shibata, that would be fun.

Trojan X

Good bout but that Pedigree was terrible. Really bad.

Agreed and that's the trouble with Randy Ortan, he is crap at selling moves. The only way to make moves look good when they are applied on him is by delivering the moves for real.

Other than that, the main event was awesome and the Shield temporary alliance blew everyone up including me. Loved it.


So not worth it
Agreed and that's the trouble with Randy Ortan, he is crap at selling moves. The only way to make moves look good when they are applied on him is by delivering the moves for real.

Isn't doing a Pedigree "for real" literally slamming your ballsack into the back of another person's head?

Just sayin'


John Cena has been in 5 "I Quit" matches including last night. He is 5 - 0 in "I Quit" matches. There is your new streak.
The best streak that never got going was Brotista in HIAC. 2-0 against Triple H and Undertaker. He should've added Cena, Orton, and Barack to that list.

We just weren't worthy.
Time for a fave five

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Elite Beat Agents
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Ghost Trick
Kirby Canvas Curse/Power Paintbrush

HM: Pokemon Black/White, Mario Kart DS
Went past the five count, disqualification.

Game Boy Fave Five:
• Link's Awakening
• Donkey Kong
• Final Fantasy Adventure
• Mega Man V
• Pokemon Yellow

Game Boy Color Fave Five:
• Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel
• Pokemon Pinball
• Mega Man Xtreme 2
• Survival Kids
• Top Gear Pocket 2

Game Boy Advance Fave Five:
• Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
• Mother 3
• Mega Man Zero (Series)
• Fire Pro Wrestling 2
• Metroid Fusion

Nintendo DS Fave Five:
• Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
• Elite Beat Agents
• Retro Game Challenge
• Trauma Center
• Rhythm Heaven

Nintendo 3DS Fave Five:
• Super Mario 3D Land
• Animal Crossing: New Leaf
• A Link Between Worlds
• Resident Evil: Revelations
• Super Smash Brothers for 3DS

NeoGeo Pocket Color Fave Five:
• Metal Slug
• Neo Turf Masters
• Match of the Millennium
• Faselei
• Cotton


Rusev looked strong at Payback. I kind of skipped the Extreme Rules match, but I think they've handled him well against Cena. He made Cena pass out at Fast Lane, which makes him look dominant considering who he's facing, and then in the I Quit match, he made him pass out again. But this time, it was all fair, and he even had to wake him up.

The only thing that could've been made to look better was the finish. Rather than wrapping the rope around his face, Cena should've had it around his neck. It would've been more dramatic that way, and sells the situation better.

I don't think Rusev has much of a shelf life since his gimmick is a bit limited long-term, so it's a bit weird that he's looking this good against Cena. It's a massive difference compared to Bray from last year, who looked like a bit of a chump throughout. I have to wonder how WWE messes it up.


It is literally against Cena's gimmick to give up. I don't know why WWE hasn't started the marketing campaign yet.

In a shocking turn of events, Cena and Rusev realize they're mirror images of each other, separated only by the legacy of a rusted Iron Curtain. Neither man will give up, neither man will surrender. Both men live by the "You Want Some, Come Get Some" credo. Both men are Super Athletes.

Lana is the true heel, for being a weak ass interfering bitch who won't let Real Men fight (BA* folks!)

Cena and Rusev unite and form The Alliance, capture tag team gold. Lana manages the New Day and gets called the Soviet Slut weekly on Raw.

I'm excited.

Internet trying to erase Roman Reigns from history. I see you.


I'm legit looking forward to Reigns vs. Barack II.

I'm hoping Reigns gets a big rivalry with Triple H in the summer. Jimmy needs to the right thing, and do some work for the future king. Then we can head to his second Royal Rumble win, and the rematch against the One in Xbox One.


Pretty bad event, I skipped most of it because it couldn't hold my interest but the tag match was great and the 4 way had its moments. Loved how the handled the Shield & Roman/Dean bromance. I kinda smiled at the bits where Dean and Roman were talking outside the ring

Reigns has been pretty decent as of late, I feel like he's managed to distance himself from the likes of magic beans and sufferin' sucotash, the slower burn>super push
Gotta admit, I like the big dive over the ropes though I can see him cocking it up at some point, painfully.

*Handheld Fave Five Gauntlet*
Man, I'd need to put in some thought to fave five all of those.
I'm just going to say that Wario Land 2 is a rad GBC game for now.

Who is ready?
Do we know if Zayn's shoulder is battle ready? this will affect my readiness.


He's probably going to get through the match and then take some time off if he needs it. Hopefully doesn't affect the match quality.


Who is ready?


Eh.,...I just don't feel hype about this event at all. I'm trying to but WWE been so under the radar lately and NXT been a drag to even watch. I'll check it out because "wrestling", but it's not going to be on the same hype levels as the last Takeover event.

On another note

If Big Cass and Enzo don't win the belts from Wub Wub...I'm rioting.


I'd actually like a fatal four way match that truly boils down to a one on one fight between the last two guys standing and finishes that way. The "these are the last two guys, but a third guy steals it" is overplayed, like many things in WWE.

I thought Cena/Rusev was actually the best match of the night. The ending was bullshit though since passing out = giving up in every other situation in wrestling.

Who is ready?


I'm fucking ready. NXT really slumped around Mania but the last few weeks it picked back up.


Payback thoughts:

Cena vs Rusev was exceptionally long and dull and horrifically paced with spots that made no sense and a lame finish. It was bad, flat out out bad but of course there are defenders of it and that's fine. If you were entertained then you were entertained but personally I was not.

Ziggler vs Sheamus was good as it played off the previous match. New Day have found their groove and their match was good too. I liked the main event except the flat finish and the rest of the card was not for I.


Yeah I miss the 4 way/3 way dance rule in matches compared to "look at that coward snatching the pin". The match last night was good for what it was...good old fashion fuckery. I marked out at the Shield reunion and Roman/Ambrose was FnP...but other than that...it was a typical fatal 4 way leading to a bullshit ending. The rest of the event I barely watch and Cena/Russev can go to hell.


All Fatal Four Ways and Triple Threats should be elimination matches.

But then they couldn't talk about how it is unfair to the champ for half the show....so it will never happen.


The Shield Powerbomb spot was easily the best moment of the night. I would have marked out super hard if Roman and Dean would have turned heel with Seth.

All Fatal Four Ways and Triple Threats should be elimination matches.

But then they couldn't talk about how it is unfair to the champ for half the show....so it will never happen.

I'd really like to know the win % for champions going into non-elimination triple threat / four way matches. I'd bet the percentage is damn high.
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