Wow, Corny & Bischoff running creative for GFW...what could possibly go wrong?
False alarm. Evidently Cornette just booked on two shows in TN as talent. He's still probably some kind of draw out there.
Wow, Corny & Bischoff running creative for GFW...what could possibly go wrong?
Bull has a god taste in shirts
Why do so many wrestlers get DUI's anyways?
Is it common in the US to drink and drive and not considered that big a deal in some places, maybe?
You're insane.
Nah, he's right. Heenan is an unpleasant cunt in 99% of the early Nitros. He's snarky as fuck with Mongo, Tony, and Eric. Eric's a cunt too but Mongo and Tony don't deserve it. Even Mongo is trying to be friendly with him and Heenan just comes off as completely miserable. Mongo is enthusiastic. Honestly, most people would like Mongo if he just wasn't so loud.
I haven't been keeping up with NXT. Are people begging to be Finn Balor's tag team partner?
And I can't believe people hate on Art Donovan on commentary. He's hilarious and charming. It's like your dad who doesn't watch wrestling but he watches it just to see why you like it so much and tries his hardest to get into it.
Plus he picked Razor as his guy.
I haven't been keeping up with NXT. Are people begging to be Finn Balor's tag team partner?
What's the story here?
Yeah, he was looking for a tag partner for the NXT house show and he choose Billy Gunn.
Nice to see Crowe got rid of the troll hair. He just needs to get the tan level below orange now.
It helps that King of the Ring 94 is one of my fave ten ppvs.
I can't believe people pretend Driveclub is good. Everything about it is fine until you get to the driving. It does some nice stuff but Jesus fuck, what a shitty, shitty game to actually play. I expected something competent, but GT and Forza shit on this from 100 stories up. Man...
Gran Turismo is a pile of fuckshit. Hasn't been good since 3I can't believe people pretend Driveclub is good. Everything about it is fine until you get to the driving. It does some nice stuff but Jesus fuck, what a shitty, shitty game to actually play. I expected something competent, but GT and Forza shit on this from 100 stories up. Man...
I can't believe people pretend Driveclub is good. Everything about it is fine until you get to the driving. It does some nice stuff but Jesus fuck, what a shitty, shitty game to actually play. I expected something competent, but GT and Forza shit on this from 100 stories up. Man...
What's the difference between the miz and a sphincter?
One is a ring in the bum, the other......
Gaming side hypothetical/reactionary threads are the worst.
Driveclub is a fun simcade. Reminds me of Ridge Racer and old SEGA racing games.
there are only 2 good racing games, friends
I'm honestly perplexed that people enjoy Mario Kart, I've found that entire series to be nothing but shitty, shitty, shitty. I'll give you Cruis'n USA, though. That's a classic, but no love for Beetle Adventure Racing, AKA the best racing game on the N64?
What are your thoughts on Crash Team Racing aka does Mario Kart better than Mario Kart?
Crash isn't good, even at the time. It's lucky it had Mario Kart 64 to compare it to, because it can't touch the original or Double Dash.
I'll buy arguments for Sonic Transformed, that's a fantastic game, even though my preference is still MK8.
Micro Machines is still one of my favourites
Is Double Dash the GC one? Never played it.
I will say right now that Mario Kart Wii is trash, though. The catch-up logic is so unfucking fair in multi-player. That's a game you don't want to have first place in on the final lap unless you like unlimited blue and red shells up your ass and like finishing 3rd or 4th. So unfair.