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May Wrasslin' |OT| Super Strong Style 16 - Thread Edition 2015

NoRéN;164396650 said:
Serious shit, what are the chances of finally having someone survive a cena feud and come out on top? Will Owens be that person?



Pepsi Brooks and Rock did.
Pepsi Brooks had to spend a year losing to Cena before he finally got the better of him.
Dwayne is Dwayne.
I'd say Edge is still probably the sole exception to have a protracted feud with Cena and come out stronger for it.
Everyone comes out on top in a Cena feud. The problem is that all of Cena's opponents are B+ talents who cannot capitalize on that momentum and prove themselves to be the mid-card gutter trash that they are in the months that follow.


Ambrose is weird. He developed himself to like 80% of where he needed to be, but he just hit a wall with the in-ring stuff and the persona at some point.
I blame Renee. Once you bag Renee, your incentive to better yourself just goes out the window.
She's like 15 world titles. Do you really need that 16th world title if you have Renee? Probably not.
Might as well just coast on what you've got. Winning feuds? Not important. Renee is always there when you come home whether you win or lose.
Everyone comes out on top in a Cena feud. The problem is that all of Cena's opponents are B+ talents who cannot capitalize on that momentum and prove themselves to be the mid-card gutter trash that they are in the months that follow.
The real winner I should of said in my other post is trips and Brock. Trips runs Cena and Brock owns Cena


No one survives a Cena feud. Which is amazing because a Cena feud does really good stuff, the first month. Like a Hogan feud did in the 80s. The problem is Cena drags it out another 3-4 months after he's beaten you.
How much longer can that go on though?

I think I've made no secret that I've never been a fan of Steen/Owens. However, I'm a fan of NXT and of having new people come up and freshen up the WWE product. I hope cena realizes that new talent is needed and can help make those decisions happen.

I hope so.


besides their WWE World Heavyweight Champ being treated like a geek being held at gunpoint for a championship match by a man who is a perpetual loser, this was a pretty great Raw.
You guys really think wrestling against John Cena is career suicide?

I think you guys are being ridiculous, honestly.

Normally I'm one to point out the falsities of the IWC Cena Hate Train, but just look at the aftermath of wrestlers who have feuded with him. The results speak for themselves.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Too bad WWE doesn't have what they consider a 'real draw' other than Cena and assumedly Brock, granted by their own mistakes. Because I think after Cena drops the US title, whenever that is, dude should get like a 6 month break. Not injury related. Just 6 months to go home, not marry Nikki Bella, drive his cars and watch whatever the fuck it is that John Cena likes to watch. I can't imagine working that dude's schedule and they fucking owe him a break.

And it would make people want to see him come back by keeping him away for a while. I missed the dude last time he was gone. I immediately regretted it as soon as he came back, but I did miss him while he was gone. And regardless how I feel about his wrestling, which I think is ok and my problems more lie with his feuds and the booking of him, he deserves a break more than anybody working for them. Anybody else would be Chris Benoit by now.


did anyone noticed that they actually said "The title that John Cena made relevant again"

I can't believe they actually admitted that.


So not worth it

I really want to watch Raw, well not really, but I don't mind putting it on as I work.

But how can you start this many Raw's with the goddamned Authority? Has to be at least 75% of the Raw's after SummerSlam 2013?

I'm so done with this angle. So done.


You guys really think wrestling against John Cena is career suicide?

I think you guys are being ridiculous, honestly.
I wish I could have argued this well in debate club back in high school and done well.

I woul enjoy reading why you think this complete with examples.

Too bad WWE doesn't have what they consider a 'real draw' other than Cena and assumedly Brock, granted by their own mistakes. Because I think after Cena drops the US title, whenever that is, dude should get like a 6 month break. Not injury related. Just 6 months to go home, not marry Nikki Bella, drive his cars and watch whatever the fuck it is that John Cena likes to watch. I can't imagine working that dude's schedule and they fucking owe him a break.

And it would make people want to see him come back by keeping him away for a while. I missed the dude last time he was gone. I immediately regretted it as soon as he came back, but I did miss him while he was gone. And regardless how I feel about his wrestling, which I think is ok and my problems more lie with his feuds and the booking of him, he deserves a break more than anybody working for them. Anybody else would be Chris Benoit by now.
I remember around rock/cena I mentioned something like that. Cena needs a break. Main roster could use new faces.


I really want to watch Raw, well not really, but I don't mind putting it on as I work.

But how can you start this many Raw's with the goddamned Authority? Has to be at least 75% of the Raw's after SummerSlam 2013?

I'm so done with this angle. So done.
definitely. No one needs or wants Stephanie McMahon on tv making that weird face.


The craziest thing about Cena's booking is that a few clean losses in feud-ending matches would not hurt him even a little. He'd come out and cut a promo about how it's not about winning or losing, but about giving it everything you've got, etc and the kids would still bug their parents to buy his merch.

One of my main issues is how they add stakes to his feuds that are so high that he couldn't possibly lose. The Wyatt feud was about Wyatt wanting to beat Cena to invalidate everything he stood for. The Rusev feud is about America vs Russia. Of course he isn't going to lose.

I like what they're doing with Cena right now though. I mean apart from potentially ruining a promising top heel. No one should be a permanent main eventer except for maybe Brock. If your main event guys spend time on the mid card, it makes your entire roster look way more credible.


And it would make people want to see him come back by keeping him away for a while. I missed the dude last time he was gone. I immediately regretted it as soon as he came back, but I did miss him while he was gone. And regardless how I feel about his wrestling, which I think is ok and my problems more lie with his feuds and the booking of him, he deserves a break more than anybody working for them. Anybody else would be Chris Benoit by now.
Will he spend those six months figuring out how to work a match without audibly calling every spot so loud the entire arena hears and learning how to throw a convincing punch?
Or will he simply spend it on Total Divas acting like a goober with his retired pal D.Brine?
Data, I believe it's gonna take another injury to keep Cena out. He's too much dedicated to his workplace.

we on repeat talking about Cena rest. :(

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Looking over the best matches I've seen this year, surprising how top loaded it is with BJW and AJPW. Only real NJPW bangers have been Ibushi/Nakamura, Sakuraba/Suzuki, and Ibushi/Naito. they need to book Ibushi & Naito with the tag titles against Meiyu Tag and import Dangan instead of Karl Eggerson & Festus vs Mr. Husband and Mr. Husband's Friend. Or just keep booking whatever and make me save 10 dollars a month to spend on Jun Kasai t-shirts.

Akebono has more top tier matches in 2015 than anyone in NJPW not named Nakamura right now.


Having only watched WWE stuff this year my favourite match has been the Wrestlemania main event.

I hope NXT is good on Wednesday, I'm worried about having set my expectations too high after the last special being so good.


Looking over the best matches I've seen this year, surprising how top loaded it is with BJW and AJPW. Only real NJPW bangers have been Ibushi/Nakamura, Sakuraba/Suzuki, and Ibushi/Naito. they need to book Ibushi & Naito with the tag titles against Meiyu Tag and import Dangan instead of Karl Eggerson & Festus vs Mr. Husband and Mr. Husband's Friend. Or just keep booking whatever and make me save 10 dollars a month to spend on Jun Kasai t-shirts.

Akebono has more top tier matches in 2015 than anyone in NJPW not named Nakamura right now.
That's because Ibushi has been a star for a while! A long while.


I'm surprised they haven't put Cena in a tag team either to create a conflict within thusly generating a storyline or have it so he can give other teams a rub without taking a direct loss.

Losing to Cena 4 times in a row for both Rusev and Wyatt has only hampered their progress within WWE and I'm not even sure they will ever overcome their mid card status.
I'm OK with Rusev, they've swiftly moved into the next story with him so he's not really floundering. He's got the 'love' thing with Lana now.
Bray on the other hand seemed to have nothing planned after Cena.


The depth of the storyline with Cena vs Rusev was simply Russia vs America. The dynamic has resulted in a real pedestrian effort, there has been no twists or turns to keep you interested relying solely on the matches themselves and they've declined in quality with each month.

Rusev should have won the chain match to justify setting up the I Quit match and have an actual storyline to play off of instead of just Cena going "I will defeat you".


So not worth it
I fucking love what WWE did with Owens last night.

I love even more that they booked a match between him and Cena at EC.

Now, if they book that match like Zayn vs. Owens I, they are masterminds.


Honestly think Owens vs Cena at Elimination Chamber is just a one off and no matter who wins, Owens will go back to NXT for a while longer.


Now, if they book that match like Zayn vs. Owens I, they are masterminds.
I'm not even sure they need to book the match that way or even give Owens the win because neither title is on the line.
They just need to make it a statement match where Owens decimates Cena and leaves him laying and they can do that via knockout, DQ, count out... plenty of options.
Ultimately what needs to happen is that Owens needs to come out on the happy side of a beatdown while showing flagrant disrespect to Cena and the US title.

Honestly think Owens vs Cena at Elimination Chamber is just a one off and no matter who wins, Owens will go back to NXT for a while longer.
A slow-burn program isn't a bad idea with these two. Especially if the confrontations are few and far between. None of this wrestling every week nonsense. Only on Kevin's terms.


So not worth it
WWE is a few weeks early, but the power of june is in full effect.

I love a lot of the direction they took last night. Ambrose vs. Rollins, Owens vs. Cena, Elimination Chambers, Neville's booking, tons of good stuff, really.


I'm not even sure they need to book the match that way or even give Owens the win because neither title is on the line.
They just need to make it a statement match where Owens decimates Cena and leaves him laying and they can do that via knockout, DQ, count out... plenty of options.
Ultimately what needs to happen is that Owens needs to come out on the happy side of a beatdown while showing flagrant disrespect to Cena and the US title.

A slow-burn program isn't a bad idea with these two. Especially if the confrontations are few and far between. None of this wrestling every week nonsense. Only on Kevin's terms.

Hypothetically you'd want Owens to beat and maybe even KO Cena, go back to NXT to gloat about it for a few months, then have Cena challenge him again at SummerSlam.

But it's WWE so either Owens wins and then loses to Cena next month or Cena just wins.


Hypothetically you'd want Owens to beat and maybe even KO Cena, go back to NXT to gloat about it for a few months, then have Cena challenge him again at SummerSlam.

But it's WWE so either Owens wins and then loses to Cena next month or Cena just wins.

The whole looking strong even in defeat is a way they may go but with Owens as a champ they have to be careful not to make him look totally weak.


The whole looking strong even in defeat is a way they may go but with Owens as a champ they have to be careful not to make him look totally weak.

Looking strong in defeat is usually for faces though. It has never been a sound booking practice for heels.

Who was even the last heel who looked strong in defeat?


You mean when he lost 3 years ago against Cena?

Or when he lost the title without actually getting pinned?
He definitely looked good in both of those. The thing that bugged people of that first Cena match was how Lesnar dominated and Cena won abruptly at the end. Then no sold the bruises the next night.


Well, Kevin Owens power bombing John Cena and then stepping on his title is one of the most satisfying things I've seen for a while on this show.
Payback was okay, really liked that finishing move. Kidd & Cesaro are still insanely entertaining, are New Day meant to be heel now?

Well, Kevin Owens power bombing John Cena and then stepping on his title is one of the most satisfying things I've seen for a while on this show.

Since Summerslam 2014?


With Cena and Owens battling at EC, I hope this means MOAR Owens promo time on next week's Raw. Maybe even a Smackdown appearance. But no matches. Just backstage stuff or mind games-ey stuff.


Owens debut was so good. I mean, so good. They nailed it completely.

Hopefully they are not dumb enough to have Owens lose at the PPV. He needs to batter Cena and just show how dominante he is and then go back to NXT for a while. Just leave a mark and then be like "I'll be back".

Also, Neville vs Bo can be good if they give them time and mic time. I doubt they will treat this like it should but their feud on NXT was great.

This week's show was actually pretty good, specially since it came after that bore of a PPV. No bad segments really and a great pacing with tons of development. Great Raw.
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