Starrcade '83: A Flair for the Gold - B
Starrcade '84: The Million Dollar Challenge - C
WrestleMania - B-
The Wrestling Classic - D+
Starrcade '85: The Gathering - C
WrestleMania 2 - C+
The Big Event - C-
Starrcade '86: The Sky Walkers - C+
WrestleMania III - B-
Starrcade '87: Chi-Town Heat - C+
Survivor Series '87 - C-
Bunkhouse Stampede '88 - C-
Royal Rumble '88 - C-
Clash of the Champions I - B+
WrestleMania IV - C
Clash of the Champions II - C+
The Great American Bash '88 - B
SummerSlam '88 - D
Clash of the Champions III - C-
Survivor Series '88 - D
Clash of the Champions IV - C+
Starrcade '88: True Gritt - B
Royal Rumble '89 - F
Clash of the Champions V - C-
Clash of the Champions VI - B
WrestleMania V - B-
WrestleWar '89 - C
Clash of the Champions VII - C+
The Great American Bash '89 - B+
SummerSlam '89 - C
Clash of the Champions VIII - B-
Halloween Havoc '89 - C+
Clash of the Champions IX - B
Survivor Series '89 - D+
Starrcade '89: Future Shock - C+
Royal Rumble '90 - D+
Clash of the Champions X - B-
WrestleWar '90 - C
WrestleMania VI - B
Capital Combat: The Return of Robocop - B-
Clash of the Champions XI - C
The Great American Bash '90 - B-
SummerSlam '90 - D
Clash of the Champions XII - D
Halloween Havoc '90 - C-
Clash of the Champions XIII - D
Survivor Series '90 - D+
Starrcade '90: Collision Course - B-
Royal Rumble '91 - D+
Clash of the Champions XIV - B-
WrestleWar '91 - C+
WrestleMania VII - D+
SuperBrawl - C-
Clash of the Champions XV - B-
The Great American Bash '91 - F
SummerSlam '91 - C-
Clash of the Champions XVI - C
Halloween Havoc '91 - B-
Clash of the Champions XVII - B-
Survivor Series '91 - D
This Tuesday in Texas - C
Starrcade '91: Battlebowl - C-
Royal Rumble '92 - B-
Clash of the Champions XVIII - B
SuperBrawl II - B+
WrestleMania VIII - B-
WrestleWar '92 - B-
Beach Blast '92 - B+
Clash of the Champions XIX - B
The Great American Bash '92 - C+
SummerSlam '92 - C-
Clash of the Champions XX - B+
Halloween Havoc '92 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXI - C+
Survivor Series '92 - C-
Starrcade '92 - B-
Clash of the Champions XXII - B
Royal Rumble '93 - C
SuperBrawl III - B-
WrestleMania IX - C-
Slamboree '93 - D+
King of the Ring '93 - C+
Clash of the Champions XXIII - C+
Beach Blast '93 - B-
Clash of the Champions XXIV - C+
SummerSlam '93 - D
Fall Brawl '93 - C-
Halloween Havoc '93 - C+
Clash of the Champions XXV - C-
BattleBowl - D
Survivor Series '93 - F
Starrcade '93 - C
Royal Rumble '94 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXVI - B-
SuperBrawl IV - B-
WrestleMania X - B-
Spring Stampede '94 - B
Slamboree '94 - C
King of the Ring '94 - D
Clash of the Champions XXVII - C
Bash at the Beach '94 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXVIII - C+
SummerSlam '94 - C-
Fall Brawl '94 - C-
Halloween Havoc '94 - D+
Clash of the Champions XXIX - D
Survivor Series '94 - F
Starrcade '94 - D
Royal Rumble '95 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXX - D+
SuperBrawl V - D+
Uncensored '95 - F
WrestleMania XI - D+
In Your House 1 - C-
Slamboree '95 - C-
The Great American Bash '95 - D
King of the Ring '95 - F
Bash at the Beach '95 - F
In Your House 2: The Lumberjacks - C
Clash of the Champions XXXI - C
SummerSlam '95 - C+
Fall Brawl '95 - D+
In Your House 3: Triple Header - C+
In Your House 4: Great White North - D+
Halloween Havoc '95 - F
Survivor Series '95 - C+
World War 3 '95 - C
In Your House 5: Seasons Beatings - C-
Starrcade '95 - B-
Royal Rumble '96 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXXII - C
SuperBrawl VI - D+
In Your House 6: Rage in the Cage - C-
Uncensored '96 - D
WrestleMania XII - B-
In Your House 7: Good Friends, Better Enemies - C-
Slamboree '96 - C
In Your House 8: Beware of Dog - B-
The Great American Bash '96 - B
King of the Ring '96 - B-
Bash at the Beach '96 - B
In Your House 9: International Incident - C-
Hog Wild - C
Clash of the Champions XXXIII - C+
SummerSlam '96 - D+
Fall Brawl '96 - B
In Your House 10: Mind Games - C
In Your House 11: Buried Alive - C+
Halloween Havoc '96 - C+
Survivor Series '96 - B-
World War 3 '96 - B-
In Your House 12: It's Time - C
Starrcade '96 - B-
Royal Rumble '97 - D+
In Your House 13: Final Four - C+
WrestleMania 13 - C
Barely Legal '97 - C-
In Your House 14: Revenge of the Taker - C-
In Your House 15: A Cold Day in Hell - C
King of the Ring '97 - D+
In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede - B-
SummerSlam '97 - B
Hardcore Heaven '97 - C
Ground Zero: In Your House - D+
Of all the people Cena looses too, it will certainly be a new guy in his first match from NXT.
You guys really think wrestling against John Cena is career suicide?
I think you guys are being ridiculous, honestly.
So basically Global Force Wrestling is just WCW version 3 or have they actually got bookers and workers who give a damn?
Edge is the only guy who was in a long-term feud with Cener and came away better for it. It's kind of strange as to why he would but not other guys; granted Orton in 2007-2009 when they feuded non stop was a complete bore. I still think he is, but the feud never really elevated him as a top guy in the company like they tried time and time again to do.
I always wondered where Lashley would've went had he stayed. Because right before he left, he had a good back and forth match with him at the Great American Bash. Hurt his shoulder during it and left months later.
Of course not. Wrestling John Cena is fine.
It's literally everything that comes after that that's career suicide.
Like Ambrose said in the shoot: "the second you lose to Cena, you become just like everyone else"
I fucking love what WWE did with Owens last night.
I love even more that they booked a match between him and Cena at EC.
Now, if they book that match like Zayn vs. Owens I, they are masterminds.
I'm going with Owens losing in the usual Cena open challenge style and then giving him the powerbomb on the apron or Owens getting DQ'ed.
Either way Cena still tries to go through with the challenge on Raw the Monday after and loses there...to Sami Zayn.
Owens gets to run around claiming credit for destroying Cena and for Sami's success.
I fucking love what WWE did with Owens last night.
I love even more that they booked a match between him and Cena at EC.
Now, if they book that match like Zayn vs. Owens I, they are masterminds.
Some midcard filler feuding with Shawn Michaels and Triple H. And teaming with some arsehole who kept getting into trouble.Even edge wasn't though. He fucked off to the Raw midcard for a year before stealing moth from Kennedy.
Actually upon further thought, Cena dropping the belt to a new guy just a couple of weeks after wrapping up a 4 month long feud with Rusev is the most Cena thing humanly possible.
People actually think Owens is going to beat Cena?
The Mojowens?
End of Rocket League Beta 2 RIP
I'm gonna be really disappointed if his WWE name isn't Joey Samoey at this point.Perfectly okay with Owens winning the US championship and Joey Samoey taking his place in NXT.
I'm gonna be really disappointed if his WWE name isn't Joey Samoey at this point.
OK I did it now whatguys
Owens is going to be in the Authority, gonna win at EC with Authority interference.
Quote me on this.
Owens' kid's reaction to his Raw debut: https://instagram.com/p/22PFlyvYx8/
Bit absurd for Lana to immediately "find another man".
OK I did it now what
Owens' kid's reaction to his Raw debut: https://instagram.com/p/22PFlyvYx8/
Bit absurd for Lana to immediately "find another man".