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May Wrasslin' |OT| Super Strong Style 16 - Thread Edition 2015


OG Green Ranger = Best Ranger

Anyways, NXT was okay last night. Mostly squash matches. Kevin Owens does his role so damn well though. He's a great heel that I love hating.


Like I said, I can't muster up the energy to defend a game like that designed to attract the GG crowd. It's not about the gameplay, it's the 3edgy5me community around the game I have a problem with.

Yeah i understand. Im not defending the game or anything, but stuff like violence in games (even if its im bad taste) doesnt bother me, and it never will. Twitch and gaf have all the right in the world to ban it/not discuss it though.

But i just think the game looks like shit and zero fun to play, regardless of its theme.

Back on topic though, im actually excited for EC this sunday. Im really liking the owens vs cena set up, neville is gonna be there (slowly becoming my new fav), and the tag team match might actually get hype for once.

Theres no way that rollins loses to ambrose, i expect some bullshit interference to happen... Which is really becoming so predictible and lame that Ive gone from respecting Rollins to completely being bored by him (maybe thats what theyre going for, but its becoming too repetitive). He really needs to start winning on his own and drop J&J. The gimick is old at this point and its only hurting him in the long run.

Lesnar cant come back soon enough though. That monday after WM31 was the highest moment so far this year for me. After that its been all down hill with only tiny moments of excitement here and there.


Hooked up my old Wii again to play some mario kart with the kid. Holy shit does it look bad on my 60 inch tv.

Does the wiiU do anything so old wii games don't look like ass?
Hooked up my old Wii again to play some mario kart with the kid. Holy shit does it look bad on my 60 inch tv.

Does the wiiU do anything so old wii games don't look like ass?

You could try installing Nintendont and messing with the options. I think there are some widescreen hacks and whatnot.


Hooked up my old Wii again to play some mario kart with the kid. Holy shit does it look bad on my 60 inch tv.

Does the wiiU do anything so old wii games don't look like ass?



Hooked up my old Wii again to play some mario kart with the kid. Holy shit does it look bad on my 60 inch tv.

Does the wiiU do anything so old wii games don't look like ass?

To my eyes, Wii games look a little less fuzzy, but you're still dealing with 480 resolution. My wife (who knows very little about gaming) and I were playing Boom Blox last night, and she immediately asked why it looked so bad compared to "what you usually play" (which lately has been Mario Kart 8, Tropical Freeze and Witcher 3).

Also, wrasslin' related: Kevin Owens is so good on the mic. Him taking the "John Cena suuuuuucks" chant and using it to (A) stop the crowd from chanting it and (B) get them to boo him instead of clapping for him was just great.


Also fuck Nintendo for not including some form of proper controls with that Metroid Prime Trilogy rerelease. The motion controls are so bad.


I will be forever salty at the Wii. A bunch of potentially great games were lost to waggle and looking like shit because Nintendo didn't jump on the HD wagon when basically everyone else did


I will be forever salty at the Wii. A bunch of potentially great games were lost to waggle and looking like shit because Nintendo didn't jump on the HD wagon when basically everyone else did

Eh, most of the best games on the Wii weren't dependent on motion controls, so I don't think it hurt the games too much. Plus, given how poorly the Gamecube sold, who knows how badly Nintendo might done had they went with a "traditional" HD console to compete alongside the 360 and PS3. At least the Wii gave them a clear market difference that brought in a ton of profits.


love on your sleeve
Also fuck Nintendo for not including some form of proper controls with that Metroid Prime Trilogy rerelease. The motion controls are so bad.

You ain't lying. I was pretty hyped to have all 3 games until I actually played it. Worst motion control experience I've ever had.


Eh, most of the best games on the Wii weren't dependent on motion controls, so I don't think it hurt the games too much. Plus, given how poorly the Gamecube sold, who knows how badly Nintendo might have done had they done a "traditional" HD console to compete alongside the 360 and PS3. At least the Wii gave them a clear difference that brought in a ton of profits.

I really hate the "GameCube sold poorly" being a cop out excuse for Nintendo making the Wii weak as fuck graphically. The original Xbox got just as crushed by the PS2 as the GameCube did, but Microsoft didn't backdown. Microsoft actually learned from the mistakes of the original Xbox, payed attention to what the PS2 did well, and actually improved things which made the Xbox 360 such a good system (besides RROD, obviously). Nintendo didn't learn shit, instead they just walked away from the problem and focused on something else - which is why the Wii-U is selling like dogshit now, because Nintendo never bothered to address their own problems and their fad run with the Wii is over.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The wii does 16:9 and 480p. Well for some games....

Most games are progressive and wide screen. Wii U does output Wii content over 1080p but will it look any better...no.

Motion controls rule for MPT and personally I think Wii games look great most of the time.


I just looked up gameplay of hatred to see what the fuss is about. Looks like a shitty mobile game. People need to calm down. This isnt going to be any different than any other violent game out there now.

it's a game made by neo nazis that encourages the mass murder of civilians


Most games are progressive and wide screen. Wii U does output Wii content over 1080p but will it look any better...no.

Motion controls rule for MPT and personally I think Wii games look great most of the time.

In the end Wii was still meant for CRT TVs.

Hey so..new Wii controllers. Do they have that extra gyro thingy already installed in them? It came with Wii sports 2.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
In the end Wii was still meant for CRT TVs.

Hey so..new Wii controllers. Do they have that extra gyro thingy already installed in them? It came with Wii sports 2.

Wii Remote Plus's have them built in, yes. Same size and just about the same weight as the originals. I have a couple of the dongles too.


Wii Remote Plus's have them built in, yes. Same size and just about the same weight as the originals. I have a couple of the dongles too.

I tell ya those Nintendo games hold value. Smash Brothers and Donkey Kong Returns are still like 30 bucks. I was willing to give them a spin.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Also it isn't necessarily that Wii only looks good on CRTs, it's that your TV needs a damn fine scaler if it isn't. I still use the Sony Bravia I got in 2007 for Wii games and they look damn fine, especially the 240p and 480p games. My friends always commented on how much better Wii games looked at my house on this 40 inch tv compared to their 60 inch monstrosities.


OG Green Ranger = Best Ranger

Anyways, NXT was okay last night. Mostly squash matches. Kevin Owens does his role so damn well though. He's a great heel that I love hating.

Crowe trying to get back in the ring, getting stomped, then getting tossed back out was great.

Naughty Alexa Bliss is fine even though it makes me sad.

Looking forward to seeing Chad Gable in action.

If you just started Gaim and already think it's really good, oh man are you ever in for a ride. The beginning is pretty slow up to episode 14 or so, then shit starts to get real very fast.

Haven't watched any Riders since Kabuto. Should I check out Fourze or Gaim first? Both of them look amazing.


Eh, most of the best games on the Wii weren't dependent on motion controls, so I don't think it hurt the games too much. Plus, given how poorly the Gamecube sold, who knows how badly Nintendo might done had they went with a "traditional" HD console to compete alongside the 360 and PS3. At least the Wii gave them a clear market difference that brought in a ton of profits.
I think after the first couple of years they stopped forcing the dumb motion controls.


But......... the handshakes were awesome!

I would've begrudgingly accepted the chant had it started after Shinsooky Nakamura began shaking each and each and everyone's hand, because it was kind of awesome.

That's not what happened though, Entropia. They started chanting as soon as hands were extended and no handshake had transpired. That's unacceptable, and it completely turned me off from watching the match.

Did they ever chant it again when actual wrestling was happening? I have serious doubts.
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