I can honestly see why they'd ban the curbstomp. A kid could paralyze or kill another kid by actually trying to do it and you don't want that shit connected to your champion.
Honestly I'm surprised they ever let him have it/do it. It's a curb stomp for crying out loud.
At least it wasn't a Super Dragon curbstomp.
I figured, but there's no way to stop bullies online so I'll just try to drop it
SUPER DRAGON! *clapclapclapclapclap*
They should just let Seth use God's Last Gift again;
Better than yet another shitty DDT variation.
Honestly I'm surprised they ever let him have it/do it. It's a curb stomp for crying out loud.
I have no doubt that Seth can perform it safely 100% of the time and it looks awesome but at the end of the day it's a curb stomp.
I don't understand why do many people on the IWC(God I hate that term) dont get this.
Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!Great match with Goto and NakamuraGoto you bastard!!!
Terminator 1, like Alien, is vastly better than its sequel
Fucking Goto? Of all people..Goto. Not like, Shibata or someone cool, but Goto....
nowadays it's called ISEC, get with the times brother
Cavernario vs Rey Cometa is pretty nuts. Both gentlemen are going at a fast pace in this match. (FantasticaMania)
I'm debating going to Shine 27 in Tampa. Are the shows typically pretty good?
Shine shows are pretty good - the crowd SOMETIMES can get weird, which sucks. Like creep weird. But Shine is excellent most of the time.
Oh that ESPN E60 doc on NXT is on tomorrow, nearly forgot about that.
What does ISEC stand for?
Internet Sports Entertainment Community
Really nice picture of Sheiky Baby
Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!Great match with Goto and NakamuraGoto you bastard!!!
I admire the commitment to the gimmick.
Come on, man. Even if you don't like this online persona of mine, it doesn't mean we're not allowed to like the same movies. You're taking this way too seriously and are working yourself into a shoot. Just drop the pretense a little bit, or if you wanna shoot, just shoot straight, brotherjackdude. What's your issue with me? I've stated mine with you but am willing to drop it if you can be real for a post or two.