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May Wrasslin' |OT| Super Strong Style 16 - Thread Edition 2015


Okay guys, I need to be real with you all. Why do Star Wars fans give a fuck about Boba Fett? The guy is the Roman Reigns of the Star Wars universe. He has a cool look and seems menacing and badass when he has Vader there to mask Fett's flaws. Then when Fett is let loose on his own he dies like a bitch in Return of the Jedi.

Raw was better than both Clips/Rockets and Bulls/Cavs games.

The NBA playoffs don't get good until the conference finals anyway


No One Remembers
Okay guys, I need to be real with you all. Why do Star Wars fans give a fuck about Boba Fett? The guy is the Roman Reigns of the Star Wars universe. He has a cool look and seems menacing and badass when he has Vader there to mask Fett's flaws. Then when Fett is let loose on his own he dies like a bitch in Return of the Jedi.

Because he's this bad ass bounty hunter that captured Han Solo! Plus he has a mask, and he has that raspy mysterious voice!

The NBA playoffs don't get good anyway

You're right! ;)


Okay guys, I need to be real with you all. Why do Star Wars fans give a fuck about Boba Fett? The guy is the Roman Reigns of the Star Wars universe. He has a cool look and seems menacing and badass when he has Vader there to mask Fett's flaws. Then when Fett is let loose on his own he dies like a bitch in Return of the Jedi.

It's really because he has a cool look and is a bounty hunter. That's it.

I have no clue how anyone can continue to like him after seeing his origin laid out.
The problem with Bryan is they've basically, as Meltzer predicted, turned him into Jim Duggan - a spot machine with a catchphrase. He was incredibly compelling as an asshole heel in 2012, great as a comedy guy in Team Hell No, awesome as "Weak Link" during the Summer of Bryan, unbelievable as the ultimate underdog in the buildup to Wrestlemania 30, but once that payoff came, they didn't really give a shit about protecting him and just kinda let that fiery anger that made him so great leach away from him until he just became "chill hipster guy that goes out and wrestles sometimes". Bryan seems like a cool if kinda vapid dude in real life, but that doesn't make for a particularly compelling character, particularly for a dominant babyface at or near the top of the card. Not to mention, I doubt any wrestler exiting the scene for 9 months right at the height of their popularity could ever get that lightning in a bottle back, especially when the company seems to make the active choice to let you just sort of fade from the audience's mind during your absence.

What's funny is that he seems to have gotten quite a bit better on the mic in his absence. He's much more comfortable in front of an audience, doesn't stutter over his lines as much, has more emotional conviction in the way he says things. But they just have NOTHING for him right now, and the fact that he could slip so easily off the card without even a hint of his absence mattering says everything. That's not to say that he couldn't get some of his heat back, but WWE needs to give him better material, find something to freshen up and reinvigorate his character, and let him wrestle a mat- and strike-based style that will be easier on his body while allowing him to stand out from everyone else on the card. (And Bryan, that ass, needs to allow himself to tone it down.)
Okay guys, I need to be real with you all. Why do Star Wars fans give a fuck about Boba Fett? The guy is the Roman Reigns of the Star Wars universe. He has a cool look and seems menacing and badass when he has Vader there to mask Fett's flaws. Then when Fett is let loose on his own he dies like a bitch in Return of the Jedi.

The NBA playoffs don't get good until the conference finals anyway

He was a cool concept; this cool looking silent killer who was a legend. Then Lucas went nowhere with it and like you said he was let loose on his own and died shamefully. I like the EU because at least they had him be badass for the most part, and I'm hopeful this is more of the same because no Lucas in sight so it at least stands a good chance.

ed:VV It started out that way, then the trailer hit and I couldn't be more sold on new Star Wars


In hindsight it sure seems like Vince and creative didn't do a single pit of post-WM30 planning for Bryan. No new motivation for his character. The Authority didn't die after Bryan proved them all wrong. They threw Bryan into the "vanilla midget title reign" mold and basically said they'd check on things in a month.

He was a cool concept; this cool looking silent killer who was a legend. Then Lucas went nowhere with it and like you said he was let loose on his own and died shamefully. I like the EU because at least they had him be badass for the most part, and I'm hopeful this is more of the same because no Lucas in sight so it at least stands a good chance.

No Lucas in sight is the big reason everyone should be excited for the new Star Wars.
Okay guys, I need to be real with you all. Why do Star Wars fans give a fuck about Boba Fett? The guy is the Roman Reigns of the Star Wars universe. He has a cool look and seems menacing and badass when he has Vader there to mask Fett's flaws. Then when Fett is let loose on his own he dies like a bitch in Return of the Jedi.

Roman can actually work a match though. Boba couldn't even fight.





Finally started watching RAW.

Zayn's debut and he gets to give Cena a great match!

I'm guessing "shoulder injury" to handicap him next week at take Over?
Triple H should have been champ going into 30 and Bryan should have retired him and ended the authority there, but this is wrestling and H is the only Attitude Era star left and therefore he's needed to make money, etc. etc. etc...
Triple H ruled the Attitude Era with an Iron Fist, only for Batista to steal the one role for a wrestler in The Man with the Iron Fists.
First Bryan, and then Manny. Condolences breh. You're rooting for Golden State too, right?

Best keep my mouth shut on that one....


Also, if Sami was able to produce at that level with the shoulder injury that's been reported to be, then it's probably not that serious. But hey, adrenaline is a strong strong thing.
He deserved it and that team seems unstoppable. You should hop on the Clippers bandwagon though. Not a good start for the Rockets.

Never. But Ballmer seems to be having the TIME OF HIS LIFE. Hoo boy no amount of money could ever buy that level of excitement from a man. Well maybe a couple billion :p
Whether you love him or hate him; Daniel Bryan brings the worst out of everyone. Especially in this thread. Dude should just recharge his batteries at the very least and tonight's RAW proved you can exist without him. At least for awhile. But stop being a shitlord and straight up deny the greatness of Danny B, brehs. So DIS-RUH-SPECT-FUL.

Yeah he looks like a dog's anus but who are we to judge. But seriously dude needs to get a serious makeover if anyone's gonna take him seriously.


Now that's a big-fight-feel maker.

He will return.
What Bryan needs to do is reinvent himself, and since it seems like fans are so fed up with his bullshit I think it's time for a heel turn. Have them call on him to relinquish the title but have him refuse and just sit on his ass and keep it for however long he's out. Then have him come back shaved head and dipshit coward heel 2.0 where he doesn't do any bumps and just small packages people after a minute.


Did I read the Raw spoilers right......they actually gave the tag team champions a win over two of their top stars?

Is....is this real life? Or is it fantasy?
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