Dr Duncan Steel
do you like wasabi?
Not really.
Might as well just swallow my pride with this panini. SHould've paid attention to the menu more.
do you like wasabi?
Paige deadlifting 95lbs.
With a mixed grip, lol
Wearing rings, lol
Are you serious bro
Not really.
Might as well just swallow my pride with this panini. SHould've paid attention to the menu more.
It's a work brother!
Young Bucks are so shitty that even dying WCW wouldn't book them. They'd be jobbers to the Natural Born Thrillers at best.
They have a lot in common, really. Shitty wrestlers who have zero psychology and fans that don't know why they like them. Except the Thrillers were at least Mastodons.
Oh shit. The Shield twitter account has started tweeting again. They died at Payback last year. Reforming this year, perhaps?
Getting through to the end of the Expanded Edition of The Death of WCW and I wanna post a question - who's your favorite late-90s era WCW booker, from the following:
a) Kevin "Above The Mortal Marks" Nash
b) Eric Bischoff
c) Vince Russo
This book just gets so, so, sooooooo depressing towards the end.
Horse radish is the absolute worst. Who the fuck thinks this is edible in any way shape or form?
Horse Radish with roast beef? Heaven.
Hi WrassleGaf. I've been lurking a while without posting. Sorry about that. Currently feeling a little wobbly on Jamesons and post-election blues. I haven't really watched any wrestling for weeks (since Mania), even the wonderful LU. What have I missed?
if you have a favourite booker its time to step back from wrestling friends
Damn you Vince, why do you have to call pepsi and coke trash on my twitter account
Bronson, get WrestleGAF Court up and running!
What have you missed? You missed giving us a Fave Five!
Sullivan is brilliant and has great ideas. Don't be a weenie. YES I used a gendered term.
Wait, do I get to choose the fave five?
Sunny... did I hear you on the LAW the other day? Getting an F n' P reference in there was a #deadgiveaway
Forced to make a choice between the two Coke Is It! The only good Pepsi is the one that told me I'm a piece of shit a few minutes ago.
Water: drink of the gods
Tell you what. You fly me to where you are, let me rub my naked ass all over your face, kick you in the groin because you have an accent, and suckerpunch you in the face, and you tell me if I'm a horrible person.
People will defend any old shit.
They're just plugging the site, don't get worked good brother.
Is there any chance at all Lana's terrible face turn is all just an act? That when John Cena inevitably tries to save the damsel in distress from big, bad Rusev after slut-shaming her for the past few months, she turns around and just kicks Cena in the balls? Please?
Should have gotten the wasabi peas.Bought some Wasabi almonds...
Should have gotten the wasabi peas.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSI3lhhjSQ8I'm just happy to have heard Lana's theme song on Smackdown; I miss the days when her theme would play before Rusev's.
Such a good piece of work; it reminds me of Soul Calibur every time that I hear it. CFO$ ain't too bad.
Roddy Piper vs Greg Valentine Dog Collar Match
Watch. This is the best match on the card and is the best match I've ever seen Piper in because it's not technical. It's just a rough and bloody fight and they make great use of the gimmick. I have no real love for either participant, but it's a fantastic dog collar match. Really shows how they should be done.
Those are awesome, too bad Target doesn't sell them online. Love the sesame sticks also.Zen trail mix
Hey, if you can't stand up to Bill DeMott to his face instead of whining about it on the Internet, how can I ever trust you to stand up to Vinny Mac's dumb character or storyline ideas about you?
Ya' know why Hulk could? Because he got his leg broken in training. Ya' know why Bret could? Because he got stretched by his own Dad in the dungeon. Ya' know why The Rock could? Because he probably went through the same shit during football training. Ya' know why Austin could? Because he got trained by Chris Adams. Hell, ya' know why Punk could? Because he got trained the old school way.
Again, if you can't say 'fuck you' to bullshit middle school hazing from a chubby asshole who never did anything in this business. how are you going to say 'fuck you' to abuse and bad storylines from the most powerful man in wrestling history?
Data, that rope walk spot is excellent. Haha.
He sells it for the entire rest of the match.
Damn right, a WrassleGAF Special! And yes you do. Give us two if you like. An All-Time Fave Five and a Current Fave Five.
Apologies, had to run an unexpected errand. Let's do this:
Fave Five WWE VHS Tapes I Watched Too Much as A Kid
1) UK Rampage 1991
2) Summerslam 88
3) Survivor Series 88
4) My friend's copy of Prime Time wrestling that he recorded from Sky TV that I had to keep messing with the tracking to watch
5) The copy of 'No Holds Barred' my Gran got me for christmas once because it had that Hulk man in it and young Ghosts likes the wrestlings.
Alberto El Patrón and Johnny Mundo's match from LU was fun to watch. It's up on their YT page.
better luck tomorrow, friend
How come the Young Bucks aren't original, and why do they need to leech off of others' star power?
As a pat on the back for members of this community for a better WrassleGAF since it will probably be lost in the appropriate thread, I just want to say that I've enjoyed talking with Mr. Luchador about UK politics today as I feel we have very similar views but he's resisted going to the extreme some on our side have despite being very disappointed and although iMax is on the opposite end of the spectrum of us two AND has the handicap of a John Cena avatar, I feel he put his viewpoint across well, even when responding to the extreme left which ended up grating on him, hence the spitting gifs./s
It may not have been the result I wanted and a lot of contributions in that thread were best ignored, but I had fun talking with you guys at least.
How is it in the thread now? I was in for half an hour or so earlier but it was too intense. I decided I was best served hitting the bottle and popping my Wrasslegaf cherry.
While on the subject, I'm gutted about the political leanings of our nation - we should know better than this by now.