After finishing the Attitude era Raws they bothered to put up on the Network, holy shit X-Pac is over, even with his horribly offensive portrayals of Mark Henry and Ken Shamrock.
He should have had a better friend outside of a the main Kliq than Justin Credible and had a better say in the theme. He might have gotten back over.
Getting through to the end of the Expanded Edition of The Death of WCW and I wanna post a question - who's your favorite late-90s era WCW booker, from the following:
a) Kevin "Above The Mortal Marks" Nash
b) Eric Bischoff
c) Vince Russo
This book just gets so, so, sooooooo depressing towards the end.
This shit was amazing. I love WW3 97After every wrestler except Hall, Page, and The Giant had been eliminated, WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hollywood Hogan revealed himself to be the sixtieth entry in the battle royal; he did this to win the match for himself so no one would get the title shot.
I don't care what anyone says.
This shit was amazing. I love WW3 97
WW3 is trash as a match...but the first two do have fun endings.
Him fucking over Kane put him into permanent Heel territory. It was bananas considering how well loved he was before then.
Imagine an alt reality where X-pac eventually gets so over they put the world title on him.
If only he shooted rock at capital carnageYo, is that Neville's new gimmick?
Imagine an alt reality where X-pac eventually gets so over they put the world title on him.
As a pat on the back for members of this community for a better WrassleGAF since it will probably be lost in the appropriate thread, I just want to say that I've enjoyed talking with Mr. Luchador about UK politics today as I feel we have very similar views but he's resisted going to the extreme some on our side have despite being very disappointed and although iMax is on the opposite end of the spectrum of us two AND has the handicap of a John Cena avatar, I feel he put his viewpoint across well, even when responding to the extreme left which ended up grating on him, hence the spitting gifs./s
It may not have been the result I wanted and a lot of contributions in that thread were best ignored, but I had fun talking with you guys at least.
How is it in the thread now? I was in for half an hour or so earlier but it was too intense. I decided I was best served hitting the bottle and popping my Wrasslegaf cherry.
While on the subject, I'm gutted about the political leanings of our nation - we should know better than this by now.
X-Pac? Nah.
1-2-3 Kid? Very likely.
Nash coming down as Sting was dumb as shit. After he hits the ground everyone but commentary knows it's Nash.
Hindsight is 20/20. Back then, who knew for certain?
I think the most baffling thing about Sting is when he was Crow Sting he always had that vest in all the promo material, but he NEVER wrestled in it.
This is also the only good Crow Sting look
I think the most baffling thing about Sting is when he was Crow Sting he always had that vest in all the promo material, but he NEVER wrestled in it.
Hell, didn't Sting not have an in-ring match between War Games '96 and Starrcade '97? I don't think any company would have the balls to do that kind of shit nowadays.
It's nuts that Scott Hall never had the WCW world title. Never even came close really.
Splatoon is dope. Didn't know for sure if I wanted it, one minute after midnight hit I was jonsing for more. Going to get up at 7 to play some more.
Don't you dare.I kinda feel like getting perma banned
Hell, didn't Sting not have an in-ring match between War Games '96 and Starrcade '97? I don't think any company would have the balls to do that kind of shit nowadays.
The UK Politics Thread has been one of the best threads on GAF for a while (until the results came in). There were so many helpful people that were ready to provide links and information so you could make your own mind up. The discussions were pretty interesting too, bouncing ideas and policies off each other and what it could mean. However what happened after the result came in was really embarrassing, and really it sort of shows (sadly) how viscous people can be on the internet when they don't get what they want.
Part of me thinks if Labour had won none of the CONs would have reacted like it was the end of the world and personally attacked other posters for not sharing the same beliefs as them.
Ghost!Welcome along my Rocksmith Brother!
How come the Young Bucks aren't original, and why do they need to leech off of others' star power?
It's funny, because the number of tag teams that have ripped off Young Bucks spots over the years is kinda nuts.
Lucha, my fave fret-fondling masked man! Good to see you! I thought turning to WrassleGaf was appropriate after our nation's voters went full BWO on Thursday.
I kinda feel like getting perma banned
It's nuts that Scott Hall never had the WCW world title. Never even came close really.
Even before that.It really was a shame because dude was over as hell during that period. I think the fans were legit pissed at the fact that Hall kept getting the snubbed because of fucking Hogan.
I say it before and I'll say it again. FUCK HOGAN.
Dude been a walking ID4 mothership to professional wrestling since 94.