you're on my list
Bray is all steam, no steak, friend.
you're on my list
So's your face.Bray is all steam, no steak, friend.
Right now he says
you're on my list
While it was to slander creative as a whole it was used by the ISEC to hate on Roman.Expect that statement was in regards to shit booking by wwe. Punk was going to win a 3 in 1 match. How does that make him look strong? Why not make Roman win
what i missply where you at playboi
Sissa Abigail can be Brie pushing vegan smoothie pyramid schemes.She can be the new face of fear as well.
Fuck, the Deej booking is strong with this one. No less that FOUR screwy finishes and two instances of Greg Excellent. WHY.
That's the kind of thing I'd expect from such a carny ass company.Nintendo has created the first preorder DLC incentive that is only usable in the demo....
Well time to get all the games I like and live in a cave the rest of my life. It only gets worse from here.Nintendo has created the first preorder DLC incentive that is only usable in the demo....
Whats going on with almost every CZW wrestler having a troll song for an entrance?
*Kurt Angle came to the ring with Chris Melendez. Angle commended Chris Melendez as his back up after EY went for his own back up and if backfired. Angle said he wrestled in the Olympics for his country, but Melendez was willing to die for this country and gave up his body for his country. He is what children should aspire to be. He asked Melendez to team up with him tonight then asked The Rising to come out.
Angle called them a breath of fresh air to this company because they stand up for what they believe in. Angle said the BDC is a cancer to the company but because of The Rising he is able to defend the title as champion and for that he thanks them. Drew said they dont have to thank him, he is Kurt Angle. Drew said the three of them are not just The Rising. Everyone willing to fight for the sport of pro wrestling is a member. Drew calls Angle the best in the world. Drew said there will come a day when they go one-on-one for the title. Drew wants to be the best in the world and when the time comes he will take that title. Angle mentions that he doesnt back away from a challenge and he is not about to now.
Eric Young comes to the ramp and said it took him weeks to get his shot. He earned it with the deck stacked against him with Ray, Melendez, and The Rising. Eric says he was screwed. Eric says he is still the number one contender. He is the best and deserves to be champion. Angle said he tried to help him but EY decided to go with the BDC. He went for help from cancer and got nipped in the ass. Eric said thats how Kurt sees it but Eric says Kurt is afraid that he cant beat Eric one-on-one. Eric says he will never quit and he will never go away. Angle says he deserves a rematch but it is going to be under his terms. He says it will be an I Quit Match one on one with no interference. That is for another night and tonight it is about Hardcore War.
The BDC run through the crowd and jump everyone in the ring. Lashleys music hits and he makes it to the ring to hit a Spear on Eric Young. Angle takes a mic and says to meet the last member of his team: Lashley.
Match 1) Robbie E defeated Jessie Godderz. Robbie slammed Jessie down and rolled him up within less than ten seconds. Jessie took a mic and asked for the match to be restarted. Robbie agreed. Jessie got in slight offense before Robbie E quickly rolled him up with La Magistral. Jessie once again took a mic and said he wasnt ready. Jessie asked for another restart. Robbie agreed. The crowd started counting the time but the match went a bit longer. For a third time, Robbie E defeated Jessie with a Crucifix Pin. Jessie freaked out and said he was tired of this and nailed Robbie in the face with the mic. He hit a lariat after. Jessie dumped the referee out. He then military pressed Robbie from inside the ring to the floor. Jessie grabbed a chair and wrapped it around Robbies head before running him into the post. DJ Z came to the ramp as Jessie was leaving and got in his face before he and security attended to Robbie E.
*Match 2) In the first match in the best of five series, The Wolves defeated The Dirty Heels when Davey won with a roll up on Roode when Aries/Roode went for their IED/Spinebuster combination.
Jeremy Borash at this point told the audience about how we saw Velvet and Ray return tonight and advertised another main event star to show up later tonight.
*EC3 & Tyrus came to the ring, EC3 suited up. EC3 runs down the top five list and how he defeated Anderson in his own match, the guy who was number one, and he is somehow not number one. He wants answers. Cue Mr. Anderson who came to the ring with a chair in hand. Anderson said how EC3 did not do anything last week. Anderson said he wars to fight someone tonight. EC3 says they are done here and go to leave. Anderson said he already got it cleared. Tonight he wrestles Tyrus. If he beats Tyrus, he gets EC3 one on one next week. EC3 says no. Anderson asks Tyrus if he is always going to be his little bitch. Thats a huge bitch, but a bitch nonetheless. Tyrus asks for a referee and charges Anderson.
Match 3) Mr. Anderson defeated Tyrus. EC3 got ejected from the match. Anderson pinned Tyrus with a Mic Check.
After, Anderson did his shtick and announced himself as the winner.
*Magnus came to the ring and took a mic. He said he will never apologize for smashing James Storm in the head with guitar. Everyone on the roster knows that James Storm is full of crap. He is dressed to compete and asks James Storm to come out. Instead, Abyss comes to the ramp with a mic in hand. Abyss said last week, Magnus assaulted his leader. Tonight, he is going to pay the consequences and the consequence is Abyss. The two started brawling on the floor. Manik came to the ring but Magnus suplexed him. Khoya came out with the Revolution cane and hit Magnus with it. He, Abyss, and Manik posed over Magnus.
Hardcore War: Team Young (Eric Young, Low Ki, Kenny King, Bram, and MVP) defeated Team Angle (Kurt Angle, Chris Melendez, Mica, Drew Galloway, and Lashley) when Young hit a piledriver on Melendez. After the match, Young pulled off Melendez leg and tried to hit him with it. Angle stopped him, but Young hit Angle and put him in the camel clutch and choked him with the leg.
The Dollhouse comes out to reveal what Taryn is going to wear when she meets with Robert Irvine (Gails husband) and it is lingerie.
*Gail comes out and attacks the members of the Dollhouse.
Match Number One: The Wolves defeated the Dirty Heels to take a two matches to none lead in the Best of Five series. The Wolves won with the lungblower and power bomb combination
Match Number Two: Ethan Carter III defeated Ken Anderson with the One Percenter. Tyrus was locked in a cage for the match. It took a few minutes after everyone left ringside for Tyrus to be let out of the cage.
*DAngelo Dinero joins Josh Mathews for the next match to do commentary.
Match Number Three: Rockstar Spud won a six man elimination X Division Match featuring Manik, Mandrews, Argos, Crazy Steve, and Tiger Uno.
*Jessie Godderz and Zema Ion cut promos before their match.
Match Number Four: Jessie Godderz defeated Zema Ion with a Boston Crab.
Match Number Five: Magnus defeated Khoya with two uranages. Before the match, Magnus cut a promo about his issues with James Storm and the Revolution.
Match Number Six: Kurt Angle defeated Eric Young in an I Quit Match to retain the TNA World Title. During the match, Angle had Young in the ankle lock and Young tapped out and got Angle to release the hold but the match continued because he did not say I Quit
Yeah, dude. That's what I had been using through '96. Then when I started up this '97 WWF push I foolishly didn't use it. A few minutes ago I was like "oh, I should use that reddit link again" and OH MY GOD I'VE MISSED THE ECW PPVS.The WWE Network Subreddit has a chronology timeline of everything on the Network.
Man it's tempting. But man is that a LOT of wrestling
There were four Savio Vegas at SummerSlam '97. Go watch that. >_>Savio Vega wasn't at SS 97![]()
Knowing WWE, they'll put up the 2000-01 Nitros next because "lol look how shitty WCW was!"
I want the first several months of Shotgun Saturday Night.
Shit was raw.
I guess it really goes to show how far TNA has fallen of the map that Bully Ray came back and no-one noticed.