How true is it that Stone Cold is gonna have a match at WM32?
It will sell well. Thing is how much it continues to sell a year later and beyond. And like Halo 4, if it can contend with CoD, Battlefront, and other heavies. The MCC blunder is so hilariously sad.![]()
On this note - I'm really interested to see how Halo 5 will sell after the MCC debacle and how Halo 4 was received. Granted it'll probably still sell well because it'll be the first next-gen Halo and Xbox only gamers are probably starved as fuck for some exclusives at this point.
It will sell well. Thing is how much it continues to sell a year later and beyond. And like Halo 4, if it can contend with CoD, Battlefront, and other heavies.
OK, like I mentioned the other day, I'm finally watching the Lucha Underground run:
Does Striker ever shut the fuck up about earning things? I'm on episode 8 and this is like the third time he's gone off on entitled millennial culture on commentary.
I'm so tempted to drop Dom and Marcus from Gears of War into Sunny's gaming side thread
How true is it that Stone Cold is gonna have a match at WM32?
"match rolls on"
I ended up really appreciating those two's commentary. It gets better.
As true as Hulk Hogan being his opponent.How true is it that Stone Cold is gonna have a match at WM32?
I did! I like some of the stuff Sega puts out, but they're a company that chronically makes mistakes and tends to undo the stuff they do well.
"match rolls on"
I ended up really appreciating those two's commentary. It gets better.
Matt Striker is the best commentator WWE has ever future endeavored.
Matt Striker is the best commentator WWE has ever future endeavored.
Also, was Heenan fired or did he quit?
Matt Striker is the best commentator WWE has ever future endeavored.
JR wasn't fired as a commentator, he was fired while on a legends contract after he couldn't keep control of a panel.
I almost want to say Heenan quit, he had too much of a storyline exit to be fired.
How true is it that Stone Cold is gonna have a match at WM32?
In his recent SI interview he stated that there were a few trademark issues that were already taken care of, it didn't stop the ISEC from blowing it up as something huge prior to this interview though.Vince wants it I believe, Stone Cold is healthy enough for one more match, but he doesn't want to commit to the workout and show schedule. He's also apparently just had a fallout with WWE again over T-Shirts I think unless that was disproven.
As true as Hulk Hogan being his opponent.
I always enjoyed Striker's enthusiasm with his WWE commentary stint, sure there's some more dubious points like "I'm marking out bro!" and effectively renaming the Big Show "The Giant" but during a time period where King and Cole were at their peak of awful having Striker on board with genuine enthusiasm and being able to actually call some moves was appreciated.
Except you had to endure Cole and King snark about his commentary because he named a move correctly instead of modified suplex.
In his recent SI interview he stated that there were a few trademark issues that were already taken care of, it didn't stop the ISEC from blowing it up as something huge prior to this interview though.
I enjoyed his commentary during that time because King would get legit pissed. God forbid I have to call wrestling moves and provide commentary towards the match, instead of babbling like a middle school student with Cole :/.
Somebody stole my Kindle and watched 9 episodes of Brooklyn 9-9 on Hulu AND changed the name on my Amazon account to "Weak".
This aggression shall not stand.
Who is ISEC?
The minute it was stolen you should have called Amazon and had them brick it.
Did that when someone stole my fiance's Kindle Fire and they made it worthless.
Never got it back, but we never had anyone get or change any of her info.
Internet Sports Entertainment Community.
He might show up and have beer.0% chance
I already called Amazon and had them Deregister it, so it shouldn't be any good as a Kindle (though I suppose they could probably still read what I already had on there and use it to browse the 'net).
I didn't realize it was stolen until today, though. Was looking at Hulu on my phone and realized there were 9 episodes of Brooklyn 9-9 and one of The Goldbergs. What a shit thief.
Best commentary duo in North American pro wrestling today!
I love that amazon can do that, makes them a notch above other tablet makers IMO.
Now if only they would build in a GPS tracker on their device OS.
Vampiro is worthless :/
I wish Konan would trade places with Vampiro for some real FnP shit to begin.
but like a true deathmatch veteran he chops off his own arm of his own accord.
I already called Amazon and had them Deregister it, so it shouldn't be any good as a Kindle (though I suppose they could probably still read what I already had on there and use it to browse the 'net).
I didn't realize it was stolen until today, though. Was looking at Hulu on my phone and realized there were 9 episodes of Brooklyn 9-9 and one of The Goldbergs. What a shit thief.
I'm not sure to what extent they "brick" it, though. They make it so it can't be registered to any other Amazon accounts, but it prob still works just fine using the apps that are already on there or browsing the web or whatever.
Whether they can get into it after Amazon de-registers it depends on how you lock it.
Also, they render it pretty useless as it's not really an offline device.
Well, we'll see. I left a lock message with a dummy email I set up before I deregistered it, so maybe they'll return it? I dunno.
As for B99: what I've seen gives me zero confidence that it's the least bit funny.
Deregistering your device prohibits Appstore purchases on that device, and disables the use of any app purchased from Amazon Appstore for Android and downloaded to that device.
I did at one ponit wanted to see Punk vs Stone Cold.![]()