Sibersk Esto
I love flamin' hot cheetos so much
American Males pic is currently beating The Rock.
I think Bootaaay would like the Raikage in Naruto since he not only uses Liger Bombs and Lariatos, but like a true deathmatch veteran he chops off his own arm of his own accord.
As much as I love Enzo, this made me laugh:
Now that's commitment to the spot. Ian Rotten would be proud.
As much as I love Enzo, this made me laugh:
Sometimes the best way to discover a low card wrestler's finisher is to play as them in the video games.
WrassleGAF Viewing Night is happening TOMORROW NIGHT at 7pm Central / Midnight GMT - as we shall be meeting and viewing this fantastic movie, starring...well. Here's the poster:
Come to #WrassleGAF on with your favorite IRC client (you can also use Mibbit!) to watch live via our WrassleGAF channel. More details will be coming soon.
No crude remarks will be tolerated about Buff Bagwell or the choice of movie. We're going to have a few of these so, as Batista says, deal with it.
Honestly it's a fantastically bad movie. I enjoy it because of how bad it is. It's a lot of fun, and will be fun with your pals in WrassleGAF.
Everyone has to get on tinychat and point the camera at their exposed dick. First one to get an erection loses.Are we going to play that game where the first person to get an erection loses and has to do something weird?
Yeah it's not very alley.Why are you guys using foreign slang on my AMERICAN internet? I knew you foreigners were all heels, just like the AMERICAN promoters said you were!
I think they're turning Mastiff heel, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him lose and then take out his anger on Noam.
Yeah, Mastiff losing it seems a good shout. He seems to come up short a lot in PROGRESS, so I could see him out early, but I know what you mean Vince. Ospreay getting another title shot, as much as I think he should be the guy to take it from Jimmy, is hard to justify immediately.
Are we going to play that game where the first person to get an erection loses and has to do something weird?
As much as I love Enzo, this made me laugh:
so a ddt
Not wrestling related - I want to know what the fuck were Sega's sales expectations with Alien Isolation?
Dunno, don't care. Probably directly tied to how much it cost to make it.
As a consumer I shouldn't give a shit either way and just be happy it exists. Plus, there's no way you can sequelize that kind of game very well. It was a losing proposition until day one.
Their only prayer is to make Aliens with the Gears of War engine in UE4.
I guess Sega must have had unrealistic expectations, that's all. 2.1 million for a survival/horror genre title is pretty good. 2.1 million after the massive curbstomp the Alien brand took after Colonial Marines is above pretty good.
Honestly I don't think shitty games actually turn people off from the franchise at all. Like real talk, it's not damaging to the brand at all because people are willing to try and try again, and again, and again.
It's actually kind of real, it hurts certain franchises more than others. For example the Mario franchise could put out a shit game, but the sequel to it will still sell well. Smaller franchises like Devil May Cry are where you'll see stuff like this - Devil May Cry 3's initial sales lagged mostly because Devil May Cry 2 sucked balls.
It's partially that Scots does have it's own words that are historically written that way, and partially identity related.I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but Scottish people - what's the deal with typing the way you speak? "Gid", "Wae", "Daein", and so forth. If I typed the way I sahnded, people would fink I was a pwoper mug.
Just because it sold less and DMC2 sucked doesn't mean that's why it did worse. DMC just isn't that damn popular. And considering 4 did even worse...and 3 was dope...
Devil May Cry 4 is the best selling game of the franchise (because it followed up the best game in the franchise quality wise)
Honestly I don't think shitty games actually turn people off from the franchise at all. Like real talk, it's not damaging to the brand at all because people are willing to try and try again, and again, and again.
Red Faction: Armageddon
must be the reason why
I dont know how you can't see the pattern there.
which one was that? I played the one on Mars. That one was great. Even though the previous ones sucked.
correlation does not imply causality
If Mastiff loses to that fucking CUNT Noam Dar, I'll shit in your hat.
Not wrestling related - I want to know what the fuck were Sega's sales expectations with Alien Isolation?
the game had a long dev cycle and looks like it had a ton of cash poured into it. the art assets alone are stunning not to mention all the VO, additional production values etc etc
sega probably came out with very little to show for the game
Whit's yer beef wi Noam friend?
The only game that Sega should be making a sequel to is ALPHA PROTOCOL.
He tweets like a cunt, basically. That's about it, I like everything else
Honestly, Sega is another one of those publishers that I wish would sell off their IPs and die off.
You liked Isolation, right?
I did! I like some of the stuff Sega puts out, but they're a company that chronically makes mistakes and tends to undo the stuff they do well.
first one to lose an erection loses.Everyone has to get on tinychat and point the camera at their exposed dick. First one to get an erection loses.
Their mistakes are our benefit. Be happy they exist![]()