OK, I used a random number generator to pick who's going to review which Tournament of Death - I'll PM those who entered in a day or two with the details, but here's the list and the first round of each tournament to give you an idea of what you've got to look forward to;
Zandig's UltraViolent Tournament of Death - reviewer:
- Zandig vs Nate Hatred - Barbed Wire Boards Deathmatch
- Necro Butcher vs Wifebeater - Staple Gun & Mouse Traps Deathmatch
- Toby Klien vs Nick Gage - Barbed Wire & Carpet Strips Deathmatch
- Nick Mondo vs Homeless Jimmy - Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch
Tournament of Death II - reviewer:
- Zandig vs Nate Webb - Panes of Glass Deathmatch
- JC Bailey vs Nick Mondo - Light Tubes & Ladders Deathmatch
- Corporal Robinson vs Necro Butcher - 4 Corners of Pain Deathmatch
- Nick Gage vs Ian Rotten - Barbed Wire Boards & Light Tubes Deathmatch
Tournament of Death III - reviewer:
Vince McMahon
- Arsenal vs Evil Ninja #2 - Light Tube Log Cabin Deathmatch
- Nick Gage vs Ruckus - Barbed Wire Boards Deathmatch
- Mad Man Pondo vs Wifebeater - Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch
- SeXXXy Eddy vs Ian Knoxx - Thumbtacks & Carpet Strips Deathmatch
- Necro Butcher vs The Green Phantom - Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch
- Chri$ Ca$h vs JC Bailey - Light Tubes & Ladders Deathmatch
Tournament of Death IV - reviewer:
- JC Bailey vs SeXXXy Eddy - Barbed Wire Madness Deathmatch
- Mad Man Pondo vs Toby Klein - Light Tube Ropes Deathmatch
- Brain Damage vs Beef Wellington - UltraViolent Tables Deathmatch
- Ian Rotten vs Necro Butcher - Home Run Derby Deathmatch
- Nick Gage vs Nate Webb - Light Tubes & Ladders Deathmatch
- Zandig vs Eddie Kingston - Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch
Tournament of Death V - reviewer:
- Nick Gage vs Brandon Prophet vs Andy Sumner - Barbed Wire Ropes & Light Tubes Deathmatch
- JC Bailey vs Lobo vs Drake Younger - Light Tubes & Barbed Wire Spider Web Deathmatch
- Brain Damage vs Toby Klein vs Necro Butcher - Barbed Wire Ropes, Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch
- Zandig vs DJ Hyde vs Danny Havoc - Barbed Wire Ropes, Barbed Wire Boards & Panes of Glass Deathmatch
Tournament of Death VI - reviewer:
Mr. Luchador
- Danny Havoc vs Scotty Vortekz - Light Tubes, Ladders & Light Tube Log Cabin Deathmatch
- Freakshow vs Insane Lane - Home Run Derby Deathmatch
- Mad Man Pondo vs DJ Hyde - Shattered Dreams Deathmatch
- Brain Damage vs Toby Klein - Barbed Wire Boards, Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch
- Drake Younger vs Dustin Lee - Light Tubes & Light Tube Tables Deathmatch
- Zandig vs Necro Butcher - No-Rope Barbed Wire, Barbed Wire Boards, Panes of Glass, Barbed Wire Spider Web Deathmatch
Tournament of Death VII - reviewer:
- Pinkie Sanchez vs Danny Demanto - Light Tubes & Ladders Deathmatch
- Mickie Knuckles vs Scotty Vortekz - Light Tubes Deathmatch
- WHACKS vs Dustin Lee - Barbed Wire Boards & Light Tubes Deathmatch
- DJ Hyde vs Andy Sumner - Falls Count Anywhere Deathmatch
- Nick Gage vs Drake Younger - Panes of Glass Deathmatch
- Ryan McBride vs Greg Excellent - Barbed Wire Madness Deathmatch
- Danny Havoc vs Ram - Light Tube Bundles Deathmatch
Tournament of Death VIII - reviewer:
- Nick Gage vs Deranged - No-Ropes, Flaming Barbed Wire Deathmatch
- Brain Damage vs Jon Moxley - Dining Room Deathmatch
- Toby Klein vs WHACKS - Barbed Wire Boards & Light Tube Bundles Deathmatch
- Dysfunction vs Danny Havoc - Panes of Glass Deathmatch
- Drake Younger vs Scotty Vortekz vs xOMGx - Thumbtack Kickpads Deathmatch
- DJ Hyde vs Thumbtack Jack - Jack in the Box Deathmatch
Tournament of Death IX - reviewer:
- Danny Havoc vs JC Bailey - Havoc's Happyland Deathmatch
- Nick Gage vs Abdullah Kobayashi - Weapons of Mass Destruction Deathmatch
- Dysfunction vs Scotty Vortekz - Thumbtack Kickpads & Panes of Glass Deathmatch
- MASADA vs Devon Moore - Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch
Tournament of Death vs GoreFest - reviewer:
- Danny Havoc vs Jon Ryan - Thumbtack Stuff Deathmatch
- DJ Hyde vs Drake Younger - Cinderblocks & Barbed Wire Boards Deathmatch
- MASADA vs Jimmy Havoc - UltraViolent Tables Deathmatch
- Nick Gage vs Adam Polak - Polish Punishment Deathmatch
Tournament of Death XI - reviewer:
Spider from Mars
- Devon Moore vs Danny Havoc vs Lucky tHURTeen - Drunken Scaffold Deathmatch
- Drake Younger vs Rory Mondo - UltraViolent Ladders & Light Tubes Deathmatch
- MASADA vs Scott Summers - Panes of Glass Deathmatch
- Matt Tremont vs Abdullah Kobayashi - Light Tube Bundles & UltraViolent Bats Deathmatch
Tournament of Death XII - reviewer:
- Joe Gacy vs Ron Mathis - Fans Bring the Weapons Dog Collar Deathmatch
- Danny Havoc vs Rory Mondo - Mummified in Barbed Wire Deathmatch
- Scotty Vortekz vs Lucky tHURTeen - UltraViolent Ladders Deathmatch
- DJ Hyde vs Takumi Tsukamoto - International Panes of Glass Deathmatch
Tournament of Death XIII - reviewer:
- Jaki Numazawa vs Lucky tHURTeen - Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch
- MASADA vs Aero Boy - Barbed Wire Madness Deathmatch
- Danny Havoc vs Masashi Takeda - UltraViolent Pits of Hell Deathmatch
- Matt Tremont vs Jun Kasai - Light Tube Bundles Deathmatch
If anyone else wants to review a deathmatch show for the OT, let me know - you can either review a show of your choice, or I'll find one for you. The reviews will go up on LegitShook and be linked to in next month's OT.