pwinsider said:Extreme Reunion finally released the Internet PPV version of their debut event. Originally, the plan was to release the event the next day but the production team, which was supposed to have it ready to go with only minor editing needed, dropped the ball. Instead, the show needed to be edited from scratch, causing the delay.
Not even Cena wants the belt anymore, but he can't get it changed. Because it's WWE's #1 selling merch item.
Eh, realism is overrated anyway. Just go the other way with it. Orton uses tons of dropkicks, just have him land one on Cena's back to prop him up after Cena (barely) sells the Cutter from someone else - while bouncing back up and staggering on his feet in that never-give-up way of his. It'll go Cutter, ground bounce, dropkick, stagger state, repeat. Then after everyone else is through, Orton starts writhing on the ground and finishes him off with the RKO, and Mr. Excitement gets the pin. Orton's such a glory hog that he'd probably insist on hitting his finisher last anyway, in this completely imaginary and inane finish I just made up.I can't imagine a way in which it would be physically possible to string together like 5 Diamond Cutters on the same opponent in rapid succession.
Think of John Cena being blindsided ninja-style in the ring. First Randy Orton hits him with an RKO 'outta nowhere'. Then Diamond Dallas Page does the Diamond Cutter. Karl Malone comes out and gives Cena another Diamond Cutter. Finally, John Laurinaitis, aka Johnny Ace, Big Johnny, Mr. Excitement, does the Ace Crusher on Cena.
but with the Diamond Cutter. And I guess Laurinaitis can softly cradle Cena's neck on the mat for a photo op or something before he goes for the pin, or something.
Well I'm sure champions would do just that, if pants with gigantic belt loops were still fashionable. Hell, that's probably part of the reason why we were saddled with the original spinner design. And of course, they took the spinner out ages ago but they still kept the big gaudy circle centerpiece.Belts are stupid. It's not like you wear it around your waist outside an event.
Not even Cena wants the belt anymore, but he can't get it changed. Because it's WWE's #1 selling merch item.
A Cena title reign is its life, and a Cena title reign is its death. Horrible - horrible choice!And that's mainly his fault. The little jimmies still see that as Cena's belt. As soon as he wins it back and changes the design to the Winged Eagle, everything will be fine.
But for that we gotta risk another long Cena title reign.
ROH TV 5/12/12
Mark Henry should've had a foiled chocolate world heavyweight championship
This amused me more than it should have
wwf's twitter channel is teasing JR & Regal to commentate the new nxt show that starts soon.
For the love of god please don't be vince trolling, this nxt retool is starting to sound good.!/WWENews24_7/status/201676171321147393
wwf's twitter channel is teasing JR & Regal to commentate the new nxt show that starts soon.
For the love of god please don't be vince trolling, this nxt retool is starting to sound good.!/WWENews24_7/status/201676171321147393
Did anyone actually watch Border Wars last night?
John Pollock from live audio wrestling was live to see it with 1,200-1,300 fans and said the show was excellent with a hot crowd.
The problem was with this hot show nobody saw it on the internet and created tons of outrage and basically negated a great show and actually made it worse for them.
John Pollock called ROH to see if they would go on the show to make a statement and said they should make the show free on youtube to get back the loyal fans.
Is that enough for any fans here to watch another ROH IPPV? What would it take for you?
A Cena title reign is its life, and a Cena title reign is its death. Horrible - horrible choice!
Is that enough for any fans here to watch another ROH IPPV? What would it take for you?
They need to make the card for Best in the World better than Border Wars and honestly, I don't think they can do it.
Was this the show Meltzer was saying was going to be run by Hunter?wwf's twitter channel is teasing JR & Regal to commentate the new nxt show that starts soon.
For the love of god please don't be vince trolling, this nxt retool is starting to sound good.!/WWENews24_7/status/201676171321147393
Was this the show Meltzer was saying was going to be run by Hunter?
Indeed it was. When it comes to watching the WWE, sometimes I have this scene running in my head.Good sir, was that a reference to The Undead?
Well, good luck with that. I'm going to wait until ROH start airing iPPVs without major hiccups on a regular basis again before I consider spending money on them - after that whole fiasco with the CM Punk/Bryan Danielson vids, I reconsidered buying Border Wars and bought a spot for Chikarasaurus Rex instead.Well, they're offering the next iPPV free for anyone who doesn't claim for a refund, so I'm definitely going to try and watch - but everything will have to go off perfectly for me to consider dropping money on an ROH iPPV again.
Perhaps, given the name, they could fly in some foreign talent - it's been a long time since ROH has brought over any Japanese guys, when those dream matches used to be a big part of ROH.
Yeah, that's why I'm interested in it. When is it set to debut?Yeh, but he was also saying that knowing Vince he will end up getting involved too.
EDIT Would be interesting to see what HHH would do with a show on his own. Could be an indicator for the future.
Ubertag and any other KW Wresslegaffers need to go to Bargins Gone Wild at The Aud. They had a whole table filled with this:
One of the greatest films in Modern Cinema for only $2. You cannot pass up this chance!
I've never seen Mr. Nanny. How can this be? *adds to Netflix queue*
I watched this gem this week.
I was browsing The Hulkster's wikipedia entry and was like "WTF is The Secret Agent Club and why have I never heard of it?" It's a goofy direct to video family movie from 1996 with Hulk and a bunch of kids as the protagonists. Bad, but silly and funMore than I can say for No Holds Barred, but I kinda wanna give that movie another try. Rented it ~5 years ago and I couldn't even make it through an "it's so bad, let's laugh at it" viewing
Indeed it was. When it comes to watching the WWE, sometimes I have this scene running in my head.
I got the worst looking championship title right here:
Yeah, run back to the MMA thread. We'll be waiting here for you when you re-learn to walk without dragging your knuckles.And with that gif, I've lost interest in discussing wrestling for today.
I tap, Mr. Bean. I tap.
I thought you didn't obsess over Yu-Gi-Oh! anymore according to Net_WreckerI guess a AA on steel stairs didn't really do well to adjust Brock's attitude.
I thought you didn't obsess over Yu-Gi-Oh! anymore according to Net_Wrecker
another time Net is wrong.
Net Wrecker seems to be my own personal TMZ as he's in the loop.
Net Wrecker: I'm just trying to do my job.....
*throws Wrecker into a fence*
Anyway I guess I will have to acknowledge this observer bullshit. You can post whatever you want, Kane pictures, anime girls touching each other with submission holds, copy paste a giant wall of text.
As much as I don't like dream, I won't snitch out anyone here like some lurker from anime gaf. I may have hit the lowest point in Gaf reputation but I'm not a weasel either.
Net Wrecker seems to be my own personal TMZ as he's in the loop.
Net Wrecker: I'm just trying to do my job.....
*throws Wrecker into a fence*
Anyway I guess I will have to acknowledge this observer bullshit. You can post whatever you want, Kane pictures, anime girls touching each other with submission holds, copy paste a giant wall of text.
As much as I don't like dream, I won't snitch out anyone here like some lurker from anime gaf. I may have hit the lowest point in Gaf reputation but I'm not a weasel either.
F it.