The chair is the best ally of Roode.
RVD is done for? WOW, back of the head hit the title.
WOW. RVD is pissed off. Do you see his leg?
Two great PPV's in a row. Extreme rules and Sacrifice both were worth the money. TNA has my attention for sure, some really solid effort out of that company all year long.
Show seemed pretty good from the last few matches I got to see. No Bischoff and Hogan really helps. Focus on the wrestlers. No stupid finishes. Don't approve of the Joe/Magnus title change, but I guess we will get MCMG beating Daniels/Kazarian at Slammiversary. Can't wait to read the spoilers tomorrow and see what happens leading up to Slammiversary.
I'm thinking Angle and AJ vs Daniels/Kazarian
Wouldn't want that. I don't want Angle stuck in a tag team or AJ really either for that matter, especially at Slammiversary since I'm attending. I wonder where they are taking the AJ/Dixie thing?
Bully Ray's definitely come a long way.
Such an inspiration.
It was great he put over Aries too, especially by tapping to Aries's submission finisher. Awesome match between those 2 tonight. Hopefully this means Aries moving up the ranks into the main event scene more.
Although he buried the shit out of Aries' brainbuster by kicking out and being back up 10 seconds later like nothing happened.
Although he buried the shit out of Aries' brainbuster by kicking out and being back up 10 seconds later like nothing happened.
That's what happens in finisher fests. Unfortunately fans have been taught that the top guys kick out of finishers back and forth at the end of a match. Happens in every WWE main event too for the most part. If they do anything else the crowd is usually dead for the finish.
I'll be watching!!!!Soulplaya you debut tomorrow night weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I'll be watching!!!!
Wait, I'm not Lady Kane, am I? lol
Sounds great to me.No she's your manager
G-Fex, rumor has it you're going to create your good friend Heel for your fantasy video game internet wrestling fed, make him look like MMA legend Fedor Emelianenko, give him all NHB moves, not underpower him, and book him like Vinny Mac should have booked Bork Laser, as in let me run through your whole fucking roster.
Yes or not.
G-Fex, rumor has it you're going to create your good friend Heel for your fantasy video game internet wrestling fed, make him look like MMA legend Fedor Emelianenko, give him all NHB moves, not underpower him, and book him like Vinny Mac should have booked Bork Laser, as in let me run through your whole fucking roster.
Yes or not.
You can squash Net Wrecker first if you'd like.
As if some MMA clown could ever beat a real wrestler. John Cena showed all of us what happens there.
Plus I was the last person to train in the legendary dungeon y'know.
You probably just lost dream as a friend.
No, seriously, he hates you now.
NHB moves?
Show up for monday night's show and you've got a deal.
You can squash Net Wrecker first if you'd like.
Plus I was the last person to train in the legendary dungeon y'know.
I thought that was Chaz?
When was Bob Sapp in WCW?