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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.


Bless the Sports Entertainment world with your vision of an MMA fighter's move set, G-Fex. I'm sure it will be absolute magic.

Just know that in the spirit of MMA and the interest of safety, if I were to lose by knockout I will be medically suspended for 90 days without contact. Thank you.

By the way, did I mention I have drawing power? I guarantee a spike of at leat 1 to 3 viewers for your next house show.
I always remember Judgement Day 2000 being amazing when I saw it as a kid. Saw it again recently and Undertaker's return didn't seem as badass as I remembered it. Damn mind doing retroactive George Lucas special edition editing to my memories.



I always remember Judgement Day 2000 being amazing when I saw it as a kid. Saw it again recently and Undertaker's return didn't seem as badass as I remembered it. Damn mind doing retroactive George Lucas special edition editing to my memories.

yeah it wasnt as great as his return the next night on Raw
Speaking of ... Judgement Day 2000 was my first PPV after getting into wrestling.

I think I watches some stuff during early 90's as a little kid but stopped watching and got deep into power rangers.

I actually only got back into wrestling after playing WWF attitude and Smackdown 1 with a friend at the time.

I started watching a week or two after mania 2000. Didnt see backlash and got my uncle to record the PPV on a tape for me.

Good times.
There where some reports of Cena looking a bit haggard and out if it during house shows over the weekend. Not being very engergetic and just phoning it in more then normal.

I wonder what will happen if that continues.

Maybe Johnny Ace will write him off TV for a few weeks with a epic ace crusher at the over the limit.

Johnny > Brock.

Also what the heck ever happened to Alex Riley anyway? WWE where high as fuck on him for a few weeks there.


There where some reports of Cena looking a bit haggard and out if it during house shows over the weekend. Not being very engergetic and just phoning it in more then normal.

I wonder what will happen if that continues.

Maybe Johnny Ace will write him off TV for a few weeks with a epic ace crusher at the over the limit.

Johnny > Brock.

Also what the heck ever happened to Alex Riley anyway? WWE where high as fuck on him for a few weeks there.

Shouldn't Cena be happy that he gets to fuck ring rats without the guilt? Or maybe he actually liked her, who knows.

Alex Riley is busy spying and tattling on C.M. Punk.


The first PPV I saw live was Survivor Series 1991.

Get off my lawn.

My first PPV memory was the 1993 Royal Rumble. The promos between Razor Ramon and Bret Hart. Then in the Rumble itself, Macho Man going in a pin attempt on Yokozuna, lol.

Same PPV that had the bout between Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels. Shot after shot of the Barber Shop glass throw, and the spot when Jannetty came back, and appeared in Sherri's mirror as Shawn looks in shock.


A divorce joke would have been more timely.

The Rock said:
Rock saw Cena makin’ out with Eve, Grabbin’ on her thigh, tuggin’ on her weave. Cena was havin’ the time of his life, I guess he didn’t tell her that he’s got a wife. Let’s rock. Everybody let’s rock. Divorce lawyer’s right up the block, but we’re dancing because Cleveland Rocks

Rock is the modern day Nostradamus.


So not worth it
Well, Rock had like two main jokes in that whole feud.

Cena you so gay!

Cena you wear many colors!

If he's truly Nostradamus, Cena's pre-nub won't save him from that first one in court.


Well, Rock had like two main jokes in that whole feud.

Cena you so gay!

Cena you wear many colors!

If he's truly Nostradamus, Cena's pre-nub won't save him from that first one in court.

Well you know tonight we are going to have an Eve and Cena segment, where they state its because of Eve that Cena's Wife has applied for a divorce.

Main Event: Cena vs D.Bryan - Eve comes out and kicks Cena in the groin.


Then he overcomes the pain in his balls and soul and wins with an STF?


He beats Johnny Ace at PPV then announces hes going on vacation but comes back the next night.

BTW STF sounds like a STD. They should just call it LMAO because that is what it looks like.


So which diva gave Cena the STD then?

I'm betting either Kelly Kelly or Alicia Fox.

Maybe both.

Well Cena exclaimed Eve had them, and we look at how close she was to another superstar, and their relationship between them - I think we have our answer.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Eve trying to talk, wagging her finger, and crying at the same time is the funniest thing this year.


That match was awesome, Bully Ray is the best I've ever seen him, and holy shit at the bump Aries took from the top rope to the floor.
Bully Ray needs to have the title. He's been great for the past couple of months.

I still think Jeff got Bret Hart'd. What you guys say makes sense about not having a clear winner but Anderson's reaction is what's getting to me.


F4Wonline.com is reporting WWE creative is "in a panic" regarding the Triple H/Brock Lesnar story.

There has been some consideration to have the match between the two at No Way Out in June. Some in WWE feel though that would be a huge mistake and this is a big match which has to be saved for SummerSlam.

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