When was Bob Sapp in WCW?
last week's Thunder, duh.
Going through all the moves one by one, Heel's character has taken me the longest actually. Lot of work going into him.
When was Bob Sapp in WCW?
Not lately. Besides, nothing wrong with heel v heel
I always remember Judgement Day 2000 being amazing when I saw it as a kid. Saw it again recently and Undertaker's return didn't seem as badass as I remembered it. Damn mind doing retroactive George Lucas special edition editing to my memories.
"Bad Jeff Jarrett joke"
A divorce joke would have been more timely.
There where some reports of Cena looking a bit haggard and out if it during house shows over the weekend. Not being very engergetic and just phoning it in more then normal.
I wonder what will happen if that continues.
Maybe Johnny Ace will write him off TV for a few weeks with a epic ace crusher at the over the limit.
Johnny > Brock.
Also what the heck ever happened to Alex Riley anyway? WWE where high as fuck on him for a few weeks there.
Thank you for posting that, because it led me to this gem.
The first PPV I saw live was Survivor Series 1991.
Get off my lawn.
A divorce joke would have been more timely.
The Rock said:Rock saw Cena makin out with Eve, Grabbin on her thigh, tuggin on her weave. Cena was havin the time of his life, I guess he didnt tell her that hes got a wife. Lets rock. Everybody lets rock. Divorce lawyers right up the block, but were dancing because Cleveland Rocks
Well, Rock had like two main jokes in that whole feud.
Cena you so gay!
Cena you wear many colors!
If he's truly Nostradamus, Cena's pre-nub won't save him from that first one in court.
Then he overcomes the pain in his balls and soul and wins with an STF?
STDs are what Cena gave his wife.BTW STF sounds like a STD. They should just call it LMAO because that is what it looks like.
So which diva gave Cena the STD then?
I'm betting either Kelly Kelly or Alicia Fox.
Maybe both.
What?Eve trying to talk, wagging her finger, and crying at the same time is the funniest thing this year.
So if we trace this back far enough he got em from Curt Hawkins?
Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray from last night:
If we can get Bully Ray back into the WWE, then it can turn into one massive BE A STAR!!! PSA campaign where Cena overcomes the mean bully picking on him by adjusting his attitude.
Coming soon!
Bob Sapp's mic skills are untouchable.
Bully Ray needs to have the title. He's been great for the past couple of months.That match was awesome, Bully Ray is the best I've ever seen him, and holy shit at the bump Aries took from the top rope to the floor.
F4Wonline.com is reporting WWE creative is "in a panic" regarding the Triple H/Brock Lesnar story.
There has been some consideration to have the match between the two at No Way Out in June. Some in WWE feel though that would be a huge mistake and this is a big match which has to be saved for SummerSlam.
I lost my shit. Is there a video form of this somewhere?
My mistake! Steiner's the best.Not even by Scott Steiner?
One, two, is this on?lololol
Ha!Fucking fucked fucktards
Jesus christ.
I... don't know why I continue watching the WWE sometimes.
Also I didn't even know there was a TNA PPV last night![]()
Hilarious episode. But when did Josh dance like that?