It should be because he lost to xavier woods. Also, you can get spoilers for it at Full Sail University twitter account.!/FULLSAIL
Nice, oh and the great thing about Impact being live is Garett Bischoff and Brooke Hogan will be shitted on and they can't muffle or can the reactions since they are live.
U need to go to Rent-a-Center and rent a brain,bcuz if you check out the websites im not the only one
Who thinks your a idiot
He's back on commentary? Awesome.Dusty Rhodes back on commentary?
This day has been saved.
He's back on commentary? Awesome.
From Dixie's Twitter:
is this for real?
is this for real?
We will see. If he does Panda may as well sell the company as they will never recover. Panda probably likes the tax write off too much to do so however. As for Hogan, I think he has had some good ideas, I really do. The problem is the ego and nepotism. He thinks he can make Brroke and Garrett stars, which is insane. He thinks he can make the next Hulk Hogan just like Vince has tried to make Cena the new Hulk Hogan. Hulk, Bret, Shawn, Austin, Rock, Sting, Flair ect are all one of a kind and cant be replicated. Thats why WWE sucks, no one can be themselves, they all have to be what Vince thinks they should be. Ego is destroying wrestling at an unprecedented rate.Hogan and Bischoff will bleed the company dry and then leave. Writing's on the wall. Dixie is too dumb to see it. Guaranteed Brooke Hogan is getting paid more than any knockout there. You know Hogan will push to give Sting the world title on the live Impact on 5/31 and fuck over the Roode/Storm feud.
Exactly. If I'm guaranteed that Kane is in the first hour, it saves us aplenty of time.So we'll only have to watch that hour, a good way to avert the 3 hour doldrums.
His gimmick of being a face? if anything his problem is a lack of gimmick
Wasn't there some rumor where Hulk and Bischoff were going to ditch TNA but stay on spike for their own promotion or something?
If he returns I am sure he will be doing the same thing he was doing before he left, being fed to Cena.Big Dave chopped the hair off today:
Wonder if he'll be returning soon. has been featuring him on their home page an awful lot as of late.
I like what I'm reading so far.Oops I was wrong Its Jim Ross and Regal on Commentary and Dusty Rhodes is the GM.
Here is Episode 1 spoilers:
Dark Match: Xavier Woods (formerly Consequences Creed in TNA) beat Dean Ambrose. Ambrose was very popular.
Triple H came out and cut a promo. Hunter thanked Full Sail for use of their facilities and said the first episode will air in more than 60 countries. (No date was given.)
Jim Ross and William Regal were introduced on commentary. JR introduced the new GM of NXT, Dusty Rhodes.
(1) Bo Dallas (Rotundo) beat Rick Victor with a spear.
(2) The Ascension (Connor O'Brian & Kenneth Cameron) beat C.J. Parker & Mike Dalton in a squash tag match. Ascension had an epic entrance and were impressive.
Damien Sandow refused to fight Jason Jordan. It was the same promo from his Smackdown appearances. Damien was over as a heel; funny stuff.
(3) Tyson Kidd beat Michael McGillicutty via submission. Great match that captivated the crowd and had plenty of nearfalls. Kidd won with a leg choke.
Awesome, seems like a nice return to the first few seasons of NXT when it was definitely a lot more compelling than the crap on the main shows. Hoping it's a success for them.Oops I was wrong Its Jim Ross and Regal on Commentary and Dusty Rhodes is the GM.
Here is Episode 1 spoilers:
Dark Match: Xavier Woods (formerly Consequences Creed in TNA) beat Dean Ambrose. Ambrose was very popular.
Triple H came out and cut a promo. Hunter thanked Full Sail for use of their facilities and said the first episode will air in more than 60 countries. (No date was given.)
Jim Ross and William Regal were introduced on commentary. JR introduced the new GM of NXT, Dusty Rhodes.
(1) Bo Dallas (Rotundo) beat Rick Victor with a spear.
(2) The Ascension (Connor O'Brian & Kenneth Cameron) beat C.J. Parker & Mike Dalton in a squash tag match. Ascension had an epic entrance and were impressive.
Damien Sandow refused to fight Jason Jordan. It was the same promo from his Smackdown appearances. Damien was over as a heel; funny stuff.
(3) Tyson Kidd beat Michael McGillicutty via submission. Great match that captivated the crowd and had plenty of nearfalls. Kidd won with a leg choke.
So when does this episode of NXT air?
Batista's starting to look ollllllllllllllllllllllld
3...hour...Raw....EVERY WEEK?
This...this is how it ends.
I don't really understand the complaints, don't you guys like watching wrestling?
I don't really understand the complaints, don't you guys like watching wrestling?
I don't really understand the complaints, don't you guys like watching wrestling?
I don't really understand the complaints, don't you guys like watching wrestling?
Im telling you Impact is pretty good right now........seriously! You guys need to tune in. Wrestling is good, booking is weak but logical, but the atmosphere is still a giant pile of shit unfourtunately!I like watching wrestling. I do not like watching 3 hours of sports entertainment in which both the "sports" and "entertainment" parts of that phrase are highly debatable.
At least live Impact should be okay...maybe...probably not.
I wouldn't be surprised if some people already thought Brooke Hogan was signed with TNA with as many times that she has appeared in the Impact Zone. Didn't she slap someone in the middle of a match one time for no apparent reason?