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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.

No edits and no do overs. The advertising Spike is doing for live Impact is kinda funny. Garett Bischoff will be a champion in TNA within 2 months. I'm thinking tv champ.
Liked that Battle Royal. They did a good job in setting up future matches with Aries vs. Styles, Devon vs. Baby Bitchoff and the eventual Robbie T vs Robbie E breakup. Still cant get over the amount of roids Robbie T is obviously on.


WWE is like the Attitude era right now compared to TNA LOL!

All part of Hulk's plan to sabotage Impact wrestling so Vince can buy them out for much less than what he blew on WCW.


I want Garett Bischoff to be a mega heel in the next year or so.
Just have him acting like a face now and winning belts till he wins the heavyweight title and gets his dad back in as gm/owner of tna.


All part of Hulk's plan to sabotage Impact wrestling so Vince can buy them out for much less than what he blew on WCW.

isn't TNA worth less than WCW was?

watching the WCW 2000 ppv's...jesus man they had no fucking good superstars.

Russo got like top billing and was a main eventer.
Nice segment wih Angle and Joe. Two faces going for the title and willing to beat the shit out of each other to get the title. No dick jokes or Cena burying. Nice job TNA.
This has been a very good episode of Impact so far. Really wish both companies could be good at the same time, seems like that is impossible.
I like Wrecker's posts. Keeps others in check in regards to celebrating mediocrity.

The only thing N_Wrecker's posts are doing is keeping you on his nutsack, friend.

N_W's been usurped by Keyser Soze and Dream, ironically, because they have a flair for the dramatic. Not unlike those skits and promos you marks claim to hate.
The only thing N_Wrecker's posts are doing is keeping you on his nutsack, friend.

N_W's been usurped by Keyser Soze and Dream, ironically, because they have a flair for the dramatic. Not unlike those skits and promos you marks claim to hate.

I'm not sure what you're attempting to do here, so I'll just file it under "Bean Breath Trolling Me Again" and smile and nod.

*smiles and nods*
Gotta give Bischoff credit for one thing, ever since he has come on the production values and especially the video department has been extremely impressive.
NXT Spoilers for the next 4 episodes(they taped a month!)

Dark Match: Xavier Woods (formerly Consequences Creed in TNA) beat Dean Ambrose. Ambrose was very popular.

Triple H came out and cut a promo. Hunter thanked Full Sail for use of their facilities and said the first episode will air in more than 60 countries. (No date was given.)


Jim Ross and William Regal were introduced on commentary. JR introduced the new GM of NXT, Dusty Rhodes.

(1) Bo Dallas (Rotundo) beat Rick Victor with a spear.

(2) The Ascension (Connor O'Brian & Kenneth Cameron) beat C.J. Parker & Mike Dalton in a squash tag match. Ascension had an epic entrance and were impressive.

Damien Sandow refused to fight Jason Jordan. It was the same promo from his Smackdown appearances. Damien was over as a heel; funny stuff.

(3) Tyson Kidd beat Michael McGillicutty via submission. Great match that captivated the crowd and had plenty of nearfalls. Kidd won with a leg choke.

After a brief intermission, a video aired and they shot the crowd to lead into what can be assumed to be the second episode.


William Regal left commentary for this episode and was replaced by Byron Saxton.

(1) Seth Rollins (formerly Tyler Black) beat Jiro. This was essentially a squash. Rollins cut a promo promising to take NXT, WWE, and the world by storm.

(2) Jinder Mahal beat Jason Jordan via submission with the Camel Clutch. Boring match as indicated by the crowd chants.

(3) Leo Kruger beat Aiden English. Quick and effective establishing Aiden as a face and Kruger as a heel. Post-match, Leo talked about himself on the mic, calling himself the LEO (Lion) of NXT. So, watch out.

(4) Richie Steamboat beat Rick Victor with a big lariat. Richie wrestles a lot like his dad, Ricky Steamboat, who was ringside watching. Richie gave him a shout-out after the match.

(5) Antonio Cesaro beat Dante Dash. Afterward, Aksana declared, "Antonio is my lover!"

(6) Derrick Bateman beat Johnny Curtis. Comedy match with lots of running around.

End of episode. On to Superstar Showdown or the third NXT taping. It wasn't clear.


Jim Ross remained on for this taping.

(1) WWE tag champion R-Truth beat Epico. Fun match. Truth won with the Little Jimmy.

(2) Sofia Cortez (Ivelise from Tough Enough) beat Paige.

(3) Seth Rollins beat Camacho (w/Hunico) after a standing foot stomp. Heels attacked Rollins post-match until Bo Davis made the save. Of note, Rollins did not use his FCW Hvt. Title at either taping.

(4) FCW tag champions Jake Carter & Corey Graves beat C.J. Parker & Nick Rogers. Again, the titles were not mentioned.

(5) Kassius Ohno (Chris Hero) beat Mike Dalton. Due to Hero's long beard, a "Let's Go Jesus" chant caught on loudly. Post-match, Ohno said he knocks people out and when people see him, they say, "Oh no!"

Leo Kruger came out again and the audience sighed. People were leacing at this point due to not knowing much of the talent. A whole section became spotty and empty. A "We Want Sheamus" chant broke out.

(6) Richie Steamboat beat Leo Kruger. The match ended abruptly after Richie hit a nasty gusher. Post-match, Kruger attacked Richie to good heat. Richie was carried out.

(7) Jinder Mahal beat Derrick Bateman via submission with the Camel Clutch. Jinder got really good shine tonight. He reapplied his finisher after the match until refs separated them.

Byron Saxton is off the booth and now Jack Russo and William Regal have joined Ross.

(8) Ascension beat The Usos. Wow, that's an upset. It's not clear how many episodes they're up to now, but this is dragging badly, and not because of the wrestling.

(9) Bray Wyatt beat Aiden English. Husky Harris's new act is fantastic.

(10) Hunico & Camacho & Michael McGillicutty beat Tyson Kidd & Seth Rollins & Bo Dallas in a six-man tag match. McG avenged his loss against Kidd from earlier in the taping.

(11) World Hvt. champion Sheamus beat Alberto Del Rio to retain the World Hvt. Title. Sheamus won with the Brogue Kick in a good house show-style title match.

That was the end of the taping. They announced they will return next month after taping a month's worth of NXT in one night.
Bobby Roode is a heel champ but can still put over his competition with the mic, and still be heel. Cena should take notes on not burying your competition.
That was a fun show, a real fun show. TNA is on the verge of being taken completely seriously to me, good wrestling, just enough "sports entertainment" for it to be an asset and not a liability, and most importantly good booking. All the challengers coming out at the end was a perfect tease for next week, simple and effective. I dont know who is responsible for this but someone at TNA has a clue about wrestling, thank God!
That was a fun show, a real fun show. TNA is on the verge of being taken completely seriously to me, good wrestling, just enough "sports entertainment" for it to be an asset and not a liability, and most importantly good booking. All the challengers coming out at the end was a perfect tease for next week, simple and effective. I dont know who is responsible for this but someone at TNA has a clue about wrestling, thank God!

Man, I am not prepared for how bad these 3 hour Raws are going to be. They have enough filler crap as is on a two-hour show, especially this past week.

Gonna be fun when the ratings come in each week though >:)
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