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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.


One year ago today :(

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
The Kane outside of wrestling pics are hilarious. They get me every time!
I wasn't even on GAF yet when Macho Man passed.

Such a sad day though. It seemed like his relationship with the WWE was getting better too. Oh well.


Finally watched Border Wars. Holy fuck did ROH fuck up the audio. The energy from the crowd is not there at all. Holy fuck ROH, why do you suck so much at this? How is it that companies like PWG and Chikara who dont have your budget get the correct audio levels from the crowd, announcers and the action in the ring every single time? PWG has the shittiest PA system in all of indy wrestling and i can still make out the random promos there. This should of been an amazing watch, but it's not since you cant do something so simple

Rant aside, god damn was the in ring action good.



John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis


Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship


CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship


Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger for the WWE Tag-Team Titles


Beth Phoenix vs. Layla for the Divas Championship


Pre-Show: Kane vs. Zack Ryder

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man

John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis


Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship


Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger for the WWE Tag-Team Titles


Beth Phoenix vs. Layla for the Divas Championship


Pre-Show: Kane vs. Zack Ryder




John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis


Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship


CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship


Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger for the WWE Tag-Team Titles


Beth Phoenix vs. Layla for the Divas Championship


Pre-Show: Kane vs. Zack Ryder



Prediction Time! (Since I haven't posted in here the last few days...been busy.)

John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis
Somehow, I think Cena winning this time would be too obvious. Then again, I also expect a swerve in some form, so who knows. So I'll give it to Johnny.

Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship

*shrug* I'll give it to Orton. As said, Sheamus is a boring face champion. I expect him to lose the title.

CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship
Uh...I'll go with mah boy D-Brine. YES YES YES! (Wishful thinking perhaps, but we'll see.)
I just want to see the feud develop more, so I don't care who wins.

Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger for the WWE Tag-Team Titles
Fuck, Ziggler should be MEing or something. Or hell, even in that Fatal 4 Way. smh
Anyways, Kofi and Truth prolly retain given some shenanigans.

Beth Phoenix vs. Layla for the Divas Championship
Give-a-Fuck-o Meter: ~0
Chance of Layla looking DAMN fine: 90%
Chance of Eve looking GOTDAMN fine: 95%
Chance of Kharma coming back: ~1%
Chance of everyone marking out at Kharma coming back: 75%
Enjoying the company of WrassleGAF: Priceless

Pre-Show: Kane vs. Zack Ryder
This is a joke, right? Will prolly be a squash, courtesy of Kane.

Extra Match/Segment
Funkasaurus/Ryback/Tensai prolly shows up.
Random IC Title match?


What happened to Ziggler/Swagger being called American Perfection, anyway?

I'm tired of the only tag teams being the "John Smith and Jane Doe" type name.
I will tune in to masturbate to Layla, then rest until Punk/Bryan. Although I fear they might mess with the Punk/Bryan slot. If they put it on first, then put Layla later, I don't know what I'll do.


So not worth it
Their matches have been lots of fun. I hope they go against Brodus Clay and beat the shit out of him.

Loved this spot by Black Cena:

Great things will happen for Titus and Young. I'm sure.

IGN did an interview with Bryan: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/05/19/yes-yes-yes-its-igns-interview-with-wwes-daniel-bryan
IGN:  Did you ever think that being a vegan would draw this much heat from large crowds?

Bryan:  No, I didn’t know actually.  And I do it for health reasons, you know.  Not for entertainment reasons or anything else.  So for me it wasn’t even an issue of bringing it up on TV.  Other than “Oh, that’s an interesting fact about this guy.”  And the idea that you can tell people you’re a vegan and get everyone to go “BOOOO!” is crazy.  It’s interesting because the first experience I had with that wasn’t even with the crowd but it was with Vince himself.  And Chris Jericho loves telling me this story about how he had gone back to Vince and said “This guy’s good.”   It was after the first match I had on TV, and it was against Chris, and he told Vince I was good.  “He can get the people behind him,” he said.  And Vince said [in Vince voice] “Yeah, but who doesn’t eat steak?”  He thought people wouldn’t buy into a guy who didn’t eat steak.  And that’s when I kind of realized that there are a lot of people out there who just think it’s completely foreign for me to not eat animals.

IGN: This Sunday, in your match with CM Punk, and given your history with him, will the WWE audience get to see some moves they might not have seen before?

Bryan:  Oh yeah.  I would expect that there will be moves that the WWE audience hasn’t seen before.  And I hope that there is.  I want it to be more than standard-fare.  I think it’s going to be something that people aren’t used to seeing.  And something that people will get excited about.  Something that’s really fun to watch and engaging and hard-hitting.  The kind of match that, when you buy a Pay-Per-View, that’s the kind of match you want to see.
Predictions and PPV Analysis is....GO!

WWE Over The Limit
Since its inception Over the Limit has pushed the boundaries of crap within the standard WWE PPV set up, being sub par and only memorable for ridiculous levels of Cena no selling in I Quit matches, hear the way he screams in agony when asked to quit only to suddenly stop and nonchalantly say "nope, no", see the way he lobs Batista through the damn stage AFTER he had already quit, but this year there is no I quit gimmick (except for the fans, most of which are being made to quit due to the current product), instead Cena turns his attention on Mr excitement himself, Austin/McMahon 2.0 this is not.
Those of us in the UK get the free ppv treatment tonight so we can stay up over the limit of logical sleep time and wonder just why the hell we bothered to.

Pre Show: Ryder Vs Kane
Boy do WWE have a starter for us here, the longest running rivalry this year, the most one sided feud for many years, hell i'm not sure Kane even considers this a feud but after months of Ryder getting almost murdered he finally gets his one on one ppv match. How nice of WWE to give away such a well built match for free! Okay enough jokes, Ryder is as good as dead here, while Kane is all for putting over up and comers WWE creative only see Zack heading in the other direction.

Divas match
I anticipate either a enlightening trip to the toilet or snack preparation in the kitchen for this outing, the "match" should be over upon my return. Every month I will give a similar response here until WWE actually try and do something with the division.

Truth Bomb Vs Zig-Swag for those bronze tight holding devices
Basically the same thing we were seeing last year just with one wellness policy violator switched out for another (Bourne for Truth in case you haven't been keeping up on the dastardly drug deeds).
The impenetrable mid card ceiling surrounds all these men, in reality they aren't fighting each other but the ever enclosing cage that keeps them locked up, never to progress further in the company. But at least Zig Swag have escaped the Funk, I guess the face team rolls out victorious, should be fun, after all these guys must have fought each other a billion times now, Kofi vs Dolph is like the never ending feud of WWE.

Fatal 4 Way match for WHC: Sheamus vs ADR vs Jericho vs Orton
It didn't take long for WWE to discover that their original plan of ADR vs Sheamus was so boring that not even the forced face push of the Great White nor the half assed attempts at making ADR a big name could be the glue to hold the fans interest together, so the addition of Jericho and Orton helps make this something maybe worth noticing, the match will probably be standard fare for FFW matches, I expect the Ireland University graduate to emerge victorious because i'm sure he learnt how to tackle multi man brawls back in his educational days, that's what they teach over there in that strange foreign land right?

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan for the desperate attempt to keep internet fans watching and the WWE title
Pretty much the only reason people give a shit about this ppv, there is almost no build at all so the match is going to have to do all the work here. There might be some AJ shenanigans afoot but hopefully that wont detract from around 20-30 minutes of pure awesome (Miz need not apply) in the ring. Punk wins to continue his surprisingly long reign, hopefully he doesn't face Tensei next, now Kane, there's a guy worthy of a title shot. (or maybe this feud actually continues but Vince wont allow that, not with those ratings)

John vs Johnny because John wont bugger off for even a single month
Cena has ascended beyond belts in WWE, he is truly "the main event" much to HBK's chagrin I imagine, not because he's that great mind you but because WWE have booked themselves into what I perceive as a corner by making Cena freaking invincible and immune to defeat, even if he loses because he's just so damn jolly about everything it doesn't matter, for WWE this is the booking they have strived for for all these years, for them this is no corner. So Cena may actually lose this match due to blubbering Big Show interference but lets face it, if he loses he will give no fucks and neither will I. Alternatively if Cena wins Ace gets terminated, in WWE terms this means bugger all so this match could really go either way. Just give us an Ace Crusher, it's all the people want, it's people power after all.

Spring Squash Season, due to extend into Summer! Ryback going to make that high juice from quality jobbers.
Wishful thinking: SIN CARA!
The top 2 matches are kind of hard to predict on the ppv. Logic tells me that Big Show runs in and helps Laurinitis win, especially after they built him up this week on tv as having no chance, but then that has become predictable as what most think will happen. If Vince finds this out he will change the ending to Cena winning thanks to Big Show helping him, reinstate Teddy Long who then rehires Big Show, and Laurinitis will move into a manager role. Depending how this finish happens could alter the finish of Bryan vs Punk. Logic again tells me that Bryan will lose, but they might have Punk lose the title here to Daniel Bryan and then have John Cena beat him for it tomorrow night. Orton seems pretty predictable as the winner of the Smackdown title match. I predict Beth to win the diva's title and then Kharma either comes out tonight or tomorrow to start their feud. Why are Swagger and Ziggler getting a title shot when they lost to the Usos this week on superstars? I'll go with Truth and Kofi. Kane no sold Ryder's offense last month after he attacked him backstage. Who thinks this guy has a chance in a 1 on 1 match? Plus he was just squashed on Smackdown by Bryan. Over in less than a minute and Kane wins.

John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis


Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship


CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship


Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger for the WWE Tag-Team Titles


Beth Phoenix vs. Layla for the Divas Championship


Pre-Show: Kane vs. Zack Ryder

Kane vs. Zack Ryder: win by DQ

Beth Phoenix vs. Layla: Small Package Pin

Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs. Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan: Hoping a meteor crashes in the ring and beats them both, honestly.

Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton: It's a shameful thing

John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis: I hope John Cena wins and John Laurinaitis is fired. I can't believe they let him run the company and bring in a fighter like Brock Lesnar that does an illegal move that breaks arms. Teddy needs to run Smackdown and Raw. I can't believe what Laurinaitis did Big Show, he didn't deserve that. F off Keyser Soze and Net_Wrecker. If John is Fired, this company is going down and I will no longer allow my child to watch Raw.

The Rockers are back together! Well, sort of...

o hell yes, imma ax this now. Aiii, my good friend, what up bee otch??


And aside from Punk/Brine, that card is so meh. Who cares about any of those matches? Hell, if it wasn't for the wrestling nerd within me, they haven't even given a reason to care about Punk/Bryan.

lulz, bean breath. Why you kissing babies and hugging fat girls, doe? You'll never be one of them no matter how hard you try. They see through you.
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