Here's her mugshot.
Why does her face look better in a mugshot than on TV?
Here's her mugshot.
And aside from Punk/Brine, that card is so meh. Who cares about any of those matches? Hell, if it wasn't for the wrestling nerd within me, they haven't even given a reason to care about Punk/Bryan.
lulz, bean breath. Why you kissing babies and hugging fat girls, doe? You'll never be one of them no matter how hard you try. They see through you.
Just because Raw is fun for us now that we all got Cena's back, you have to try to bring us all down? Look, dude, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that your favorite wrestlers never win because they're not as good as Cena. I'm sorry that Wile E. Coyote never got the Roadrunner. Sorry about Jerry always getting the best of Tom. I'm sorry that your Generals keep losing to the Harlem Globetrotters.
Maxine was wearing different wrestling gear this week.I liked her old one better, was more jiggly.
Probably getting her ready for her Raw push. Kids can't handle the jiggly.![]()
Probably getting her ready for her Raw push. Kids can't handle the jiggly.![]()
Just because Raw is fun for us now that we all got Cena's back, you have to try to bring us all down? Look, dude, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that your favorite wrestlers never win because they're not as good as Cena. I'm sorry that Wile E. Coyote never got the Roadrunner. Sorry about Jerry always getting the best of Tom. I'm sorry that your Generals keep losing to the Harlem Globetrotters.
Didn't Tom beat out Jerry occasionally, when Jerry was being an even bigger prick than usual?
IGN did an interview with Bryan:
Because the last thing you want something to do when its hot is to get watered down.
Bryan having a go at Sheamus:
IGN: Other wrestlers seem to be trying to co-opt the YES! chants nowadays. How do you feel about that?
Bryan: I dont mind it if it starts organically. Like if the crowd just started chanting it. It only bothers me when people start it up on purpose. For example, leading into the Extreme Rules Pay-Per-View, Sheamus would do promos and chant YES! And thats taking something that I created and trying to use it to get yourself cheered, or get in good with the fans. And I feel like that waters it down. Because the last thing you want something to do when its hot is to get watered down.
Rightfully so I'd say. Just imagine if in 2000 someone tried to jack "if you smell..." from Rocky. Would he still be in the company the next day?
How come Kane gets no K-Mart commercials?
Let's not forget all of the Stacker 2 commercials. he did have a commercial where he shitted out Chef Boyardee
Oh my.
One year ago today![]()
Kind of funny how Smackdown was really good and had a lot of wrestling and no big man squash matches and no one in here cared. Do you guys even watch wrestling or do you guys just like playing wannabe WWE executives?
I'm the only one ordering the PPV tonight, aren't I...
I'm the only one ordering the PPV tonight, aren't I...
I will be ordering it for free as part of my Sky Sports subscription, yes.
Chris Jericho so far is the runaway winner of Worst Comeback Ever.
Chris Jericho so far is the runaway winner of Worst Comeback Ever.
No that will always be Kevin Nash returning from a injury only to tear is quad 5 seconds after getting in the ring in his return match.
Also, I've heard Jericho could be wrapping up tonight to tour with Fozzy over the summer, so I'm just going to enjoy that Fatal 4 Way tonight and not over-analyze things.
Everytime I choose to watch Smackdown its the worst possible shit ever.
Everytime fans ask the WWE for something, it always goes wrong. It's like when you ask a genie to grant your wish, but you ask for it in slightly the wrong way and wind up with a solid gold head or something.
Everytime fans ask the WWE for something, it always goes wrong. It's like when you ask a genie to grant your wish, but you ask for it in slightly the wrong way and wind up with a solid gold head or something.
I'm guessing the two big guys who left or were fired this past couples of weeks will show up in the Cena vs. Big Johnny match. Unless DQs equal Big Johnny fired.
The 'WWE superstar will be fired for interfering' stipulation won't matter to Lesnar or Big Show lol.
He probably thought meeting up with the now-lukewarm CM Punk was going to be a hot feud. Jericho's promos with the alcoholism weren't bad, they were pretty good and the only noteworthy thing that happened, but the entire feud was flat. Nothing memorable.And to think he's been in a main event or title match at every ppv since his return, and his comeback still manages to suck, that's kind of impressive.
Everytime fans ask the WWE for something, it always goes wrong. It's like when you ask a genie to grant your wish, but you ask for it in slightly the wrong way and wind up with a solid gold head or something.
Everytime I choose to watch Smackdown its the worst possible shit ever.
I'm sure Vince has some of those wish granting monkey paws lying around, sure would explain the sudden turn for the worse in a lot of the big angles.Everytime fans ask the WWE for something, it always goes wrong. It's like when you ask a genie to grant your wish, but you ask for it in slightly the wrong way and wind up with a solid gold head or something.
I'm afraid that even most of Jericho's promos fell flat with me, the one with Punk in the pub was hilarious for all the wrong reasons, first the feud tried too hard to be personal and then Jericho basically became a caricature of a villain, if he had a thin moustache he would have been curling it and laughing like Dick Dastardly upon watching Punk "drink" the alcohol given to him.He probably thought meeting up with the now-lukewarm CM Punk was going to be a hot feud. Jericho's promos with the alcoholism weren't bad, they were pretty good and the only noteworthy thing that happened, but the entire feud was flat. Nothing memorable. tonight's show:
*John Cena vs. John Laurinaitis, no DQ, no count out, if Laurinaitis loses, he gets fired. The expectation is that Laurinaitis wins, and it's just a question as to whether it's Big Show or Brock Lesnar who interferes, or some sort of other screw job. Everything is set up for it being Show, but it's so obvious in a company built on wanting to surprise people at all times. The one thing is Cena will probably get fewer boos than at any PPV match in a long time.
*C.M. Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE title - These two are expected to tear the house down as you give Bryan 20 minutes and you're going to get a great match almost every time out. Throw in that Punk works very hard and this is probably one of his favorite opponents, and this may be something special. The story of the match is likely built around Punk coming in with injured ribs from the beating from Kane on Smackdown. That could give him an out if losing, or just allow him to sell most of the way before coming back to win. There was talk backstage that Punk was doing to do something tonight as a tribute to Randy Savage, who passed away one year ago today.
*Sheamus vs. Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho vs. Alberto Del Rio for the world title - Also likely a good match. With Jericho leaving, he's the least likely of the four to win. Any of the other three wouldn't be much of a surprise right now, but I sense the idea was to give Sheamus a longer run than just seven weeks. Originally Orton wasn't even in this match.
*R-Truth & Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger & Dolph Ziggler for the tag titles. Most of the other tag teams they've set up are heels, so in theory that favors R-Truth & Kingston. I like the idea of Swagger & Ziggler as pushed tag champs.
*Layla vs. Beth Phoenix for the Divas title. I expect this to be better than most PPV Divas matches.
There will probably be one or two matches added to the show. Cody Rhodes in particular as IC champion and Santino Marella as U.S. champion are conspicuous by their absence.
*Kane vs. Zack Ryder: You Tube prelim match. Likely to be more like a short TV squash style match.
This looks to have a shot at being a good show. Punk vs. Bryan is as close to a sure thing given their previous matches, as you're going to have on a show right now in the title picture. No doubt they will be very careful in booking Cena vs. Laurinaitis, because without it, it would have potential to not be very good. Plus, a crap match wouldn't be good for Laurinaitis' rep as a guy who was never really a big star (because in WWE, Japan stardom doesn't count even if it was in the 90s when Japan was strong).
--Josh Reddick of the Oakland A's, who is a big pro wrestling fan, predicted what will happen on tonight's Over the Limit show at
----Former WWE wrestlers Marc Copani (Mohammed Hassan) and Shad Gaspard have teamed up for a 255-page graphic novel called "Assassin and Son, Vol 1: Path of Vengeance." There's an easy joke about Nick Patrick in there. The urban western is set in New York with the main character being Donovan Braddock, a one-man killing unit who works with a team of assassins known as "The Horsemen." C'mon, the horseman? When Braddock tries to leave his old life behind, his wife is murdered in front of him and his young son, sending them looking for revenge. There is an excerpt up on youtube at You can also go to