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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.


Speaking of, this marks the 4th PPV this year, and 5th in a row in which the WHC nor WWE title were the final match of the show.

I think it all starts with reconditioning the audience. For years they've focused the product and all major storyline developments around Cena and whoever the heel of the month/moment is, so it's going to take quite some time for fans to really give a shit about anyone except Orton/Cena or whoever WWE wants you to cheer for.
Speaking of, this marks the 4th PPV this year, and 5th in a row in which the WHC nor WWE title were the final match of the show.

It's because Cena is the title guys, and now Big Johnny is the WWE World Heavyweight Cena Champion;


Glad I didn't stay up for that, main event sounds horrible. Will watch Punk/Bryan though, and fast forward the rest.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I want to know who's the agent that produces every Punk/DBRY match. They always end in a double finish except for the one time Jericho caused a DQ. One time is fine...two times..ok..you're pushing it but both were champs then so I see why you could do it...but ffs This was their 4th match in the last year with no clear winner >_>

Punk is the new Triple H. Never letting the young guys get over on him.


Refused to order the PPV because there is no way I'm going to pay and see Cena take on Johnny. If only I could put in a reason why I'm ordering the PPV to prove who the main draws were.


Punk is the new Triple H. Never letting the young guys get over on him.

Cena and Johnny just buried the entire roster by having Johnny last longer in the CENATF than anyone in the last 10 years, and you're worried about a double finish?

I still can't believe someone ok'd that spot. No one raised a hand and went "This is really fucking stupid, why should the GM be able to handle a submission hold that even Triple H and HBK have tapped out to?"


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Cena and Johnny just buried the entire roster by having Johnny last longer in the CENATF than anyone in the last 10 years, and you're worried about a double finish?

I still can't believe someone ok'd that spot. No one raised a hand and went "This is really fucking stupid, why should the GM be able to handle a submission hold that even Triple H and HBK have tapped out to?"

well when he uses it on guys like Triple H, you can see Cena straining and wrenching. Tonight it was like he applied it and didn't put any effort in pulling back which is fine with me. Cena was in troll mode so I can see why he didn't try for a tap out.


well when he uses it on guys like Triple H, you can see Cena straining and wrenching. Tonight it was like he applied it and didn't put any effort in pulling back which is fine with me. Cena was in troll mode so I can see why he didn't try for a tap out.

Yeah he took it easy on old Johnny Linus.

I think Cena was ontop of his game tonight.

Truly the most entertaining guy in the business right now.


I want to know who's the agent that produces every Punk/DBRY match. They always end in a double finish except for the one time Jericho caused a DQ. One time is fine...two times..ok..you're pushing it but both were champs then so I see why you could do it...but ffs This was their 4th match in the last year with no clear winner >_>

Punk is the new Triple H. Never letting the young guys get over on him.

Who are you trying to troll?


I'm watching Over the Limit right now, or was (I need some sleep it's very late). HOLY CRAP, it's awesome! From the pre-show on, everything has been spot on!

Let's start with Kane/Ryder. Zach Ryder gives this great all-or-nothing performance and he's looking good. Kane (naturally) seals the deal with the chokeslam but Ryder gets enough offense in where he doesn't look like a complete chump.

Then cut to Eve/Santino/Cody promo. Goddamn, Eve, you so fly. And the battle royale set-up is brilliant. A good way for everyone to see all of the wrestlers and get a solid mid-card match as bonus. I think announcing fewer matches for PPVs might be a good thing if it means cool surprises like this.

Cut to the Royale and holy shit, it's William motherfucking Regal! And then Christian! And some of my other favorites (the Usos, Darren Young and Titus Oneil). Match is a ton of fun too. I like this quick pace and I love how almost everyone showed off their gimmicks a bit. And Tyson Kidd, holy shit! He put on a goddamn clinic! The Miz was fun as well (he has great in ring charisma) when he tossed over Alex Riley. And I dug the tense ending even though a Christian win was a bit obvious at that point. I'm happy he chose the US Belt as well, if for no other reasons than Cody's smirks.

Cut to a great tag team championship match. I was a little disappointing going in that this wasn't a Darren Young and Titus Oneil match but it's cool, Ziggler and Swagger are awesome. This match was so well choreographed. Everyone just looked so badass. I haven't had this much fun with a tag team (other than Young and Oneil) in a long time. And I loved how long it was, I guess the WWE heard you guys wanting longer matches and gladly obliged. None of yall complained right? Excellent so far. Only quibble was King being downright obnoxious about Vicky. They need to tell him to shut up, not only is it not PG, but it's funny to no one.

Then the Diva's championship. I love Phoenix's entrance. She pulls that warrior stuff as well as Chyna ever did. The flip off the ropes, her confident swagger, she comes off as extremely confident in the right ways. I wouldn't mind some intergender matches with her (maybe with Ryder?). Then Layla, comes out looking damn good. She gives a kiss to a little girl on her entrance and you just see that girl light up. So sweet. And they put up a damn fine match. I like that it's acknowledged that Beth Phoenix is better but Layla's just on a lucky streak. Layla's neckbreaker being such a viscous looking move makes up for it always coming out of nowhere as well.

Just watched the short little promo before the 4-way and I dug how Jericho came off there as a contender. Very nicely done.

Other things of note: Booker and Cole are great together. So many great little commentary moments and their chemistry is definitely getting stronger. The kid with the YES shirt booing Ziggler was gold (that kid sadly has a smark dad). The John Laurinitis People Promo was amazing. That chart killed me. I'm going to finish this tomorrow morning and see what you guys managed to hate about this then.


Man, that Punk/Bryan match was great. I'm hoping for a rematch next month which is what the end hints at. It's sad to say that I'm not sure we'll be seeing it though.
I would love to see a Pepsi Plunge tease, just for kicks. I know they couldn't do it, but just Punk hooking the arms on the top rope before being countered would be awesome.
Omg Punk vs Byran was match of the forever! Knew it was gonna be good, but often things wont live up to the hype, I thought they were even better than expected!

So amazing, the crowd was totally into it as well.

Not the finish I expected/wanted, was Punk supposed to tap during the pinfall to make it a 'suspect' finish?

Either way, they GOTTA keep this shit going. Look at what they can do. I'm confident theres more to it than that. Looking forward to more. :D

Also AJ has to do something eventually lol. I'm confident THERE WILL BE A PAY OFF EVENTUALLY!

Gimme more.
The only thing wrong with that main event, really, was that it was the main event. There's really no freaking way it should have been ahead of Punk/Bryan, regardless of the fact that Cena is more important than the belts. I legit lol'd at this exchange though;

Cena: "OK, I'll be Cole and you be Book. Vintage John Cena! Vintage! What d'you say Booker?"

Johnny: "F....five time, five time..."


I want to know who's the agent that produces every Punk/DBRY match. They always end in a double finish except for the one time Jericho caused a DQ. One time is fine...two times..ok..you're pushing it but both were champs then so I see why you could do it...but ffs This was their 4th match in the last year with no clear winner >_>

Punk is the new Triple H. Never letting the young guys get over on him.
The Punk-Bryan match was great, but I do agree about the finish. They did this type of finish not long ago on an episode of Smackdown, where both men were thought of being victors. They were looking as if they wanted to do the same again, which essentially they did outside Punk's tap being .5 seconds after the pin.

It's messy overall. I'm sure there is a rematch but they need to start getting guys pinfall/submission. Stop being afraid.

The only thing wrong with that main event, really, was that it was the main event. There's really no freaking way it should have been ahead of Punk/Bryan, regardless of the fact that Cena is more important than the belts. I legit lol'd at this exchange though;
Besides the fact there wasn't wrestling and it was mostly a goofing off/talking on the mic event, it had no business being on the PPV period. It is something you would normally see on a Monday Night RAW. Why is got billing on a PPV like that is dumb as hell.


formerly cjelly
That was a surprisingly good PPV, actually, considering how utterly shit RAW has been lately.

I dunno why the Cena match had to be last on, it seemed like complete filler and the ending was as everybody predicted.


My guess is that Punk/Bryan wasn't last so that in the event the show was running late, they could cut parts of the Cena/Johnny match and not the Punk/Bryan match.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
That was a surprisingly good PPV, actually, considering how utterly shit RAW has been lately.

I dunno why the Cena match had to be last on, it seemed like complete filler and the ending was as everybody predicted.

Yeah agreed. People would have completely different feelings about the show if Cena - Johnny was on before Punk - Bryan.


My guess is that Punk/Bryan wasn't last so that in the event the show was running late, they could cut parts of the Cena/Johnny match and not the Punk/Bryan match.

What was their excuse for putting Cena above the title in every other PPV this year, then?

Also I just realized they didn't do anything with the AJ angle.


Here's my (futile) hope for Punk/Bryan

OTL: Punk wins in a fluke

No Way Out: Rematch, Bryan wins via heel tactics (AJ help?)

Summerslam: Final rematch, Bryan or Punk (I hope Bryan) wins clean.

Nice three month program, which also doesn't close the feud, just this part of it.

Punk/Bryan is the kind of feud you could have last for years, returning to it every once in a while, maybe once or twice every year.


Here's my (futile) hope for Punk/Bryan

OTL: Punk wins in a fluke

No Way Out: Rematch, Bryan wins via heel tactics (AJ help?)

Summerslam: Final rematch, Bryan or Punk (I hope Bryan) wins clean.

Nice three month program, which also doesn't close the feud, just this part of it.

Punk/Bryan is the kind of feud you could have last for years, returning to it every once in a while, maybe once or twice every year.

Nice three month program? WTF do you think this is? Ring of ****ing Honor?

CM Punk goes on to feud with Lord Albert Tensai while Daniel Bryan is jobbed alive by Funkasaurus or Ryback or Mason Ryan or a returning Batista.


Now about John Cena, he's the face of the wwe and all wwe does is treat him like he's some undercard dark match superstar. NO. Just stop.

John Cena...Undercard...Dark Match

Excuse me...


Nice three month program? WTF do you think this is? Ring of ****ing Honor?

CM Punk goes on to feud with Lord Albert Tensai while Daniel Bryan is jobbed alive by Funkasaurus or Ryback or Mason Ryan or a returning Batista.

Don't forget losing the WWE title to The Rock or Brock Lesner(or Cena) at some point. The WWE title can't stay in the midcard forever.


What a frustrating year this is.
I see great matches from all my favorites (Jericho/Bryan/Lesnar) only to see them lose again and again to talentless hacks like Cena and Sheamus.
What a frustrating year this is.
I see great matches from all my favorites (Jericho/Bryan/Lesnar) only to see them lose again and again to talentless hacks like Cena and Sheamus.

just remember, wins and losses mean nothing. ppv sales, crowd reactions and t shirt sales are what get people elevated. Bryan is higher than he's ever been before following two straight PPV losses.

Sheamus isn't talentless. lacking charisma maybe, but that's two good performances at the last two PPVs that i've witnessed. don't hold him accountable for the booking.


What are the chances that Punk vs. Bryan will continue on RAW tonight? As much as I want to see it, I'd rather it be given the proper PPV treatment. Going on for 30-45 minutes and actually main eventing.


What a frustrating year this is.
I see great matches from all my favorites (Jericho/Bryan/Lesnar) only to see them lose again and again to talentless hacks like Cena and Sheamus.

Calling Sheamus talentless simply because he has a lame gimmick and is overpushed is ridiculous.


more money than God
What are the chances that Punk vs. Bryan will continue on RAW tonight? As much as I want to see it, I'd rather it be given the proper PPV treatment. Going on for 30-45 minutes and actually main eventing.
I doubt they'll be main eventing, but it's obvious that it'll continue. They have to have them do something until SS.


So not worth it
You know what guys, I enjoyed this PPV.

Of course we already knew Cena would be the main event, so I'm neither surprised, nor dissapointed that it came to be.

The PPV was pretty awesome. First off, the return of Christian and subsequent IC Title win was great. He's a face again (I like how he just kinda changed his shirt back to the Peeps one and that's that, he's a face again), which is great. He's great in either role and seeing how I've been a Christian mark since forever I'm loving this. I hope we'll get at least three months worth of Cody vs. Christian out of this, because their match was pretty great.

The 4-way was good as well, though a bit standard they had plenty of good spots. Everyone looked good in the end and I'm kinda getting over my hate on Sheamus due to his WM win so good on him.

Also liked the Divas match, see WWE, just give them at least 5 minutes to work a decent match and tell a good story, it's all you need. Layla finally got at least some crowd response, which hopefully helps that point along to WWE HQ. 3 Hours of Raw coming up, start giving the Divas some extra time WWE!

No AJ interference, surprising, but at least she was on the show. Time to push this story ahead though. Turn her heel already, enough with the teasing already. Make her beat the crap out of Layla and win the Divas belt (clearly this needs to happen) and pair her back-up with Bryan, for the love of Christ WWE, GIVE ME WHAT I WANT!

Anyway, 5 star match was awesome. Enough said really, I wish every PPV could have a 25-30 minute wrestling match like this. They even got to work outside their 10-signature move limit. Good job Vince, you're slowly but surely getting it, aren't you? Other then that, I'll gladly join JR in his twitter comment:
Jim Ross: “Give em more time! Most decisions in 30 or 60 minutes! @CMPunk retains by eyelash. @wwedanielbryan freakish..Punk best in the world.”
Vince, listen to this man. He knows his stuff, which is probably why you're not keeping him around as much. Give me a 60 minutes Iron Match between these two at No Way Out! DO IT! DO IT! FEED ME MORE! FINISH IT VINCE! Sorry, went into Ryberg mode there for a second.

Finally, the main event. It went on way too long, should've done 10 minutes less of this. But that said, I must admit I did laugh at some bits I'm afraid. I'm just really a 10-year old kid humor-wise I guess. I laughed hard at that commentary thing btw. 5 times... 5 times... Come on, Johnny Ace is a comedic genious, I bet that was all his idea! Just, don't do this again WWE. Have the Big Show vs. Cena feud now and leave it at that, okay? Also, stop putting Cena over great wrestling main events. Cena-fans will buy the PPV regardless of the position on the card and your title should mean more then this. One of these days Cena is gonna really break his arm or get depressed over his divorce and he's not gonna be able to Rise Above it for half a year and then what? Build. More. Stars.

That is all, 7/10. Not the best PPV of the year, but it was more entertaining then I'd expected it to be.
People complaining that WWE putting Cena match is laughable at best.

Yes, what an outlandish idea to expect the best match on the card to be the main event. Crazy! It's as if people feel the show should build steadily in quality towards the final match of the card. What nonsense!

Linkified said:
Things that affect power of the Universe > WWE Championships.

So just get rid of the damn championships already if they're so worthless. The 'WWE Universe' really is atypical to the wider world of wrestling, where the power to call the shots, to be the star of the show, to earn the most money, etc, is represented by championship gold.
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