Only what you consider worthy huh? I can only imagine...
Kane tried to blast a fireball from his weary hands, nothing happened, Kane stood shocked at this turn of events, Daniel Bryan was right to stand his ground for he knew there was no such thing as the supernatural. "This cannot be! no this is MY gimmick" Kane exclaimed with fear at his great loss, a smug grin crept across Bryan's face "Kane, you cannot shoot fire, in fact you never could, you don't even exist, there is no place in modern day wrestling for the likes of you, begone, I shall make you tap not with my submissions but with my words, YES! YES! YES!YES!"
"NOOOOOOOO" echoed Kane as he vanished into the ether, the WWE fans were now free from the illusion.
Tell me i'm wrong Net!
A+++, SSS combo, X Factor, would read again.