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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.


One day, Aiii, the Netherlands will see the error in their ways and legalize Wrasslin. Until then, be strong and don't get caught.

Aii, is watching wrestling only allowed on coffee shops? Is it just so people will watch it while getting high and then won't be able to complain about the shit they're watching


So not worth it
Aii, is watching wrestling only allowed on coffee shops? Is it just so people will watch it while getting high and then won't be able to complain about the shit they're watching

If only that were the case. Unfortunatly wrestling is way too underground for something as mainstream as smoking weed. :(


TDKR is the same old shit,Batman overcomes the odds.

Poor Wrasslegaf, Kane is buggin em.

I for one support this trend and the AJ trend.

You guys are a lot nicer than MMA gaf who treated me pretty badly after only one post saying hello.

So much for community love.


more money than God
TDKR is the same old shit,Batman overcomes the odds.

Poor Wrasslegaf, Kane is buggin em.

I for one support this trend and the AJ trend.

You guys are a lot nicer than MMA gaf who treated me pretty badly after only one post saying hello.

So much for community love.
The Kane and AJ Kliq Alliance will protect you!


So not worth it
The Kane and AJ Kliq Alliance will protect you!

Joker Sting.

Joker. Sting. Versus. Bobby. Roode.

Let that sink in for a second.

Brooke Hogan.



TNA is watchable. It's still a long way from being good.

Do better Dixie!

Compared to WWE of the last few months (minus the Punk/Bryan match), TNA is good. Would you rather watch Joker Sting vs. Roode or Cena vs Big Show? Hell, I'd rather watch a Velvet Sky match then Cena vs. Big Show


Sting is no longer Joker Sting
He looks more like a clown zombie / angry and unable to apply make up properly sting
I think he changed his makeup and stopped with the joker gimmick when he got dropped onto his head on a chair


However tna havent fixed their graphics and still use the joker image

What the fuck? Explain this to me!

Not my idea man, as I said earlier this is some corporate ministry level stuff going on here which isn't a good thing.

And a word of warning to TNA's newly reclaimed fanbase, the moment you all start saying it's good again is the moment they do what they do every year and plunge off a cliff so maybe keep that on the hush and act like it still sucks, I don't want to deal with the fallout next month when Garrett Bischoff wins the main belt while also being Tag Team champs with Hogan and Brooke is knockout champ.


WWE Smackdown house show results
May 25th, 2012
Guadalajara, Mexico
Report by Pablo, PWTorch reader

The Arena VFG was about 75 percent full capacity. Lilian Garcia welcomed us in Spanish, saying we should look forward for a great show tonight.

(1) IC champion Christian beat Cody Rhodes to retain the Intercontinental Title. Good reception for Christian; some heat joined by cheers from the ladies for Cody Rhodes. The match started with both men fooling around, trying to get the crowd behind them, which Christian won. Christian then won the match with the Killswitch.

(2) Drew McIntyre beat Yoshi Tatsu. McIntyre was received with cheers from the crowd; there was no reception at all for Tatsu. McIntyre won with his Double-Arm DDT.

(3) The Great Khali beat Jinder Mahal. No reaction at all for Mahal, while there were cheers for Khali. Mahal tried some kicks to Khali's legs, but Khali ended up winning with a double-hand chokeslam.

(4) Big Show beat Ezekiel Jackson. Show made his entrance to a huge pop, but he cut a promo (using Lilian as a translator), saying that he doesn't like us anymore, and that he is going to destroy Cena at the No Way Out PPV.

(5) U.S. champion Santino Marella beat Jack Swagger to retain U.S. Title with Mick Foley as special guest referee. Foley was introduced as a referee, but ended up more as a manager for Marella. Usual Marella match, with spots for the crowd and finishing with a Cobra. Afterward, Foley put on his sock and gave Swagger the Mandible Claw. Note: There was no crowd reaction for Foley, which, personally, upset me.

(6) Randy Orton beat Kane in a No DQ match. Huge pop for Orton. Nice match; they used a kendo stick and several chairs. Orton won with an RKO.

(7) Divas champion Layla beat Natalya to retain the Divas Title. Normal Divas match, but there was a nice spot where Layla did a scissors head, followed by a good roll-up.

(8) Sin Cara & Tyson Kidd beat Hunico & Camacho. Huge pop for Hunico and Camacho, until they told us that they didn't like the fact that Sin Cara represents Mexican people, when he should be the one to do that. Kidd made his entrance to no reaction; Sin Cara came out to a huge pop. Nice match, probably the show-stealer. Nice lucha spots, with a tope from Hunico and several huracanranas from Cara. Cara won with La Mistica on Hunico.

Lilian thanked us all for attending, and said WWE will return in October; she said it was time for the main event.

(9) World Hvt. champion Sheamus beat Daniel Bryan and Alberto Del Rio in a Triple Threat match to retain the World Hvt. Title. Mixed reception for Bryan (he joined me in shouting "Yes! Yes!"). Huge pop for Del Rio, and he didn't do any promo. Huge pop for Sheamus. The match included nice spots with enziguiris from Del Rio and a Yes! Lock from Bryan on Sheamus. But, Sheamus won with a Bicycle Kick on Bryan.

Biggest Pops: Sheamus, Orton, Del Rio, Sin Cara.

Biggest Heat: Show (after his promo), Hunico (after his promo).

WWE Raw house show results
May 26th, 2012
Quito, Ecuador
Results submitted by Cohen, PWTorch correspondent

These were the same matches from WWE's show in Guayaquil, Ecuador the previous night.

(1) Brodus Clay beat JTG.

(2) Mason Ryan beat Alex Riley.

(3) Michael McGillicuty beat Curt Hawkins.

(4) David Otunga beat Zack Ryder.

(5) WWE tag champions R-Truth & Kofi Kingston beat Primo & Epico to retain the WWE Tag Titles.

(6) Beth Phoenix beat Kelly Kelly.

(7) John Cena beat Dolph Ziggler (w/Mason Ryan). Laurinaitis and Otunga tried to interfere to cost Cena the match, but Ziggler missed Cena with a superkick and hit Laurinaitis instead. Cena then hit the Attitude Adjustment on Ziggler for the win.

(8) WWE champion C.M. Punk beat The Miz in a No DQ to retain the WWE Title. Miz replaced Jericho in the main event following Jericho's suspension.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_DapsLQsPk
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acIFBt8LrJY (awesome Ameno remix!)
Hasn't the Ziggler w/ Mason Ryan duo happened more than a few times on house shows recently? Is it more to the fun for house shows thing or are they going to transition that eventually?


Oh no :(

Brock Lesnar and Dana White met last night. We don't have any details other than the meeting did not go well. If Lesnar being at UFC is mentioned on Raw, then I'd guess it's WWE angle. If it's not, then it's anyone's guess what the game being played is, other than there is a game being played.


--Brock Lesnar and Dana White met last night. We don't have any details other than the meeting did not go well. If Lesnar being at UFC is mentioned on Raw, then I'd guess it's WWE angle. If it's not, then it's anyone's guess what the game being played is, other than there is a game being played.

--The TLC PPV on 12/16 will be from the new Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY, so with No Way Out coming in a few weeks, WWE is going to be promoting a strong New York presence of this year leading into WrestleMania.

--Natalya of WWE game turned 30 today while Eric Bischoff turned 57.

--Shelton Benjamin & John Morrison vs. Primo & Epico was announced for the 6/30 Anniversario show of the WWC in Bayamon, PR. Primo & Epico have in their WWE deals that they are allowed to work a few shows per year for WWC.

--WWE is searching for a Creative Director for the new TV network. You need seven years of network level promotional experience and five years in producing, writing and editing of a creative team, as well as a strong background in advertising, video production and post production.

--The company is also looking for a Public Affairs Manager as a temporary position to join the public relations and corporate communications team. The person would manage day-to-day activities of corporate communications and public affairs. I have a feeling this person will be in the thick of things as Vince McMahon has wanted the company to get aggressive against the media members who write bad things about the company in relation to the Linda McMahon senatorial campaign. There is a feeling she lost the election because of a negative image of wrestling thrown around in the campaign. Right now they are trying to set an example with Chris Powell, who wrote a few days ago in a column that Linda McMahon made her money on violence, pornography and general raunch. Neither Powell nor the paper have issued a retraction. The idea is to keep local reporters from writing the kind of negative articles on wrestling, and tying McMahon to them, in this campaign. It's not as much about a lawsuit, although nobody will say that, as a much as a scare tactic. The story has gotten media play across the state in the past few days.

--Stacy Keibler will be a guest on The View on Thursday.
Oh no :(

Brock Lesnar and Dana White met last night. We don't have any details other than the meeting did not go well. If Lesnar being at UFC is mentioned on Raw, then I'd guess it's WWE angle. If it's not, then it's anyone's guess what the game being played is, other than there is a game being played.

Well, that's that, I guess. The fun's over.


As I said last night, this is all part of an angle. I'd be shocked if it wasn't Heyman's idea to have Brock appear last night and they told Dana to just roll with it and make it seem like something is going on. There's no way he's fighting for UFC. He's done in the cage after those last few fights and Vince wouldn't take that chance anyways, especially with Rock's status for Mania next year and the shows leading up to it already being in limbo.

Brock might do some "analysis" work for UFC later this year and tease a potential fight, but he's done in the cage.


Vince Russo interview:

Inside The Ropes Radio with Vince Russo
Show airs Thursday nights at 10:00 p.m.
Available at Facebook.com/theinsidenetwork.

How he got his start in WWF: 'I was doing a wrestling radio show in Long Island, New York which I was Funding with my own money. I started running out of money. I wrote a letter to Linda McMahon, knowing if I wrote to Vince he probably wouldn’t answer it. I wrote a letter to Linda McMahon introducing myself, telling her what I was doing and saying I’d love an opportunity in the World Wrestling Federation at that time."

WWF being stuck in same rut as 1995: "Here we are, twenty years later almost and in my opinion the wrestling business is at the same exact spot. In my opinion at that time WWE was about ten years behind with what was going on in society at that time. I feel here we are in 2012, and I feel that the wrestling industry is at the same exact place, I think time has passed them by. They’ve become irrelevant. There’s nobody willing to make the changes that need to be made to bring the product up to speed."

What led to Vince going with the Attitude idea and pushing the envelope: "I remember it was a Raw where it was being simulcasted they were shooting in the States and overseas. The rating came in the next day and it was rock bottom, it was maybe a 2.1, I mean it was really really bad. I went into work the next day and literally as soon as I sat down at my desk, Vince’s assistant called me that he wanted to see me. I went up to Vince’s office, he had all his key people in the room. He had the Raw magazine in his hand. I was worried, I was ready to be fired. He took that Raw magazine and slammed it down on the desk and said “this is what the show need to be” I was absolutely shocked. I thought it was going the other way. I had no dream that it was going to go that way."

Was the original plan for WrestleMania XV to be triple threat Austin/Rock/Foley: "Absolutely. That’s the way it was booked but someone who wasn’t involved had a very different opinion about it and they kinda got in Vince’s ear and Austin’s ear and next thing I know Mick was out the picture, I wasn’t happy about it, I thought Mick deserved it, but you do what the boss tells you so we made the change.

Just to clarify, was it Shawn Michaels that was in Austin and Vince’s ear: "Could have been..."

Did Ferrara’s Oklahoma gimmick go too far?: Absolutely. There’s no question about it. But that’s where it was at the time. I look at that now and I think ‘how could you do that?’ Thankfully I’ve had probably 3 or 4 conversations with JR since, I was able to apologize and get it all off my chest. Being 51, looking back at that now, yeah it was wrong."

Seeing title belts as props: "The first time I saw wrestling, it was clear to me it was entertainment. I knew it wasn’t real. The characters were great, over the top. The storylines were straight out of soap opera digest. To me, it was entertainment and that’s why it always was. You have this title belt, it’s not real, these matches aren’t real, nobody is winning this belt. We’re writing it that way. So you use that belt as part of the entertainment. I feel that way to this day. When I saw Capt. Lou Albano and the Valiants, I got it, I understood what it was. That was always my philosophy."

Why have TNA struggles to create their own brand name stars?: "Because I think there’s a lack of patience. Ratings don’t happen overnight. Ratings happen when you commit to something and you stay the course. That’s why the attitude era worked. Vince stuck with it, we didn’t let the rating affect us on a weekly basis, we rode it out. Unfortunately, that was never the mindset at TNA. There was a lot of emphasis on the rating week to week, then creative is being directed to jump all over the place. It might take a year, but if you stay with it and believe in it, it’s going to work. It’s not going to work if every six weeks or two months you’re changing course and going in a different direction. I feel TNA have been guilty of that for a very long time."

Russo, Bischoff and Hogan in TNA together – Why didn’t it work?: "It’s simple, you can’t have these three strong personalities in opinions working together, you can’t. I worked very peacefully with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff. In working together like that, everyone really trying hard to get along and wanting to get along, what each person is doing, is compromising your ideas and beliefs so everyone gets along. In my opinion its not a good was to business. There needs to be one boss, laying out the direction. If it’s working great, if it’s not, get rid of him and bring the next guy in. I’m a firm believer in that. In my opinion all these cooks in the kitchen, trying to get along, you end up with a product that’s very vanilla."

Was it the “too many cooks in the kitchen” that led you to leave TNA?: "Yeah, it was. It was kinda like, OK it was, me, Eric and Hulk, that’s cool. Then you’re gonna bring in Bruce Prichard. It gets to a point where it’s too much. It gets to a point where I feel like I’m wasting your time and I’m wasting my time because I can’t be the real Vince Russo. You’re not getting what you paid for. Once another chef was added to that kitchen, I just took a step back, and for the good of the company somebody had to bow out and I decided it would be me."

Anything he wanted to do in TNA that he couldn’t?: "To be me. Not compromise myself. The only time in my career that I was successful was in the WWF. Vince McMahon gave me the ball and he let me run with it. There were no committees. There was no 6 other peoples opinions. He trusted me, he gave me the ball. That was the only time in my career that I was allowed to work that way. I know what kind of environment I need to be put in to be successful. Committees in the wrestling business, do not work. Someone need to show me a committee in the last 15 years that worked. You need to have a head writer, let him bring in his crew, if they run with it and it’s a pass great, if they fail, get rid of them. Anything else is going to be vanilla and is going to be a so-so product which is what you’re seeing now in the wrestling business and not just in TNA."

Is the bad relationship with Jim Cornette due to different philosophies?: "It definitely is. The relationship isn’t bad on both parts. I don’t have a problem in the world with him. I don’t bad mouth him, I never have. It lies with him, not with me. All it is, is different philosophies. I think for some reason Jim has taken it to the extreme. That’s his deal, that’s not mine."

Quick Fire Thoughts:
Hulk Hogan – Legend. He is the guy.
Ric Flair – I think of wrestling
Sting – Out of those, I had the closest relationship with him, I think of gentleman.
Dixie Carter – Confused
Jim Cornette – Great wrestling mind
Vince McMahon – The creator


So not worth it
It's amazing, though not very surprising after watching her in FCW, how over AJ is in the company after just one year. Now all she needs is the divas title and her heel turn and we finally have our next Lita. Yay AJ!


more money than God
It's amazing, though not very surprising after watching her in FCW, how over AJ is in the company after just one year. Now all she needs is the divas title and her heel turn and we finally have our next Lita. Yay AJ!
The next Lita, you say?

An amazing quote

That's only because Vince was reliable as a filter back then, for the most part. Now though? All of Russo's stupid crap would get right through if they had the same working relationship.

Russo's "genius" comes from throwing lots of crap at a wall and seeing what sticks. If he's left truly unchecked, the show would look like 2 hours at an insane asylum. Crash TV would still be more entertaining than Raw 2012, though.

Bobo, where you at? Your guy Russo is self aware now.
That's only because Vince was reliable as a filter back then, for the most part. Now though? All of Russo's stupid crap would get right through if they had the same working relationship.

Russo's "genius" comes from throwing lots of crap at a wall and seeing what sticks. If he's left truly unchecked, the show would look like 2 hours at an insane asylum. Crash TV would still be more entertaining than Raw 2012, though.

Bobo, where you at? Your guy Russo is self aware now.



That's only because Vince was reliable as a filter back then, for the most part. Now though? All of Russo's stupid crap would get right through if they had the same working relationship.

Russo's "genius" comes from throwing lots of crap at a wall and seeing what sticks. If he's left truly unchecked, the show would look like 2 hours at an insane asylum. Crash TV would still be more entertaining than Raw 2012, though.

Bobo, where you at? Your guy Russo is self aware now.
Yet predictably he claims he was given free reign in WWF by Vince, and that's why he was successful there.

In reality it was WCW he was given free reign in, and we all know how it went.


Yet predictably he claims he was given free reign in WWF by Vince, and that's why he was successful there.

In reality it was WCW he was given free reign in, and we all know how it went.

LOL, yeah just listen to the review wai April 10 WCW revie and everyone will see what happens when he is given free reign.

Also, youtube is good for finding old raws in 1999 like the debut of Jericho promo that could easily work today.
Yet predictably he claims he was given free reign in WWF by Vince, and that's why he was successful there.

In reality it was WCW he was given free reign in, and we all know how it went.

He was not given free reign in WCW whatsoever.

Turner Standards & Practices were up his ass about everything he did.
Yet predictably he claims he was given free reign in WWF by Vince, and that's why he was successful there.

In reality it was WCW he was given free reign in, and we all know how it went.

I don't think Russo has ever truly been given "free reign," just different people in charge of him and how they let him write. It worked out in the Attitude Era because it was like a 3 person team with DIRECTION and Vince had his head on relatively straight. WCW was a mess of politics and egos, and TNA only gave him a small window of "unchecked Russo" before Bischogan took control in 2010.
I think he says free reign in WWE compared cause in WWE, u only answer to Vince, in WCW it was turner/nash/hogan, and tna its dixie/hogan/bichoff/pritchard/half the "Seniors"
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